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# php-docker
dev/v8.0 [![Build Status](https://drone.nick-slowinski.de/api/badges/robotter112.de/php-docker/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/dev/v8.0)](https://drone.nick-slowinski.de/robotter112.de/php-docker) - release/v8.0 [![Build Status](https://drone.nick-slowinski.de/api/badges/robotter112.de/php-docker/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/release/v8.0)](https://drone.nick-slowinski.de/robotter112.de/php-docker)
## Purpose
This project is a custom PHP-FPM Docker image for use on the servers of [robotter112.de](https://robotter112.de).
## Included modules (in addition to the standard version)
* zip
* ssh2
* pdo_mysql
* mysqli
## Contribute
It is very unlikely, but contributions from outside are welcome.
For your **first** pull request, please enter your name in the *CONTRIBUTORS* file in the format "Name <your@e-mail.tld>" at the end of the file.
Expected workflow is: Fork -> Patch -> Push -> Pull Request
## License
This project is licensed under the *GNU General Public License*. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for the complete license text.