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Before you run mailcow: dockerized, there are a few requirements that you should check:

  • WARNING: When you want to run the dockerized version on your Debian 8 (Jessie) box you should consider switching to the kernel 4.9 from jessie backports because there is a bug (kernel panic) with the kernel 3.16 when running docker containers with healthchecks!
  • Mailcow: dockerized requires some ports to be open for incomming connections, so make sure that your firewall is not bloking these. Also make sure that no other application is interferring with mailcow's configuration.
  • A correct DNS setup is crucial to every good mailserver setup, so please make sure you got at least the basis covered bevore you begin!

Minimum System Resources

Please make sure that your system has at least the following resources:

Resource mailcow-dockerized
RAM                     1 GiB        
Disk 5 GiB
System Type x86_64

Firewall & Ports

Please check if any of mailcow's standard ports are open and not blocked by other applications:

netstat -tulpn | grep -E -w '25|80|110|143|443|465|587|993|995'

If this command returns any results please remove or stop the application running on that port. You may also adjust mailcows ports via the mailcow.conf configuration file.

If you have a firewall already up and running please make sure that these ports are open for incomming connections:

Service Protocol Port Container
Postfix Submission TCP 587 postfix-mailcow
Postfix SMTPS TCP 465 postfix-mailcow
Postfix SMTP TCP 25 postfix-mailcow
Dovecot IMAP TCP 143 dovecot-mailcow
Dovecot IMAPS TCP 993 dovecot-mailcow
Dovecot POP3 TCP 110 dovecot-mailcow
Dovecot POP3S TCP 995 dovecot-mailcow
Dovecot ManageSieve TCP 4190 dovecot-mailcow
HTTP(S) TCP 80/443 nginx-mailcow