2022-12-15 15:31:09 +01:00

354 Zeilen
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Rspamd is used for AV handling, DKIM signing and SPAM handling. It's a powerful and fast filter system. For a more in-depth documentation on Rspamd please visit its [own documentation](
## Learn Spam & Ham
Rspamd learns mail as spam or ham when you move a message in or out of the junk folder to any mailbox besides trash.
This is achieved by using the Sieve plugin "sieve_imapsieve" and parser scripts.
Rspamd also auto-learns mail when a high or low score is detected (see We configured the plugin to keep a sane ratio between spam and ham learns.
The bayes statistics are written to Redis as keys `BAYES_HAM` and `BAYES_SPAM`.
Besides bayes, a local fuzzy storage is used to learn recurring patterns in text or images that indicate ham or spam.
You can also use Rspamd's web UI to learn ham and / or spam or to adjust certain settings of Rspamd.
### Learn Spam or Ham from existing directory
You can use a one-liner to learn mail in plain-text (uncompressed) format:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
# Ham
for file in /my/folder/cur/*; do docker exec -i $(docker compose ps -q rspamd-mailcow) rspamc learn_ham < $file; done
# Spam
for file in /my/folder/.Junk/cur/*; do docker exec -i $(docker compose ps -q rspamd-mailcow) rspamc learn_spam < $file; done
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
# Ham
for file in /my/folder/cur/*; do docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q rspamd-mailcow) rspamc learn_ham < $file; done
# Spam
for file in /my/folder/.Junk/cur/*; do docker exec -i $(docker-compose ps -q rspamd-mailcow) rspamc learn_spam < $file; done
Consider attaching a local folder as new volume to `rspamd-mailcow` in `docker-compose.yml` and learn given files inside the container. This can be used as workaround to parse compressed data with zcat. Example:
for file in /data/old_mail/.Junk/cur/*; do rspamc learn_spam < zcat $file; done
### Reset learned data (Bayes, Neural)
You need to delete keys in Redis to reset learned data, so create a copy of your Redis database now:
**Backup database**
# It is better to stop Redis before you copy the file.
cp /var/lib/docker/volumes/mailcowdockerized_redis-vol-1/_data/dump.rdb /root/
**Reset Bayes data**
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern BAYES_* | xargs redis-cli del'
docker compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern RS* | xargs redis-cli del'
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern BAYES_* | xargs redis-cli del'
docker-compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern RS* | xargs redis-cli del'
**Reset Neural data**
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern rn_* | xargs redis-cli del'
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose exec redis-mailcow sh -c 'redis-cli --scan --pattern rn_* | xargs redis-cli del'
**Reset Fuzzy data**
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
# We need to enter the redis-cli first:
docker compose exec redis-mailcow redis-cli
# In redis-cli:> EVAL "for i, name in ipairs('KEYS', ARGV[1])) do'DEL', name); end" 0 fuzzy*
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
# We need to enter the redis-cli first:
docker-compose exec redis-mailcow redis-cli
# In redis-cli:> EVAL "for i, name in ipairs('KEYS', ARGV[1])) do'DEL', name); end" 0 fuzzy*
If redis-cli complains about...
(error) ERR wrong number of arguments for 'del' command
...the key pattern was not found and thus no data is available to delete - it is fine.
## CLI tools
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose exec rspamd-mailcow rspamc --help
docker compose exec rspamd-mailcow rspamadm --help
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose exec rspamd-mailcow rspamc --help
docker-compose exec rspamd-mailcow rspamadm --help
## Disable Greylisting
Only messages with a higher score will be considered to be greylisted (soft rejected). It is bad practice to disable greylisting.
You can disable greylisting server-wide by editing:
Add the line:
enabled = false;
Save the file and restart "rspamd-mailcow":
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
## Spam filter thresholds (global)
Each user is able to change [their spam rating individually](../mailcow-UI/ To define a new **server-wide** limit, edit `data/conf/rspamd/local.d/actions.conf`:
reject = 15;
add_header = 8;
greylist = 7;
Save the file and restart "rspamd-mailcow":
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
Existing settings of users will not be overwritten!
To reset custom defined thresholds, run:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
source mailcow.conf
docker compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel';"
# or:
docker compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel' and object = '';"
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
source mailcow.conf
docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel';"
# or:
docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel' and object = '';"
source mailcow.conf
docker compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel';"
# or:
# docker compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel' and object = '';"
## Custom reject messages
The default spam reject message can be changed by adding a new file `data/conf/rspamd/override.d/` with the following content:
reject_message = "My custom reject message";
Save the file and restart Rspamd:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
While the above works for rejected mails with a high spam score, prefilter reject actions will ignore this setting. For these maps, the multimap module in Rspamd needs to be adjusted:
1. Find prefilet reject symbol for which you want change message, to do it run: `grep -R "SYMBOL_YOU_WANT_TO_ADJUST" /opt/mailcow-dockerized/data/conf/rspamd/`
2. Add your custom message as new line:
type = "rcpt";
map = "${LOCAL_CONFDIR}/custom/";
regexp = true;
prefilter = true;
action = "reject";
message = "Sending mail to this recipient is prohibited by postmaster@your.domain";
3. Save the file and restart Rspamd:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
## Discard instead of reject
If you want to silently drop a message, create or edit the file `data/conf/rspamd/override.d/` and add the following content:
discard_on_reject = true;
Restart Rspamd:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
## Wipe all ratelimit keys
If you don't want to use the UI and instead wipe all keys in the Redis database, you can use redis-cli for that task:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose exec redis-mailcow sh
# Unlink (available in Redis >=4.) will delete in the backgronud
redis-cli --scan --pattern RL* | xargs redis-cli unlink
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose exec redis-mailcow sh
# Unlink (available in Redis >=4.) will delete in the backgronud
redis-cli --scan --pattern RL* | xargs redis-cli unlink
Restart Rspamd:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow
## Trigger a resend of quarantine notifications
Should be used for debugging only!
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose exec dovecot-mailcow bash
mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "update quarantine set notified = 0;"
redis-cli -h redis DEL Q_LAST_NOTIFIED
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose exec dovecot-mailcow bash
mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "update quarantine set notified = 0;"
redis-cli -h redis DEL Q_LAST_NOTIFIED
## Increase history retention
By default Rspamd keeps 1000 elements in the history.
The history is stored compressed.
It is recommended not to use a disproportionate high value here, try something along 5000 or 10000 and see how your server handles it:
Edit `data/conf/rspamd/local.d/history_redis.conf`:
nrows = 1000; # change this value
Restart Rspamd afterwards:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"
``` bash
docker compose restart rspamd-mailcow
=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"
``` bash
docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow