2023-06-14 00:53:38 +02:00

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You don't need to change the Nginx site that comes with mailcow: dockerized. mailcow: dockerized trusts the default gateway IP as proxy.

Make sure you change HTTP_BIND and HTTPS_BIND in mailcow.conf to a local address and set the ports accordingly, for example:


This will also change the bindings inside the Nginx container! This is important, if you decide to use a proxy within Docker.

IMPORTANT: Do not use port 8081, 9081 or 65510!

Recreate affected containers by running the command:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

``` bash
docker compose up -d

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

``` bash
docker-compose up -d

Important information, please read them carefully!

!!! info If you plan to use a reverse proxy and want to use another server name that is not MAILCOW_HOSTNAME, you need to read Adding additional server names for mailcow UI below.

!!! warning Make sure you run before you enable any site configuration examples. The script copies snake-oil certificates to the correct location, so the services will not fail to start due to missing files.

!!! warning If you enable TLS SNI (ENABLE_TLS_SNI in mailcow.conf), the certificate paths in your reverse proxy must match the correct paths in data/assets/ssl/{hostname}. The certificates will be split into data/assets/ssl/{hostname1,hostname2,etc} and therefore will not work when you copy the examples from below pointing to data/assets/ssl/cert.pem etc.

!!! info Using the site configuration examples will forward ACME requests to mailcow and let it handle certificates itself. The downside of using mailcow as ACME client behind a reverse proxy is, that you will need to reload your webserver after acme-mailcow changed/renewed/created the certificate. You can either reload your webserver daily or write a script to watch the file for changes. On many servers logrotate will reload the webserver daily anyway.

If you want to use a local certbot installation, you will need to change the SSL certificate parameters accordingly.
**Make sure you run a post-hook script** when you decide to use external ACME clients. You will find [an example](#optional-post-hook-script-for-non-mailcow-acme-clients) below.

Configure your local webserver as reverse proxy using following configuration examples:

Optional: Post-hook script for non-mailcow ACME clients

Using a local certbot (or any other ACME client) requires to restart some containers, you can do this with a post-hook script. Make sure you change the paths accordingly:

cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.domain.tld/fullchain.pem /opt/mailcow-dockerized/data/assets/ssl/cert.pem
cp /etc/letsencrypt/live/my.domain.tld/privkey.pem /opt/mailcow-dockerized/data/assets/ssl/key.pem
postfix_c=$(docker ps -qaf name=postfix-mailcow)
dovecot_c=$(docker ps -qaf name=dovecot-mailcow)
nginx_c=$(docker ps -qaf name=nginx-mailcow)
docker restart ${postfix_c} ${dovecot_c} ${nginx_c}

Adding additional server names for mailcow UI

If you plan to use a server name that is not MAILCOW_HOSTNAME in your reverse proxy, make sure to populate that name in mailcow.conf via ADDITIONAL_SERVER_NAMES first. Names must be separated by commas and must not contain spaces. If you skip this step, mailcow may respond to your reverse proxy with an incorrect site.


Run the following command to apply:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

``` bash
docker compose up -d

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

``` bash
docker-compose up -d