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# Integration tests
This allows running integration tests using [Playwright](
It usse its own [test.env](/test/scenarios/test.env) with different ports to not collide with a running dev instance.
## Install
This rely on `docker` and the `compose` [plugin](
Databases (`Mariadb`, `Mysql` and `Postgres`) and `Playwright` will run in containers.
### Running Playwright outside docker
It's possible to run `Playwright` outside of the container, this remove the need to rebuild the image for each change.
You'll additionally need `nodejs` then run:
npm install
npx playwright install-deps
npx playwright install firefox
## Usage
To run all the tests:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright
To force a rebuild of the Playwright image:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --env-file test.env build Playwright
To access the ui to easily run test individually and debug if needed (will not work in docker):
npx playwright test --ui
### DB
Projects are configured to allow to run tests only on specific database.
You can use:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=mariadb
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=mysql
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=postgres
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=sqlite
### SSO
To run the SSO tests:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project sso-sqlite
### Keep services running
If you want you can keep the Db and Keycloak runnning (states are not impacted by the tests):
PW_KEEP_SERVICE_RUNNNING=true npx playwright test
### Running specific tests
To run a whole file you can :
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=sqlite tests/login.spec.ts
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=sqlite login
To run only a specifc test (It might fail if it has dependency):
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=sqlite -g "Account creation"
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env run Playwright test --project=sqlite tests/login.spec.ts:16
## Writing scenario
When creating new scenario use the recorder to more easily identify elements (in general try to rely on visible hint to identify elements and not hidden ids).
This does not start the server, you will need to start it manually.
npx playwright codegen ""
## Override web-vault
It's possible to change the `web-vault` used by referencing a different `bw_web_builds` commit.
export PW_WV_REPO_URL=
export PW_WV_COMMIT_HASH=8707dc76df3f0cceef2be5bfae37bb29bd17fae6
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker compose --profile playwright --env-file test.env build Playwright
# OpenID Connect test setup
Additionnaly this `docker-compose` template allow to run locally `VaultWarden`, [Keycloak]( and [Maildev]( to test OIDC.
## Setup
This rely on `docker` and the `compose` [plugin](
First create a copy of `.env.template` as `.env` (This is done to prevent commiting your custom settings, Ex `SMTP_`).
## Usage
Then start the stack (the `profile` is required to run `Vaultwarden`) :
> docker compose --profile vaultwarden --env-file .env up
keycloakSetup_1 | Logging into as user admin of realm master
keycloakSetup_1 | Created new realm with id 'test'
keycloakSetup_1 | 74af4933-e386-4e64-ba15-a7b61212c45e
oidc_keycloakSetup_1 exited with code 0
Wait until `oidc_keycloakSetup_1 exited with code 0` which indicate the correct setup of the Keycloak realm, client and user (It's normal for this container to stop once the configuration is done).
Then you can access :
- `VaultWarden` on with the default user ``.
- `Keycloak` on with the default user `admin/admin`
- `Maildev` on
To proceed with an SSO login after you enter the email, on the screen prompting for `Master Password` the SSO button should be visible.
To use your computer external ip (for example when testing with a phone) you will have to configure `KC_HTTP_HOST` and `DOMAIN`.
## Running only Keycloak
You can run just `Keycloak` with `--profile keycloak`:
> docker compose --profile keycloak --env-file .env up
When running with a local VaultWarden and the default `web-vault` you'll need to make the SSO button visible using :
sed -i 's#a\[routerlink="/sso"\],##' web-vault/app/main.*.css
Otherwise you'll need to reveal the SSO login button using the debug console (F12)
document.querySelector('a[routerlink="/sso"]').style.setProperty("display", "inline-block", "important");
## Rebuilding the Vaultwarden
To force rebuilding the Vaultwarden image you can run
docker compose --profile vaultwarden --env-file .env build VaultwardenPrebuild Vaultwarden
## Configuration
All configuration for `keycloak` / `VaultWarden` / `` can be found in [.env](.env.template).
The content of the file will be loaded as environment variables in all containers.
- `keycloak` [configuration]( include `KEYCLOAK_ADMIN` / `KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD` and any variable prefixed `KC_` ([more information](
- All `VaultWarden` configuration can be set (EX: `SMTP_*`)
## Cleanup
Use `docker compose --profile vaultWarden down`.