Fork 0
Daniel García d70864ac73 Initial version of websockets notification support.
For now only folder notifications are sent (create, rename, delete).
The notifications are only tested between two web-vault sessions in different browsers, mobile apps and browser extensions are untested.

The websocket server is exposed in port 3012, while the rocket server is exposed in another port (8000 by default). To make notifications work, both should be accessible in the same port, which requires a reverse proxy.

My testing is done with Caddy server, and the following config:

localhost {

    # The negotiation endpoint is also proxied to Rocket
    proxy /notifications/hub/negotiate {

    # Notifications redirected to the websockets server
    proxy /notifications/hub {

    # Proxy the Root directory to Rocket
    proxy / {

This exposes the service in port 2015.
2018-08-30 17:58:53 +02:00

214 Zeilen
6,6 KiB

#![feature(plugin, custom_derive, vec_remove_item)]
#![allow(proc_macro_derive_resolution_fallback)] // TODO: Remove this when diesel update fixes warnings
extern crate rocket;
extern crate rocket_contrib;
extern crate reqwest;
extern crate multipart;
extern crate ws;
extern crate rmpv;
extern crate chashmap;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate diesel;
extern crate diesel_migrations;
extern crate ring;
extern crate uuid;
extern crate chrono;
extern crate oath;
extern crate data_encoding;
extern crate jsonwebtoken as jwt;
extern crate u2f;
extern crate dotenv;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate num_derive;
extern crate num_traits;
extern crate byteorder;
use std::{env, path::Path, process::{exit, Command}};
use rocket::Rocket;
mod util;
mod api;
mod db;
mod crypto;
mod auth;
fn init_rocket() -> Rocket {
.mount("/", api::web_routes())
.mount("/api", api::core_routes())
.mount("/identity", api::identity_routes())
.mount("/icons", api::icons_routes())
.mount("/notifications", api::notifications_routes())
// Embed the migrations from the migrations folder into the application
// This way, the program automatically migrates the database to the latest version
// https://docs.rs/diesel_migrations/*/diesel_migrations/macro.embed_migrations.html
mod migrations {
pub fn run_migrations() {
// Make sure the database is up to date (create if it doesn't exist, or run the migrations)
let connection = ::db::get_connection().expect("Can't conect to DB");
use std::io::stdout;
embedded_migrations::run_with_output(&connection, &mut stdout()).expect("Can't run migrations");
fn main() {
fn check_db() {
let path = Path::new(&CONFIG.database_url);
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
use std::fs;
if fs::create_dir_all(parent).is_err() {
println!("Error creating database directory");
// Turn on WAL in SQLite
use diesel::RunQueryDsl;
let connection = db::get_connection().expect("Can't conect to DB");
diesel::sql_query("PRAGMA journal_mode=wal").execute(&connection).expect("Failed to turn on WAL");
fn check_rsa_keys() {
// If the RSA keys don't exist, try to create them
if !util::file_exists(&CONFIG.private_rsa_key)
|| !util::file_exists(&CONFIG.public_rsa_key) {
println!("JWT keys don't exist, checking if OpenSSL is available...");
.output().unwrap_or_else(|_| {
println!("Can't create keys because OpenSSL is not available, make sure it's installed and available on the PATH");
println!("OpenSSL detected, creating keys...");
let mut success = Command::new("openssl").arg("genrsa")
.output().expect("Failed to create private pem file")
success &= Command::new("openssl").arg("rsa")
.output().expect("Failed to create private der file")
success &= Command::new("openssl").arg("rsa")
.output().expect("Failed to create public der file")
if success {
println!("Keys created correctly.");
} else {
println!("Error creating keys, exiting...");
fn check_web_vault() {
if !CONFIG.web_vault_enabled {
let index_path = Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder).join("index.html");
if !index_path.exists() {
println!("Web vault is not found. Please follow the steps in the README to install it");
lazy_static! {
// Load the config from .env or from environment variables
static ref CONFIG: Config = Config::load();
pub struct Config {
database_url: String,
icon_cache_folder: String,
attachments_folder: String,
private_rsa_key: String,
private_rsa_key_pem: String,
public_rsa_key: String,
web_vault_folder: String,
web_vault_enabled: bool,
local_icon_extractor: bool,
signups_allowed: bool,
password_iterations: i32,
show_password_hint: bool,
domain: String,
domain_set: bool,
impl Config {
fn load() -> Self {
let df = env::var("DATA_FOLDER").unwrap_or("data".into());
let key = env::var("RSA_KEY_FILENAME").unwrap_or(format!("{}/{}", &df, "rsa_key"));
let domain = env::var("DOMAIN");
Config {
database_url: env::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap_or(format!("{}/{}", &df, "db.sqlite3")),
icon_cache_folder: env::var("ICON_CACHE_FOLDER").unwrap_or(format!("{}/{}", &df, "icon_cache")),
attachments_folder: env::var("ATTACHMENTS_FOLDER").unwrap_or(format!("{}/{}", &df, "attachments")),
private_rsa_key: format!("{}.der", &key),
private_rsa_key_pem: format!("{}.pem", &key),
public_rsa_key: format!("{}.pub.der", &key),
web_vault_folder: env::var("WEB_VAULT_FOLDER").unwrap_or("web-vault/".into()),
web_vault_enabled: util::parse_option_string(env::var("WEB_VAULT_ENABLED").ok()).unwrap_or(true),
local_icon_extractor: util::parse_option_string(env::var("LOCAL_ICON_EXTRACTOR").ok()).unwrap_or(false),
signups_allowed: util::parse_option_string(env::var("SIGNUPS_ALLOWED").ok()).unwrap_or(true),
password_iterations: util::parse_option_string(env::var("PASSWORD_ITERATIONS").ok()).unwrap_or(100_000),
show_password_hint: util::parse_option_string(env::var("SHOW_PASSWORD_HINT").ok()).unwrap_or(true),
domain_set: domain.is_ok(),
domain: domain.unwrap_or("http://localhost".into()),