geforkt von mirrored/vaultwarden

At least on Android, it seems the Bitwarden mobile client responds to HTTP 307, but not to HTTP 308 for some reason.
838 Zeilen
29 KiB
838 Zeilen
29 KiB
use std::{
fs::{create_dir_all, remove_file, symlink_metadata, File},
net::{IpAddr, ToSocketAddrs},
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::Regex;
use reqwest::{blocking::Client, blocking::Response, header};
use rocket::{
response::{Content, Redirect},
use crate::{
util::{get_reqwest_client_builder, Cached},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
match CONFIG.icon_service().as_str() {
"internal" => routes![icon_internal],
"bitwarden" => routes![icon_bitwarden],
"duckduckgo" => routes![icon_duckduckgo],
"google" => routes![icon_google],
_ => routes![icon_custom],
static CLIENT: Lazy<Client> = Lazy::new(|| {
// Generate the default headers
let mut default_headers = header::HeaderMap::new();
.insert(header::USER_AGENT, header::HeaderValue::from_static("Links (2.22; Linux X86_64; GNU C; text)"));
.insert(header::ACCEPT, header::HeaderValue::from_static("text/html, text/*;q=0.5, image/*, */*;q=0.1"));
default_headers.insert(header::ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, header::HeaderValue::from_static("en,*;q=0.1"));
default_headers.insert(header::CACHE_CONTROL, header::HeaderValue::from_static("no-cache"));
default_headers.insert(header::PRAGMA, header::HeaderValue::from_static("no-cache"));
// Reuse the client between requests
.expect("Failed to build icon client")
// Build Regex only once since this takes a lot of time.
static ICON_REL_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(?i)icon$|apple.*icon").unwrap());
static ICON_REL_BLACKLIST: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(?i)mask-icon").unwrap());
static ICON_SIZE_REGEX: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(?x)(\d+)\D*(\d+)").unwrap());
// Special HashMap which holds the user defined Regex to speedup matching the regex.
static ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX: Lazy<RwLock<HashMap<String, Regex>>> = Lazy::new(|| RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
fn icon_redirect(domain: &str, template: &str) -> Option<Redirect> {
if !is_valid_domain(domain) {
warn!("Invalid domain: {}", domain);
return None;
if is_domain_blacklisted(domain) {
return None;
let url = template.replace("{}", domain);
match CONFIG.icon_redirect_code() {
301 => Some(Redirect::moved(url)), // legacy permanent redirect
302 => Some(Redirect::found(url)), // legacy temporary redirect
307 => Some(Redirect::temporary(url)),
308 => Some(Redirect::permanent(url)),
_ => {
error!("Unexpected redirect code {}", CONFIG.icon_redirect_code());
fn icon_custom(domain: String) -> Option<Redirect> {
icon_redirect(&domain, &CONFIG.icon_service())
fn icon_bitwarden(domain: String) -> Option<Redirect> {
icon_redirect(&domain, "{}/icon.png")
fn icon_duckduckgo(domain: String) -> Option<Redirect> {
icon_redirect(&domain, "{}.ico")
fn icon_google(domain: String) -> Option<Redirect> {
icon_redirect(&domain, "{}&sz=32")
fn icon_internal(domain: String) -> Cached<Content<Vec<u8>>> {
const FALLBACK_ICON: &[u8] = include_bytes!("../static/images/fallback-icon.png");
if !is_valid_domain(&domain) {
warn!("Invalid domain: {}", domain);
return Cached::ttl(
Content(ContentType::new("image", "png"), FALLBACK_ICON.to_vec()),
match get_icon(&domain) {
Some((icon, icon_type)) => {
Cached::ttl(Content(ContentType::new("image", icon_type), icon), CONFIG.icon_cache_ttl(), true)
_ => Cached::ttl(
Content(ContentType::new("image", "png"), FALLBACK_ICON.to_vec()),
/// Returns if the domain provided is valid or not.
/// This does some manual checks and makes use of Url to do some basic checking.
/// domains can't be larger then 63 characters (not counting multiple subdomains) according to the RFC's, but we limit the total size to 255.
fn is_valid_domain(domain: &str) -> bool {
const ALLOWED_CHARS: &str = "_-.";
// If parsing the domain fails using Url, it will not work with reqwest.
if let Err(parse_error) = url::Url::parse(format!("https://{}", domain).as_str()) {
debug!("Domain parse error: '{}' - {:?}", domain, parse_error);
return false;
} else if domain.is_empty()
|| domain.contains("..")
|| domain.starts_with('.')
|| domain.starts_with('-')
|| domain.ends_with('-')
"Domain validation error: '{}' is either empty, contains '..', starts with an '.', starts or ends with a '-'",
return false;
} else if domain.len() > 255 {
debug!("Domain validation error: '{}' exceeds 255 characters", domain);
return false;
for c in domain.chars() {
if !c.is_alphanumeric() && !ALLOWED_CHARS.contains(c) {
debug!("Domain validation error: '{}' contains an invalid character '{}'", domain, c);
return false;
/// TODO: This is extracted from IpAddr::is_global, which is unstable:
/// Remove once is merged
#[cfg(not(feature = "unstable"))]
fn is_global(ip: IpAddr) -> bool {
match ip {
IpAddr::V4(ip) => {
// check if this address is or These addresses are the only two
// globally routable addresses in the range.
if u32::from(ip) == 0xc0000009 || u32::from(ip) == 0xc000000a {
return true;
&& !ip.is_loopback()
&& !ip.is_link_local()
&& !ip.is_broadcast()
&& !ip.is_documentation()
&& !(ip.octets()[0] == 100 && (ip.octets()[1] & 0b1100_0000 == 0b0100_0000))
&& !(ip.octets()[0] == 192 && ip.octets()[1] == 0 && ip.octets()[2] == 0)
&& !(ip.octets()[0] & 240 == 240 && !ip.is_broadcast())
&& !(ip.octets()[0] == 198 && (ip.octets()[1] & 0xfe) == 18)
// Make sure the address is not in
&& ip.octets()[0] != 0
IpAddr::V6(ip) => {
if ip.is_multicast() && ip.segments()[0] & 0x000f == 14 {
} else {
&& !ip.is_loopback()
&& !((ip.segments()[0] & 0xffc0) == 0xfe80)
&& !((ip.segments()[0] & 0xfe00) == 0xfc00)
&& !ip.is_unspecified()
&& !((ip.segments()[0] == 0x2001) && (ip.segments()[1] == 0xdb8))
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
fn is_global(ip: IpAddr) -> bool {
/// These are some tests to check that the implementations match
/// The IPv4 can be all checked in 5 mins or so and they are correct as of nightly 2020-07-11
/// The IPV6 can't be checked in a reasonable time, so we check about ten billion random ones, so far correct
/// Note that the is_global implementation is subject to change as new IP RFCs are created
/// To run while showing progress output:
/// cargo test --features sqlite,unstable -- --nocapture --ignored
#[cfg(feature = "unstable")]
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_ipv4_global() {
for a in 0..u8::MAX {
println!("Iter: {}/255", a);
for b in 0..u8::MAX {
for c in 0..u8::MAX {
for d in 0..u8::MAX {
let ip = IpAddr::V4(std::net::Ipv4Addr::new(a, b, c, d));
assert_eq!(ip.is_global(), is_global(ip))
fn test_ipv6_global() {
use ring::rand::{SecureRandom, SystemRandom};
let mut v = [0u8; 16];
let rand = SystemRandom::new();
for i in 0..1_000 {
println!("Iter: {}/1_000", i);
for _ in 0..10_000_000 {
rand.fill(&mut v).expect("Error generating random values");
let ip = IpAddr::V6(std::net::Ipv6Addr::new(
(v[14] as u16) << 8 | v[15] as u16,
(v[12] as u16) << 8 | v[13] as u16,
(v[10] as u16) << 8 | v[11] as u16,
(v[8] as u16) << 8 | v[9] as u16,
(v[6] as u16) << 8 | v[7] as u16,
(v[4] as u16) << 8 | v[5] as u16,
(v[2] as u16) << 8 | v[3] as u16,
(v[0] as u16) << 8 | v[1] as u16,
assert_eq!(ip.is_global(), is_global(ip))
fn is_domain_blacklisted(domain: &str) -> bool {
let mut is_blacklisted = CONFIG.icon_blacklist_non_global_ips()
&& (domain, 0)
.map(|x| {
for ip_port in x {
if !is_global(ip_port.ip()) {
warn!("IP {} for domain '{}' is not a global IP!", ip_port.ip(), domain);
return true;
// Skip the regex check if the previous one is true already
if !is_blacklisted {
if let Some(blacklist) = CONFIG.icon_blacklist_regex() {
let mut regex_hashmap =;
// Use the pre-generate Regex stored in a Lazy HashMap if there's one, else generate it.
let regex = if let Some(regex) = regex_hashmap.get(&blacklist) {
} else {
let mut regex_hashmap_write = ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX.write().unwrap();
// Clear the current list if the previous key doesn't exists.
// To prevent growing of the HashMap after someone has changed it via the admin interface.
if regex_hashmap_write.len() >= 1 {
// Generate the regex to store in too the Lazy Static HashMap.
let blacklist_regex = Regex::new(&blacklist).unwrap();
regex_hashmap_write.insert(blacklist.to_string(), blacklist_regex);
regex_hashmap =;
// Use the pre-generate Regex stored in a Lazy HashMap.
if regex.is_match(domain) {
debug!("Blacklisted domain: {} matched ICON_BLACKLIST_REGEX", domain);
is_blacklisted = true;
fn get_icon(domain: &str) -> Option<(Vec<u8>, String)> {
let path = format!("{}/{}.png", CONFIG.icon_cache_folder(), domain);
// Check for expiration of negatively cached copy
if icon_is_negcached(&path) {
return None;
if let Some(icon) = get_cached_icon(&path) {
let icon_type = match get_icon_type(&icon) {
Some(x) => x,
_ => "x-icon",
return Some((icon, icon_type.to_string()));
if CONFIG.disable_icon_download() {
return None;
// Get the icon, or None in case of error
match download_icon(domain) {
Ok((icon, icon_type)) => {
save_icon(&path, &icon);
Some((icon, icon_type.unwrap_or("x-icon").to_string()))
Err(e) => {
warn!("Unable to download icon: {:?}", e);
let miss_indicator = path + ".miss";
save_icon(&miss_indicator, &[]);
fn get_cached_icon(path: &str) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
// Check for expiration of successfully cached copy
if icon_is_expired(path) {
return None;
// Try to read the cached icon, and return it if it exists
if let Ok(mut f) = File::open(path) {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
if f.read_to_end(&mut buffer).is_ok() {
return Some(buffer);
fn file_is_expired(path: &str, ttl: u64) -> Result<bool, Error> {
let meta = symlink_metadata(path)?;
let modified = meta.modified()?;
let age = SystemTime::now().duration_since(modified)?;
Ok(ttl > 0 && ttl <= age.as_secs())
fn icon_is_negcached(path: &str) -> bool {
let miss_indicator = path.to_owned() + ".miss";
let expired = file_is_expired(&miss_indicator, CONFIG.icon_cache_negttl());
match expired {
// No longer negatively cached, drop the marker
Ok(true) => {
if let Err(e) = remove_file(&miss_indicator) {
error!("Could not remove negative cache indicator for icon {:?}: {:?}", path, e);
// The marker hasn't expired yet.
Ok(false) => true,
// The marker is missing or inaccessible in some way.
Err(_) => false,
fn icon_is_expired(path: &str) -> bool {
let expired = file_is_expired(path, CONFIG.icon_cache_ttl());
struct Icon {
priority: u8,
href: String,
impl Icon {
const fn new(priority: u8, href: String) -> Self {
Self {
/// Iterates over the HTML document to find <base href="http://domain.tld">
/// When found it will stop the iteration and the found base href will be shared deref via `base_href`.
/// # Arguments
/// * `node` - A Parsed HTML document via html5ever::parse_document()
/// * `base_href` - a mutable url::Url which will be overwritten when a base href tag has been found.
fn get_base_href(node: &std::rc::Rc<markup5ever_rcdom::Node>, base_href: &mut url::Url) -> bool {
if let markup5ever_rcdom::NodeData::Element {
} = &
if name.local.as_ref() == "base" {
let attrs = attrs.borrow();
for attr in attrs.iter() {
let attr_name =;
let attr_value = attr.value.as_ref();
if attr_name == "href" {
debug!("Found base href: {}", attr_value);
*base_href = match base_href.join(attr_value) {
Ok(href) => href,
_ => base_href.clone(),
return true;
return true;
// TODO: Might want to limit the recursion depth?
for child in node.children.borrow().iter() {
// Check if we got a true back and stop the iter.
// This means we found a <base> tag and can stop processing the html.
if get_base_href(child, base_href) {
return true;
fn get_favicons_node(node: &std::rc::Rc<markup5ever_rcdom::Node>, icons: &mut Vec<Icon>, url: &url::Url) {
if let markup5ever_rcdom::NodeData::Element {
} = &
if name.local.as_ref() == "link" {
let mut has_rel = false;
let mut href = None;
let mut sizes = None;
let attrs = attrs.borrow();
for attr in attrs.iter() {
let attr_name =;
let attr_value = attr.value.as_ref();
if attr_name == "rel" && ICON_REL_REGEX.is_match(attr_value) && !ICON_REL_BLACKLIST.is_match(attr_value)
has_rel = true;
} else if attr_name == "href" {
href = Some(attr_value);
} else if attr_name == "sizes" {
sizes = Some(attr_value);
if has_rel {
if let Some(inner_href) = href {
if let Ok(full_href) = url.join(inner_href).map(String::from) {
let priority = get_icon_priority(&full_href, sizes);
icons.push(Icon::new(priority, full_href));
// TODO: Might want to limit the recursion depth?
for child in node.children.borrow().iter() {
get_favicons_node(child, icons, url);
struct IconUrlResult {
iconlist: Vec<Icon>,
referer: String,
/// Returns a IconUrlResult which holds a Vector IconList and a string which holds the referer.
/// There will always two items within the iconlist which holds http(s)://domain.tld/favicon.ico.
/// This does not mean that that location does exists, but it is the default location browser use.
/// # Argument
/// * `domain` - A string which holds the domain with extension.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let icon_result = get_icon_url("")?;
/// let icon_result = get_icon_url("")?;
/// ```
fn get_icon_url(domain: &str) -> Result<IconUrlResult, Error> {
// Default URL with secure and insecure schemes
let ssldomain = format!("https://{}", domain);
let httpdomain = format!("http://{}", domain);
// First check the domain as given during the request for both HTTPS and HTTP.
let resp = match get_page(&ssldomain).or_else(|_| get_page(&httpdomain)) {
Ok(c) => Ok(c),
Err(e) => {
let mut sub_resp = Err(e);
// When the domain is not an IP, and has more then one dot, remove all subdomains.
let is_ip = domain.parse::<IpAddr>();
if is_ip.is_err() && domain.matches('.').count() > 1 {
let mut domain_parts = domain.split('.');
let base_domain = format!(
tld = domain_parts.next_back().unwrap(),
base = domain_parts.next_back().unwrap()
if is_valid_domain(&base_domain) {
let sslbase = format!("https://{}", base_domain);
let httpbase = format!("http://{}", base_domain);
debug!("[get_icon_url]: Trying without subdomains '{}'", base_domain);
sub_resp = get_page(&sslbase).or_else(|_| get_page(&httpbase));
// When the domain is not an IP, and has less then 2 dots, try to add www. infront of it.
} else if is_ip.is_err() && domain.matches('.').count() < 2 {
let www_domain = format!("www.{}", domain);
if is_valid_domain(&www_domain) {
let sslwww = format!("https://{}", www_domain);
let httpwww = format!("http://{}", www_domain);
debug!("[get_icon_url]: Trying with www. prefix '{}'", www_domain);
sub_resp = get_page(&sslwww).or_else(|_| get_page(&httpwww));
// Create the iconlist
let mut iconlist: Vec<Icon> = Vec::new();
let mut referer = String::from("");
if let Ok(content) = resp {
// Extract the URL from the respose in case redirects occured (like @
let url = content.url().clone();
// Set the referer to be used on the final request, some sites check this.
// Mostly used to prevent direct linking and other security resons.
referer = url.as_str().to_string();
// Add the default favicon.ico to the list with the domain the content responded from.
iconlist.push(Icon::new(35, String::from(url.join("/favicon.ico").unwrap())));
// 384KB should be more than enough for the HTML, though as we only really need the HTML header.
let mut limited_reader = content.take(384 * 1024);
use html5ever::tendril::TendrilSink;
let dom = html5ever::parse_document(markup5ever_rcdom::RcDom::default(), Default::default())
.read_from(&mut limited_reader)?;
let mut base_url: url::Url = url;
get_base_href(&dom.document, &mut base_url);
get_favicons_node(&dom.document, &mut iconlist, &base_url);
} else {
// Add the default favicon.ico to the list with just the given domain
iconlist.push(Icon::new(35, format!("{}/favicon.ico", ssldomain)));
iconlist.push(Icon::new(35, format!("{}/favicon.ico", httpdomain)));
// Sort the iconlist by priority
iconlist.sort_by_key(|x| x.priority);
// There always is an icon in the list, so no need to check if it exists, and just return the first one
Ok(IconUrlResult {
fn get_page(url: &str) -> Result<Response, Error> {
get_page_with_referer(url, "")
fn get_page_with_referer(url: &str, referer: &str) -> Result<Response, Error> {
if is_domain_blacklisted(url::Url::parse(url).unwrap().host_str().unwrap_or_default()) {
warn!("Favicon '{}' resolves to a blacklisted domain or IP!", url);
let mut client = CLIENT.get(url);
if !referer.is_empty() {
client = client.header("Referer", referer)
match client.send() {
Ok(c) => c.error_for_status().map_err(Into::into),
Err(e) => err_silent!(format!("{}", e)),
/// Returns a Integer with the priority of the type of the icon which to prefer.
/// The lower the number the better.
/// # Arguments
/// * `href` - A string which holds the href value or relative path.
/// * `sizes` - The size of the icon if available as a <width>x<height> value like 32x32.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// priority1 = get_icon_priority("", "32x32");
/// priority2 = get_icon_priority("", "");
/// ```
fn get_icon_priority(href: &str, sizes: Option<&str>) -> u8 {
// Check if there is a dimension set
let (width, height) = parse_sizes(sizes);
// Check if there is a size given
if width != 0 && height != 0 {
// Only allow square dimensions
if width == height {
// Change priority by given size
if width == 32 {
} else if width == 64 {
} else if (24..=192).contains(&width) {
} else if width == 16 {
} else {
// There are dimensions available, but the image is not a square
} else {
} else {
// Change priority by file extension
if href.ends_with(".png") {
} else if href.ends_with(".jpg") || href.ends_with(".jpeg") {
} else {
/// Returns a Tuple with the width and hight as a seperate value extracted from the sizes attribute
/// It will return 0 for both values if no match has been found.
/// # Arguments
/// * `sizes` - The size of the icon if available as a <width>x<height> value like 32x32.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("64x64"); // (64, 64)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("x128x128"); // (128, 128)
/// let (width, height) = parse_sizes("32"); // (0, 0)
/// ```
fn parse_sizes(sizes: Option<&str>) -> (u16, u16) {
let mut width: u16 = 0;
let mut height: u16 = 0;
if let Some(sizes) = sizes {
match ICON_SIZE_REGEX.captures(sizes.trim()) {
None => {}
Some(dimensions) => {
if dimensions.len() >= 3 {
width = dimensions[1].parse::<u16>().unwrap_or_default();
height = dimensions[2].parse::<u16>().unwrap_or_default();
(width, height)
fn download_icon(domain: &str) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Option<&str>), Error> {
if is_domain_blacklisted(domain) {
err_silent!("Domain is blacklisted", domain)
let icon_result = get_icon_url(domain)?;
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
let mut icon_type: Option<&str> = None;
use data_url::DataUrl;
for icon in icon_result.iconlist.iter().take(5) {
if icon.href.starts_with("data:image") {
let datauri = DataUrl::process(&icon.href).unwrap();
// Check if we are able to decode the data uri
match datauri.decode_to_vec() {
Ok((body, _fragment)) => {
// Also check if the size is atleast 67 bytes, which seems to be the smallest png i could create
if body.len() >= 67 {
// Check if the icon type is allowed, else try an icon from the list.
icon_type = get_icon_type(&body);
if icon_type.is_none() {
debug!("Icon from {} data:image uri, is not a valid image type", domain);
info!("Extracted icon from data:image uri for {}", domain);
buffer = body;
_ => debug!("Extracted icon from data:image uri is invalid"),
} else {
match get_page_with_referer(&icon.href, &icon_result.referer) {
Ok(mut res) => {
res.copy_to(&mut buffer)?;
// Check if the icon type is allowed, else try an icon from the list.
icon_type = get_icon_type(&buffer);
if icon_type.is_none() {
debug!("Icon from {}, is not a valid image type", icon.href);
info!("Downloaded icon from {}", icon.href);
Err(e) => debug!("{:?}", e),
if buffer.is_empty() {
err_silent!("Empty response or unable find a valid icon", domain);
Ok((buffer, icon_type))
fn save_icon(path: &str, icon: &[u8]) {
match File::create(path) {
Ok(mut f) => {
f.write_all(icon).expect("Error writing icon file");
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {
create_dir_all(&CONFIG.icon_cache_folder()).expect("Error creating icon cache folder");
Err(e) => {
warn!("Unable to save icon: {:?}", e);
fn get_icon_type(bytes: &[u8]) -> Option<&'static str> {
match bytes {
[137, 80, 78, 71, ..] => Some("png"),
[0, 0, 1, 0, ..] => Some("x-icon"),
[82, 73, 70, 70, ..] => Some("webp"),
[255, 216, 255, ..] => Some("jpeg"),
[71, 73, 70, 56, ..] => Some("gif"),
[66, 77, ..] => Some("bmp"),
_ => None,
/// This is an implementation of the default Cookie Jar from Reqwest and reqwest_cookie_store build by pfernie.
/// The default cookie jar used by Reqwest keeps all the cookies based upon the Max-Age or Expires which could be a long time.
/// That could be used for tracking, to prevent this we force the lifespan of the cookies to always be max two minutes.
/// A Cookie Jar is needed because some sites force a redirect with cookies to verify if a request uses cookies or not.
use cookie_store::CookieStore;
pub struct Jar(RwLock<CookieStore>);
impl reqwest::cookie::CookieStore for Jar {
fn set_cookies(&self, cookie_headers: &mut dyn Iterator<Item = &header::HeaderValue>, url: &url::Url) {
use cookie::{Cookie as RawCookie, ParseError as RawCookieParseError};
use time::Duration;
let mut cookie_store = self.0.write().unwrap();
let cookies = cookie_headers.filter_map(|val| {
.map(|mut c| {
cookie_store.store_response_cookies(cookies, url);
fn cookies(&self, url: &url::Url) -> Option<header::HeaderValue> {
use bytes::Bytes;
let cookie_store =;
let s = cookie_store
.map(|(name, value)| format!("{}={}", name, value))
.join("; ");
if s.is_empty() {
return None;