geforkt von mirrored/vaultwarden

This PR adds a the new v2022.8.x revoke feature which allows an organization owner or admin to revoke access for one or more users. This PR also fixes several permissions and policy checks which were faulty. - Modified some functions to use DB Count features instead of iter/count aftwards. - Rearanged some if statements (faster matching or just one if instead of nested if's) - Added and fixed several policy checks where needed - Some small updates on some response models - Made some functions require an enum instead of an i32
429 Zeilen
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429 Zeilen
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use chrono::{Duration, NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::crypto;
use crate::CONFIG;
db_object! {
#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable, AsChangeset)]
#[table_name = "users"]
pub struct User {
pub uuid: String,
pub enabled: bool,
pub created_at: NaiveDateTime,
pub updated_at: NaiveDateTime,
pub verified_at: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
pub last_verifying_at: Option<NaiveDateTime>,
pub login_verify_count: i32,
pub email: String,
pub email_new: Option<String>,
pub email_new_token: Option<String>,
pub name: String,
pub password_hash: Vec<u8>,
pub salt: Vec<u8>,
pub password_iterations: i32,
pub password_hint: Option<String>,
pub akey: String,
pub private_key: Option<String>,
pub public_key: Option<String>,
#[column_name = "totp_secret"] // Note, this is only added to the UserDb structs, not to User
_totp_secret: Option<String>,
pub totp_recover: Option<String>,
pub security_stamp: String,
pub stamp_exception: Option<String>,
pub equivalent_domains: String,
pub excluded_globals: String,
pub client_kdf_type: i32,
pub client_kdf_iter: i32,
pub api_key: Option<String>,
#[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable)]
#[table_name = "invitations"]
pub struct Invitation {
pub email: String,
enum UserStatus {
Enabled = 0,
Invited = 1,
_Disabled = 2,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct UserStampException {
pub routes: Vec<String>,
pub security_stamp: String,
pub expire: i64,
/// Local methods
impl User {
pub const CLIENT_KDF_TYPE_DEFAULT: i32 = 0; // PBKDF2: 0
pub const CLIENT_KDF_ITER_DEFAULT: i32 = 100_000;
pub fn new(email: String) -> Self {
let now = Utc::now().naive_utc();
let email = email.to_lowercase();
Self {
uuid: crate::util::get_uuid(),
enabled: true,
created_at: now,
updated_at: now,
verified_at: None,
last_verifying_at: None,
login_verify_count: 0,
name: email.clone(),
akey: String::new(),
email_new: None,
email_new_token: None,
password_hash: Vec::new(),
salt: crypto::get_random_64(),
password_iterations: CONFIG.password_iterations(),
security_stamp: crate::util::get_uuid(),
stamp_exception: None,
password_hint: None,
private_key: None,
public_key: None,
_totp_secret: None,
totp_recover: None,
equivalent_domains: "[]".to_string(),
excluded_globals: "[]".to_string(),
client_kdf_type: Self::CLIENT_KDF_TYPE_DEFAULT,
client_kdf_iter: Self::CLIENT_KDF_ITER_DEFAULT,
api_key: None,
pub fn check_valid_password(&self, password: &str) -> bool {
self.password_iterations as u32,
pub fn check_valid_recovery_code(&self, recovery_code: &str) -> bool {
if let Some(ref totp_recover) = self.totp_recover {
crate::crypto::ct_eq(recovery_code, totp_recover.to_lowercase())
} else {
pub fn check_valid_api_key(&self, key: &str) -> bool {
matches!(self.api_key, Some(ref api_key) if crate::crypto::ct_eq(api_key, key))
/// Set the password hash generated
/// And resets the security_stamp. Based upon the allow_next_route the security_stamp will be different.
/// # Arguments
/// * `password` - A str which contains a hashed version of the users master password.
/// * `allow_next_route` - A Option<Vec<String>> with the function names of the next allowed (rocket) routes.
/// These routes are able to use the previous stamp id for the next 2 minutes.
/// After these 2 minutes this stamp will expire.
pub fn set_password(&mut self, password: &str, allow_next_route: Option<Vec<String>>) {
self.password_hash = crypto::hash_password(password.as_bytes(), &self.salt, self.password_iterations as u32);
if let Some(route) = allow_next_route {
pub fn reset_security_stamp(&mut self) {
self.security_stamp = crate::util::get_uuid();
/// Set the stamp_exception to only allow a subsequent request matching a specific route using the current security-stamp.
/// # Arguments
/// * `route_exception` - A Vec<String> with the function names of the next allowed (rocket) routes.
/// These routes are able to use the previous stamp id for the next 2 minutes.
/// After these 2 minutes this stamp will expire.
pub fn set_stamp_exception(&mut self, route_exception: Vec<String>) {
let stamp_exception = UserStampException {
routes: route_exception,
security_stamp: self.security_stamp.clone(),
expire: (Utc::now().naive_utc() + Duration::minutes(2)).timestamp(),
self.stamp_exception = Some(serde_json::to_string(&stamp_exception).unwrap_or_default());
/// Resets the stamp_exception to prevent re-use of the previous security-stamp
pub fn reset_stamp_exception(&mut self) {
self.stamp_exception = None;
use super::{
Cipher, Device, EmergencyAccess, Favorite, Folder, Send, TwoFactor, TwoFactorIncomplete, UserOrgType,
use crate::db::DbConn;
use crate::api::EmptyResult;
use crate::error::MapResult;
use futures::{stream, stream::StreamExt};
/// Database methods
impl User {
pub async fn to_json(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> Value {
let orgs_json = stream::iter(UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await)
.then(|c| async {
let c = c; // Move out this single variable
let twofactor_enabled = !TwoFactor::find_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await.is_empty();
// TODO: Might want to save the status field in the DB
let status = if self.password_hash.is_empty() {
} else {
"_Status": status as i32,
"Id": self.uuid,
"EmailVerified": !CONFIG.mail_enabled() || self.verified_at.is_some(),
"Premium": true,
"MasterPasswordHint": self.password_hint,
"Culture": "en-US",
"TwoFactorEnabled": twofactor_enabled,
"Key": self.akey,
"PrivateKey": self.private_key,
"SecurityStamp": self.security_stamp,
"Organizations": orgs_json,
"Providers": [],
"ProviderOrganizations": [],
"ForcePasswordReset": false,
"Object": "profile",
pub async fn save(&mut self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if {
err!("User email can't be empty")
self.updated_at = Utc::now().naive_utc();
db_run! {conn:
sqlite, mysql {
match diesel::replace_into(users::table)
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
// Record already exists and causes a Foreign Key Violation because replace_into() wants to delete the record first.
Err(diesel::result::Error::DatabaseError(diesel::result::DatabaseErrorKind::ForeignKeyViolation, _)) => {
.map_res("Error saving user")
Err(e) => Err(e.into()),
}.map_res("Error saving user")
postgresql {
let value = UserDb::to_db(self);
diesel::insert_into(users::table) // Insert or update
.map_res("Error saving user")
pub async fn delete(self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
for user_org in UserOrganization::find_confirmed_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await {
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner
&& UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(&user_org.org_uuid, UserOrgType::Owner, conn).await
<= 1
err!("Can't delete last owner")
Send::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
EmergencyAccess::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
UserOrganization::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
Cipher::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
Favorite::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
Folder::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
Device::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
TwoFactor::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
TwoFactorIncomplete::delete_all_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await?;
Invitation::take(&, conn).await; // Delete invitation if any
db_run! {conn: {
.map_res("Error deleting user")
pub async fn update_uuid_revision(uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) {
if let Err(e) = Self::_update_revision(uuid, &Utc::now().naive_utc(), conn).await {
warn!("Failed to update revision for {}: {:#?}", uuid, e);
pub async fn update_all_revisions(conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
let updated_at = Utc::now().naive_utc();
db_run! {conn: {
crate::util::retry(|| {
}, 10)
.map_res("Error updating revision date for all users")
pub async fn update_revision(&mut self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
self.updated_at = Utc::now().naive_utc();
Self::_update_revision(&self.uuid, &self.updated_at, conn).await
async fn _update_revision(uuid: &str, date: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
db_run! {conn: {
crate::util::retry(|| {
}, 10)
.map_res("Error updating user revision")
pub async fn find_by_mail(mail: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<Self> {
let lower_mail = mail.to_lowercase();
db_run! {conn: {
pub async fn find_by_uuid(uuid: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<Self> {
db_run! {conn: {
pub async fn get_all(conn: &DbConn) -> Vec<Self> {
db_run! {conn: {
users::table.load::<UserDb>(conn).expect("Error loading users").from_db()
pub async fn last_active(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<NaiveDateTime> {
match Device::find_latest_active_by_user(&self.uuid, conn).await {
Some(device) => Some(device.updated_at),
None => None,
impl Invitation {
pub fn new(email: String) -> Self {
let email = email.to_lowercase();
Self {
pub async fn save(&self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
if {
err!("Invitation email can't be empty")
db_run! {conn:
sqlite, mysql {
// Not checking for ForeignKey Constraints here
// Table invitations does not have any ForeignKey Constraints.
.map_res("Error saving invitation")
postgresql {
.map_res("Error saving invitation")
pub async fn delete(self, conn: &DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
db_run! {conn: {
.map_res("Error deleting invitation")
pub async fn find_by_mail(mail: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> Option<Self> {
let lower_mail = mail.to_lowercase();
db_run! {conn: {
pub async fn take(mail: &str, conn: &DbConn) -> bool {
match Self::find_by_mail(mail, conn).await {
Some(invitation) => invitation.delete(conn).await.is_ok(),
None => false,