Fork 0
BlackDex 0042c3e4a7
Update WebSocket Notifications
Previously the websocket notifications were using `app_id` as the
`ContextId`. This was incorrect and should have been the device_uuid
from the client device executing the request. The clients will ignore
the websocket request if the uuid matches. This also fixes some issues
with the Desktop client which is able to modify attachments within the
same screen and causes an issue when saving the attachment afterwards.

Also changed the way to handle removed attachments, since that causes an
error saving the vault cipher afterwards, complaining about a missing
attachment. Bitwarden ignores this, and continues with the remaining
attachments (if any). This also fixes #2591 .

Further some more websocket notifications have been added to some other
functions which enhance the user experience.

- Logout users when deauthed, changed password, rotated keys
- Trigger OrgSyncKeys on user confirm and removal
- Added some extra to the send feature

Also renamed UpdateTypes to match Bitwarden naming.
2023-01-09 19:11:27 +01:00

257 Zeilen
7,8 KiB

pub mod accounts;
mod ciphers;
mod emergency_access;
mod events;
mod folders;
mod organizations;
mod sends;
pub mod two_factor;
pub use ciphers::{purge_trashed_ciphers, CipherSyncData, CipherSyncType};
pub use emergency_access::{emergency_notification_reminder_job, emergency_request_timeout_job};
pub use events::{event_cleanup_job, log_event, log_user_event};
pub use sends::purge_sends;
pub use two_factor::send_incomplete_2fa_notifications;
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
let mut device_token_routes = routes![clear_device_token, put_device_token];
let mut eq_domains_routes = routes![get_eq_domains, post_eq_domains, put_eq_domains];
let mut hibp_routes = routes![hibp_breach];
let mut meta_routes = routes![alive, now, version, config];
let mut routes = Vec::new();
routes.append(&mut accounts::routes());
routes.append(&mut ciphers::routes());
routes.append(&mut emergency_access::routes());
routes.append(&mut events::routes());
routes.append(&mut folders::routes());
routes.append(&mut organizations::routes());
routes.append(&mut two_factor::routes());
routes.append(&mut sends::routes());
routes.append(&mut device_token_routes);
routes.append(&mut eq_domains_routes);
routes.append(&mut hibp_routes);
routes.append(&mut meta_routes);
pub fn events_routes() -> Vec<Route> {
let mut routes = Vec::new();
routes.append(&mut events::main_routes());
// Move this somewhere else
use rocket::{serde::json::Json, Catcher, Route};
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
api::{JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, UpdateType},
fn clear_device_token(uuid: String) -> &'static str {
// This endpoint doesn't have auth header
let _ = uuid;
// uuid is not related to deviceId
// This only clears push token
// https://github.com/bitwarden/core/blob/master/src/Api/Controllers/DevicesController.cs#L109
// https://github.com/bitwarden/core/blob/master/src/Core/Services/Implementations/DeviceService.cs#L37
#[put("/devices/identifier/<uuid>/token", data = "<data>")]
fn put_device_token(uuid: String, data: JsonUpcase<Value>, headers: Headers) -> Json<Value> {
let _data: Value = data.into_inner().data;
// Data has a single string value "PushToken"
let _ = uuid;
// uuid is not related to deviceId
// TODO: This should save the push token, but we don't have push functionality
"Id": headers.device.uuid,
"Name": headers.device.name,
"Type": headers.device.atype,
"Identifier": headers.device.uuid,
"CreationDate": crate::util::format_date(&headers.device.created_at),
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct GlobalDomain {
Type: i32,
Domains: Vec<String>,
Excluded: bool,
const GLOBAL_DOMAINS: &str = include_str!("../../static/global_domains.json");
fn get_eq_domains(headers: Headers) -> Json<Value> {
_get_eq_domains(headers, false)
fn _get_eq_domains(headers: Headers, no_excluded: bool) -> Json<Value> {
let user = headers.user;
use serde_json::from_str;
let equivalent_domains: Vec<Vec<String>> = from_str(&user.equivalent_domains).unwrap();
let excluded_globals: Vec<i32> = from_str(&user.excluded_globals).unwrap();
let mut globals: Vec<GlobalDomain> = from_str(GLOBAL_DOMAINS).unwrap();
for global in &mut globals {
global.Excluded = excluded_globals.contains(&global.Type);
if no_excluded {
globals.retain(|g| !g.Excluded);
"EquivalentDomains": equivalent_domains,
"GlobalEquivalentDomains": globals,
"Object": "domains",
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct EquivDomainData {
ExcludedGlobalEquivalentDomains: Option<Vec<i32>>,
EquivalentDomains: Option<Vec<Vec<String>>>,
#[post("/settings/domains", data = "<data>")]
async fn post_eq_domains(
data: JsonUpcase<EquivDomainData>,
headers: Headers,
mut conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
let data: EquivDomainData = data.into_inner().data;
let excluded_globals = data.ExcludedGlobalEquivalentDomains.unwrap_or_default();
let equivalent_domains = data.EquivalentDomains.unwrap_or_default();
let mut user = headers.user;
use serde_json::to_string;
user.excluded_globals = to_string(&excluded_globals).unwrap_or_else(|_| "[]".to_string());
user.equivalent_domains = to_string(&equivalent_domains).unwrap_or_else(|_| "[]".to_string());
user.save(&mut conn).await?;
nt.send_user_update(UpdateType::SyncSettings, &user).await;
#[put("/settings/domains", data = "<data>")]
async fn put_eq_domains(
data: JsonUpcase<EquivDomainData>,
headers: Headers,
conn: DbConn,
nt: Notify<'_>,
) -> JsonResult {
post_eq_domains(data, headers, conn, nt).await
async fn hibp_breach(username: String) -> JsonResult {
let url = format!(
if let Some(api_key) = crate::CONFIG.hibp_api_key() {
let hibp_client = get_reqwest_client();
let res = hibp_client.get(&url).header("hibp-api-key", api_key).send().await?;
// If we get a 404, return a 404, it means no breached accounts
if res.status() == 404 {
return Err(Error::empty().with_code(404));
let value: Value = res.error_for_status()?.json().await?;
} else {
"Name": "HaveIBeenPwned",
"Title": "Manual HIBP Check",
"Domain": "haveibeenpwned.com",
"BreachDate": "2019-08-18T00:00:00Z",
"AddedDate": "2019-08-18T00:00:00Z",
"Description": format!("Go to: <a href=\"https://haveibeenpwned.com/account/{account}\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">https://haveibeenpwned.com/account/{account}</a> for a manual check.<br/><br/>HaveIBeenPwned API key not set!<br/>Go to <a href=\"https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer\">https://haveibeenpwned.com/API/Key</a> to purchase an API key from HaveIBeenPwned.<br/><br/>", account=username),
"LogoPath": "vw_static/hibp.png",
"PwnCount": 0,
"DataClasses": [
"Error - No API key set!"
// We use DbConn here to let the alive healthcheck also verify the database connection.
fn alive(_conn: DbConn) -> Json<String> {
pub fn now() -> Json<String> {
fn version() -> Json<&'static str> {
fn config() -> Json<Value> {
let domain = crate::CONFIG.domain();
"version": crate::VERSION,
"gitHash": option_env!("GIT_REV"),
"server": {
"name": "Vaultwarden",
"url": "https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden"
"environment": {
"vault": domain,
"api": format!("{domain}/api"),
"identity": format!("{domain}/identity"),
"notifications": format!("{domain}/notifications"),
"sso": "",
pub fn catchers() -> Vec<Catcher> {
fn api_not_found() -> Json<Value> {
"error": {
"code": 404,
"reason": "Not Found",
"description": "The requested resource could not be found."