"use strict"; function deleteOrganization() { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const org_uuid = event.target.dataset.vwOrgUuid; const org_name = event.target.dataset.vwOrgName; const billing_email = event.target.dataset.vwBillingEmail; if (!org_uuid) { alert("Required parameters not found!"); return false; } // First make sure the user wants to delete this organization const continueDelete = confirm(`WARNING: All data of this organization (${org_name}) will be lost!\nMake sure you have a backup, this cannot be undone!`); if (continueDelete == true) { const input_org_uuid = prompt(`To delete the organization "${org_name} (${billing_email})", please type the organization uuid below.`); if (input_org_uuid != null) { if (input_org_uuid == org_uuid) { _post(`${BASE_URL}/admin/organizations/${org_uuid}/delete`, "Organization deleted correctly", "Error deleting organization" ); } else { alert("Wrong organization uuid, please try again"); } } } } // onLoad events document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (/*event*/) => { jQuery("#orgs-table").DataTable({ "stateSave": true, "responsive": true, "lengthMenu": [ [-1, 5, 10, 25, 50], ["All", 5, 10, 25, 50] ], "pageLength": -1, // Default show all "columnDefs": [{ "targets": 4, "searchable": false, "orderable": false }] }); // Add click events for organization actions document.querySelectorAll("button[vw-delete-organization]").forEach(btn => { btn.addEventListener("click", deleteOrganization); }); document.getElementById("reload").addEventListener("click", reload); });