"use strict"; var dnsCheck = false; var timeCheck = false; var domainCheck = false; var httpsCheck = false; // ================================ // Date & Time Check const d = new Date(); const year = d.getUTCFullYear(); const month = String(d.getUTCMonth()+1).padStart(2, "0"); const day = String(d.getUTCDate()).padStart(2, "0"); const hour = String(d.getUTCHours()).padStart(2, "0"); const minute = String(d.getUTCMinutes()).padStart(2, "0"); const seconds = String(d.getUTCSeconds()).padStart(2, "0"); const browserUTC = `${year}-${month}-${day} ${hour}:${minute}:${seconds} UTC`; // ================================ // Check if the output is a valid IP const isValidIp = value => (/^(?:(?:^|\.)(?:2(?:5[0-5]|[0-4]\d)|1?\d?\d)){4}$/.test(value) ? true : false); function checkVersions(platform, installed, latest, commit=null) { if (installed === "-" || latest === "-") { document.getElementById(`${platform}-failed`).classList.remove("d-none"); return; } // Only check basic versions, no commit revisions if (commit === null || installed.indexOf("-") === -1) { if (installed !== latest) { document.getElementById(`${platform}-warning`).classList.remove("d-none"); } else { document.getElementById(`${platform}-success`).classList.remove("d-none"); } } else { // Check if this is a branched version. const branchRegex = /(?:\s)\((.*?)\)/; const branchMatch = installed.match(branchRegex); if (branchMatch !== null) { document.getElementById(`${platform}-branch`).classList.remove("d-none"); } // This will remove branch info and check if there is a commit hash const installedRegex = /(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-(\w+)/; const instMatch = installed.match(installedRegex); // It could be that a new tagged version has the same commit hash. // In this case the version is the same but only the number is different if (instMatch !== null) { if (instMatch[2] === commit) { // The commit hashes are the same, so latest version is installed document.getElementById(`${platform}-success`).classList.remove("d-none"); return; } } if (installed === latest) { document.getElementById(`${platform}-success`).classList.remove("d-none"); } else { document.getElementById(`${platform}-warning`).classList.remove("d-none"); } } } // ================================ // Generate support string to be pasted on github or the forum async function generateSupportString(dj) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); let supportString = "### Your environment (Generated via diagnostics page)\n"; supportString += `* Vaultwarden version: v${dj.current_release}\n`; supportString += `* Web-vault version: v${dj.web_vault_version}\n`; supportString += `* OS/Arch: ${dj.host_os}/${dj.host_arch}\n`; supportString += `* Running within Docker: ${dj.running_within_docker} (Base: ${dj.docker_base_image})\n`; supportString += "* Environment settings overridden: "; if (dj.overrides != "") { supportString += "true\n"; } else { supportString += "false\n"; } supportString += `* Uses a reverse proxy: ${dj.ip_header_exists}\n`; if (dj.ip_header_exists) { supportString += `* IP Header check: ${dj.ip_header_match} (${dj.ip_header_name})\n`; } supportString += `* Internet access: ${dj.has_http_access}\n`; supportString += `* Internet access via a proxy: ${dj.uses_proxy}\n`; supportString += `* DNS Check: ${dnsCheck}\n`; supportString += `* Time Check: ${timeCheck}\n`; supportString += `* Domain Configuration Check: ${domainCheck}\n`; supportString += `* HTTPS Check: ${httpsCheck}\n`; supportString += `* Database type: ${dj.db_type}\n`; supportString += `* Database version: ${dj.db_version}\n`; supportString += "* Clients used: \n"; supportString += "* Reverse proxy and version: \n"; supportString += "* Other relevant information: \n"; const jsonResponse = await fetch(`${BASE_URL}/admin/diagnostics/config`, { "headers": { "Accept": "application/json" } }); if (!jsonResponse.ok) { alert("Generation failed: " + jsonResponse.statusText); throw new Error(jsonResponse); } const configJson = await jsonResponse.json(); supportString += "\n### Config (Generated via diagnostics page)\n
Show Running Config\n"; supportString += `\n**Environment settings which are overridden:** ${dj.overrides}\n`; supportString += "\n\n```json\n" + JSON.stringify(configJson, undefined, 2) + "\n```\n
\n"; document.getElementById("support-string").innerText = supportString; document.getElementById("support-string").classList.remove("d-none"); document.getElementById("copy-support").classList.remove("d-none"); } function copyToClipboard() { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const supportStr = document.getElementById("support-string").innerText; const tmpCopyEl = document.createElement("textarea"); tmpCopyEl.setAttribute("id", "copy-support-string"); tmpCopyEl.setAttribute("readonly", ""); tmpCopyEl.value = supportStr; tmpCopyEl.style.position = "absolute"; tmpCopyEl.style.left = "-9999px"; document.body.appendChild(tmpCopyEl); tmpCopyEl.select(); document.execCommand("copy"); tmpCopyEl.remove(); new BSN.Toast("#toastClipboardCopy").show(); } function checkTimeDrift(browserUTC, serverUTC) { const timeDrift = ( Date.parse(serverUTC.replace(" ", "T").replace(" UTC", "")) - Date.parse(browserUTC.replace(" ", "T").replace(" UTC", "")) ) / 1000; if (timeDrift > 20 || timeDrift < -20) { document.getElementById("time-warning").classList.remove("d-none"); } else { document.getElementById("time-success").classList.remove("d-none"); timeCheck = true; } } function checkDomain(browserURL, serverURL) { if (serverURL == browserURL) { document.getElementById("domain-success").classList.remove("d-none"); domainCheck = true; } else { document.getElementById("domain-warning").classList.remove("d-none"); } // Check for HTTPS at domain-server-string if (serverURL.startsWith("https://") ) { document.getElementById("https-success").classList.remove("d-none"); httpsCheck = true; } else { document.getElementById("https-warning").classList.remove("d-none"); } } function initVersionCheck(dj) { const serverInstalled = dj.current_release; const serverLatest = dj.latest_release; const serverLatestCommit = dj.latest_commit; if (serverInstalled.indexOf("-") !== -1 && serverLatest !== "-" && serverLatestCommit !== "-") { document.getElementById("server-latest-commit").classList.remove("d-none"); } checkVersions("server", serverInstalled, serverLatest, serverLatestCommit); if (!dj.running_within_docker) { const webInstalled = dj.web_vault_version; const webLatest = dj.latest_web_build; checkVersions("web", webInstalled, webLatest); } } function checkDns(dns_resolved) { if (isValidIp(dns_resolved)) { document.getElementById("dns-success").classList.remove("d-none"); dnsCheck = true; } else { document.getElementById("dns-warning").classList.remove("d-none"); } } function init(dj) { // Time check document.getElementById("time-browser-string").innerText = browserUTC; checkTimeDrift(browserUTC, dj.server_time); // Domain check const browserURL = location.href.toLowerCase(); document.getElementById("domain-browser-string").innerText = browserURL; checkDomain(browserURL, dj.admin_url.toLowerCase()); // Version check initVersionCheck(dj); // DNS Check checkDns(dj.dns_resolved); } // onLoad events document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (/*event*/) => { const diag_json = JSON.parse(document.getElementById("diagnostics_json").innerText); init(diag_json); document.getElementById("gen-support").addEventListener("click", () => { generateSupportString(diag_json); }); document.getElementById("copy-support").addEventListener("click", copyToClipboard); });