Registered Users
{{#each users}}
{{Name}} {{#if TwoFactorEnabled}} 2FA {{/if}} {{#unless _Enabled}} Disabled {{/unless}} {{Email}}
Organizations: {{#each Organizations}} {{Name}} {{/each}}
Reload users
Invite User
{{#each config}} {{#if groupdoc}}
{{#each elements}} {{#if editable}}
{{#case type "text" "number" "password"}}
{{#case type "password"}}
{{/case}} {{#case type "checkbox"}}
{{/if}} {{/each}}
{{/if}} {{/each}}

NOTE: These options can't be modified in the editor because they would require the server to be restarted. To modify them, you need to set the correct environment variables when launching the server. You can check the variable names in the tooltips of each option.

{{#each config}} {{#each elements}} {{#unless editable}}
{{#case type "text" "number" "password"}}
{{#case type "password"}}
{{/case}} {{#case type "checkbox"}}
{{/unless}} {{/each}} {{/each}}