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Move Alpine Dockerfile to separate file

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Miroslav Prasil 2018-08-30 10:38:38 +01:00
Ursprung cec9566d2a
Commit 1a5c1979e3
2 geänderte Dateien mit 98 neuen und 10 gelöschten Zeilen

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@ -25,11 +25,19 @@ RUN npm run dist \
&& mv build /web-vault
########################## BUILD IMAGE ##########################
# Musl build image for statically compiled binary
FROM clux/muslrust:nightly-2018-08-24 as build
# We need to use the Rust build image, because
# we need the Rust compiler and Cargo tooling
FROM rust as build
# Using bundled SQLite, no need to install it
# RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y\
# sqlite3\
# --no-install-recommends\
# && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Creates a dummy project used to grab dependencies
RUN USER=root cargo init --bin
RUN USER=root cargo new --bin app
# Copies over *only* your manifests and vendored dependencies
COPY ./Cargo.* ./
@ -53,17 +61,17 @@ RUN cargo build --release
######################## RUNTIME IMAGE ########################
# Create a new stage with a minimal image
# because we already have a binary built
FROM alpine:3.8
FROM debian:stretch-slim
ENV ROCKET_ENV "staging"
ENV SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
# Install needed libraries
RUN apk add \
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y\
&& rm /var/cache/apk/*
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir /data
VOLUME /data
@ -74,7 +82,7 @@ EXPOSE 80
COPY .env .
COPY Rocket.toml .
COPY --from=vault /web-vault ./web-vault
COPY --from=build /volume/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/bitwarden_rs .
COPY --from=build app/target/release/bitwarden_rs .
# Configures the startup!
CMD ./bitwarden_rs

Dockerfile.alpine Normale Datei
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# Using multistage build:
# https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/
# https://whitfin.io/speeding-up-rust-docker-builds/
####################### VAULT BUILD IMAGE #######################
FROM node:8-alpine as vault
ENV URL "https://github.com/bitwarden/web.git"
RUN apk add --update-cache --upgrade \
curl \
git \
RUN git clone -b $VAULT_VERSION --depth 1 $URL web-build
WORKDIR /web-build
COPY /docker/set-vault-baseurl.patch /web-build/
RUN git apply set-vault-baseurl.patch
RUN npm run sub:init && npm install
RUN npm run dist \
&& mv build /web-vault
########################## BUILD IMAGE ##########################
# Musl build image for statically compiled binary
FROM clux/muslrust:nightly-2018-08-24 as build
# Creates a dummy project used to grab dependencies
RUN USER=root cargo init --bin
# Copies over *only* your manifests and vendored dependencies
COPY ./Cargo.* ./
COPY ./libs ./libs
COPY ./rust-toolchain ./rust-toolchain
# Builds your dependencies and removes the
# dummy project, except the target folder
# This folder contains the compiled dependencies
RUN cargo build --release
RUN find . -not -path "./target*" -delete
# Copies the complete project
# To avoid copying unneeded files, use .dockerignore
COPY . .
# Builds again, this time it'll just be
# your actual source files being built
RUN cargo build --release
######################## RUNTIME IMAGE ########################
# Create a new stage with a minimal image
# because we already have a binary built
FROM alpine:3.8
ENV ROCKET_ENV "staging"
ENV SSL_CERT_DIR=/etc/ssl/certs
# Install needed libraries
RUN apk add \
ca-certificates \
&& rm /var/cache/apk/*
RUN mkdir /data
VOLUME /data
# Copies the files from the context (env file and web-vault)
# and the binary from the "build" stage to the current stage
COPY .env .
COPY Rocket.toml .
COPY --from=vault /web-vault ./web-vault
COPY --from=build /volume/target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/bitwarden_rs .
# Configures the startup!
CMD ./bitwarden_rs