Fork 0
2018-02-28 20:33:36 +01:00

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You need Docker and Docker Compose.

1. Learn how to install Docker and Docker Compose.

Quick installation for most operation systems:

  • Docker
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com/ | CHANNEL=stable sh
# After the installation process is finished, you may need to enable the service and make sure it is started (e.g. CentOS 7)
systemctl enable docker.service
systemctl start docker.service
  • Docker-Compose
curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/$(curl -Ls https://www.servercow.de/docker-compose/latest.php)/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) > /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Please use the latest Docker engine available and do not use the engine that ships with your distros repository.

2. Clone the master branch of the repository, make sure your umask equals 0022.

# umask
# cd /opt
# git clone https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized
# cd mailcow-dockerized

3. Generate a configuration file. Use a FQDN (host.domain.tld) as hostname when asked.


4. Change configuration if you want or need to.

nano mailcow.conf

If you plan to use a reverse proxy, you can, for example, bind HTTPS to on port 8443 and HTTP to on port 8080.

You may need to stop an existing pre-installed MTA which blocks port 25/tcp. See this chapter to learn how to reconfigure Postfix to run besides mailcow after a successful installation.

4.1. OpenStack users and users with a MTU not equal to 1500:

Edit docker-compose.yml and change the network settings according to your MTU. Add the new driver_opts parameter like this:

      com.docker.network.driver.mtu: 1450

5. Pull the images and run the composer file. The parameter -d will start mailcow: dockerized detached:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


You can now access https://${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME} with the default credentials admin + password moohoo.

The database will be initialized right after a connection to MySQL can be established.