2017-05-06 14:59:43 +02:00

1,6 KiB


You can use docker-compose logs $service-name for all containers.

Run docker-compose logs for all logs at once.

Follow the log output by running docker-compose with logs -f.

Limit the output by calling logs with --tail=300 like docker-compose logs --tail=300 mysql-mailcow.

Reset admin password

Reset mailcow admin to admin:moohoo:

cd mailcow_path

What container does what

Here is a brief overview of what container does what:

Service Name Service Descriptions
bind9-mailcow Local (DNSSEC) DNS Resolver
mysql-mailcow Stores most of mailcow's settings
postfix-mailcow Receives and sends mails
dovecot-mailcow User logins and sieve filter
redis-mailcow Storage backend for DKIM keys, Rmilter and Rspamd
rspamd-mailcow Mail filtering system. Used for av handling, dkim signing, spam handling
rmilter-mailcow Integrates Rspamd into postfix
clamd-mailcow Scans attachments for viruses
sogo-mailcow Webmail client that handles Microsoft ActiveSync and Cal- / CardDav
nginx-mailcow Nginx remote proxy that handles all mailcow related HTTP / HTTPS requests