!!! info You need the mailcow Version 2022-05 at least for this feature.
If you donĀ“t have the Version installed please consider a update.
For more informations about a mailcow update please take a look at the [Update](../../i_u_m/i_u_m_update.md) section here in the docs. ### What are Tags designed for? With the Tags you can easily sort your Domains and Mailboxes by the tags instead of their name. ### Where are the Tags located? The Tags are located in the Domain/Mailbox section of the mailcow UI. To view them simply click on the small plus symbol on the left of your Domain/Mailbox (following picture is showing the domain ribbon menu): ![Domain/Mailbox Tags Ribbon](../../assets/images/manual-guides/mailcow-domain_tags_ribbon.png) ### How can i add/remove a Tag? You can simply add/remove a Tag during the creation of a new Domain/Mailbox. You also can add/remove them if you edit your desired Domain/Mailbox. It looks similar to this (following picture showing the domain edit section): ![Domain/Mailbox Tags](../../assets/images/manual-guides/mailcow-domain_email_tags.png) ### How can i search for a tag? Simply type the Tag Name in the search bar in the Domain/Mailbox Section and wait for it to complete. You can even specify if you want to search for tags only.