If you want or have to use an external DNS service, you can either set a forwarder in Unbound or copy an override file to define external DNS servers: !!! warning Please do not use a public resolver like we did in the example above. Many - if not all - blacklist lookups will fail with public resolvers, because blacklist server has limits on how much requests can be done from one IP and public resolvers usually reach this limits.
**Important**: Only DNSSEC validating DNS services will work. ## Method A, Unbound Edit `data/conf/unbound/unbound.conf` and append the following parameters: ``` forward-zone: name: "." forward-addr: # DO NOT USE PUBLIC DNS SERVERS - JUST AN EXAMPLE forward-addr: # DO NOT USE PUBLIC DNS SERVERS - JUST AN EXAMPLE ``` Restart Unbound: === "docker compose (Plugin)" ``` bash docker compose restart unbound-mailcow ``` === "docker-compose (Standalone)" ``` bash docker-compose restart unbound-mailcow ``` ## Method B, Override file ``` cd /opt/mailcow-dockerized cp helper-scripts/docker-compose.override.yml.d/EXTERNAL_DNS/docker-compose.override.yml . ``` Edit `docker-compose.override.yml` and adjust the IP. Afterwards stop and start the Docker Stack again: === "docker compose (Plugin)" ``` bash docker compose down docker compose up -d ``` === "docker-compose (Standalone)" ``` bash docker-compose down docker-compose up -d ```