site_name: 'mailcow: dockerized documentation' site_url: copyright: 'Copyright © 2020 AndrĂ© Peters' repo_name: mailcow/mailcow-dockerized repo_url: edit_uri: ../mailcow-dockerized-docs/edit/master/docs/ remote_branch: gh-pages theme: material markdown_extensions: - codehilite: guess_lang: true - toc: permalink: true - admonition - pymdownx.magiclink - pymdownx.tasklist: custom_checkbox: true - pymdownx.mark - pymdownx.tilde - pymdownx.extra - footnotes nav: - 'Information & Support': '' - 'Prerequisites': - 'Prepare your system': '' - 'DNS setup': '' - 'Installation, Update & Migration': - 'Installation': '' - 'Update': '' - 'Migration': '' - 'First Steps (optional)': - 'Untrust RFC 1918': '' - 'Advanced SSL': '' - 'Rspamd UI': '' - 'Reverse Proxy': '' - 'SNAT': '' - 'Disable IPv6': '' - 'Relayhosts': '' - 'Logging': '' - 'Local MTA on Docker host': '' - 'Sync job migration': '' - 'IP bindings': '' - 'Models': - 'ACL': '' - 'Password hashing': '' - 'Sender and receiver model': '' - 'WebAuthn / FIDO2': '' - 'Debugging & Troubleshooting': - 'Introduction': - 'Logs': '' - 'Attach a Container': '' - 'Reset Passwords (incl. SQL)': '' - 'Manual MySQL upgrade': '' - 'Remove Persistent Data': '' - 'Common Problems': '' - 'Admin login to SOGo': '' - 'Backup & Restore': - 'Helper script': - 'Backup': '' - 'Restore': '' - 'Manually': - 'Maildir': '' - 'MySQL': '' - 'Usage & Examples': - 'mailcow UI': - 'Configuration': '' - 'Blacklist / Whitelist': '' - 'Pushover': '' - 'Spamfilter': '' - 'Temporary email aliases': '' - 'Tagging': '' - 'Two-Factor Authentication': '' - 'Postfix': - 'Custom transport maps': '' - 'Whitelist IP in Postscreen': '' - 'Customize/Expand': '' - 'Disable Sender Addresses Verification': '' - 'Max. message size (attachment size)': '' - 'Statistics with pflogsumm': '' - 'Unbound': - 'Using an external DNS service': '' - 'Dovecot': - 'Enable "any" ACL settings': '' - 'Expunge a Users mails': '' - 'Customize/Expand dovecot.conf': '' - 'FTS (Solr)': '' - 'IMAP IDLE interval': '' - 'Mail crypt': '' - 'More Examples with DOVEADM': '' - 'Move vmail volume': '' - 'Public folders': '' - 'Static master user': '' - 'Nginx': - 'Custom sites': '' - 'Create subdomain': '' - 'Redis': '' - 'Rspamd': '' - 'SOGo': '' - 'Docker': - 'Customize Dockerfiles': '' - 'Docker Compose Bash Completion': '' - 'Why unbound?': '' - 'Autodiscover / Autoconfig': '' - 'Redirect HTTP to HTTPS': '' - 'Adjust Service Configurations': '' - 'Deinstall': '' - 'Re-enable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1': '' - 'Mailpiler Integration': '' - 'Exchange Hybrid Setup': '' - 'Client Configuration': - 'Overview': '' - 'Android': 'client/' - 'Apple macOS / iOS': 'client/' - 'eM Client': 'client/' - 'KDE Kontact': 'client/' - 'Microsoft Outlook': 'client/' - 'Mozilla Thunderbird': 'client/' - 'Windows Mail': 'client/' - 'Windows Phone': 'client/' - 'Manual configuration': 'client/' - 'Third party apps': - 'SOGo Connector for Thunderbird': '' - 'Roundcube': '' - 'Portainer': '' - 'Gogs': '' - 'Gitea': '' - 'Nextcloud': '' icon: logo: 'images/logo.svg' extra: palette: primary: 'indigo' accent: 'orange' social: - icon: fontawesome/solid/globe-americas link: - icon: fontawesome/brands/github-alt link: extra_css: [extra.css] extra_javascript: [clients.js]