With Gitea' ability to authenticate over SMTP it is trivial to integrate it with mailcow. Few changes are needed: 1\. In order to create a database for gitea, connect to your shell and execute the following commands: ``` source mailcow.conf docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "CREATE DATABASE gitea;" docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "CREATE USER 'gitea'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'your_strong_password';" docker exec -it $(docker ps -f name=mysql-mailcow -q) mysql -uroot -p${DBROOT} -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gitea.* TO 'gitea'@'%'; ``` 2\. Open `docker-compose.override.yml` and add gitea: ```yaml version: '2.1' services: gitea-mailcow: image: gitea/gitea:1 volumes: - ./data/gitea:/data networks: mailcow-network: aliases: - gitea ports: - "${GITEA_SSH_PORT:-}:22" ``` 3\. Create `data/conf/nginx/site.gitea.custom`, add: ``` location /gitea/ { proxy_pass http://gitea:3000/; } ``` 4\. Open `mailcow.conf` and define the binding you want gitea to use for SSH. Example: ``` GITEA_SSH_PORT= ``` 5\. Run the commands to bring up the gitea container and restart the nginx-mailcow container afterwards: === "docker compose (Plugin)" ``` bash docker compose up -d docker compose restart nginx-mailcow ``` === "docker-compose (Standalone)" ``` bash docker-compose up -d docker-compose restart nginx-mailcow ``` 6\. If you forced mailcow to https, execute step 9 and restart gitea with the following command: === "docker compose (Plugin)" ``` bash docker compose restart gitea-mailcow ``` === "docker-compose (Standalone)" ``` bash docker-compose restart gitea-mailcow ``` Go head with step 7 (Remember to use https instead of http, `https://mx.example.org/gitea/`) 7\. Open `http://${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME}/gitea/`, for example `http://mx.example.org/gitea/`. For database details set `mysql` as database host. Use gitea as database name, gitea as database user and your_strong_password you previously definied at step 1 as database password. 8\. Once the installation is complete, login as admin and set "settings" -> "authorization" -> "enable SMTP". SMTP Host should be `postfix` with port `587`, set `Skip TLS Verify` as we are using an unlisted SAN ("postfix" is most likely not part of your certificate). 9\. Create `data/gitea/gitea/conf/app.ini` and set following values. You can consult [gitea cheat sheet](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/config-cheat-sheet/) for their meaning and other possible values. ```ini [server] SSH_LISTEN_PORT = 22 # For GITEA_SSH_PORT= in mailcow.conf, set: SSH_DOMAIN = SSH_PORT = 4000 # For MAILCOW_HOSTNAME=mx.example.org in mailcow.conf (and default ports for HTTPS), set: ROOT_URL = https://mx.example.org/gitea/ ``` 10\. Restart gitea with the following command. Your users should be able to login with mailcow managed accounts. === "docker compose (Plugin)" ``` bash docker compose restart gitea-mailcow ``` === "docker-compose (Standalone)" ``` bash docker-compose restart gitea-mailcow ```