SOGo is used for accessing your mails via a webbrowser, adding and sharing your contacts or calendars. For a more in-depth documentation on SOGo please visit its [own documentation](

## Apply custom SOGo theme
mailcow builds after 28 January 2021 can change SOGo's theme by editing `data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js`.
Please check the AngularJS Material [intro]( and [documentation]( as well as the [material style guideline]( to learn how this works. 

You can use the provided `custom-theme.js` as an example starting point by removing the comments.
After you modified `data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js` and made changes to your new SOGo theme you need to 

1\. edit `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf` and append/set `SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = YES;`

2\. restart SOGo and Memcached containers by executing the command:
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

3\. open SOGo in browser

4\. open browser developer console, usually shortcut is F12

5\. only if you use Firefox: write by hands in dev console `allow pasting` and press enter

6\. paste java script snipet in dev console:
  .map(e => e.ownerNode)
  .filter(e => e.hasAttribute('md-theme-style'))
  .map(e => e.textContent)

7\. open text editor and paste data from clipboard (Ctrl+V), you should get minified CSS, save it

8\. copy CSS file to mailcow server `data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.css`

9\. edit `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf` and set `SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = NO;`

10\. append/create `docker-compose.override.yml` with:
version: '2.1'

      - ./data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.css:/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/theme-default.css:z

11\. Run: 
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose up -d

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose up -d

12\. Run: 
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow

## Reset to SOGo default theme
1\. checkout `data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js` by executing `git fetch ; git checkout origin/master data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js`

2\. find in `data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.js`:
// Apply new palettes to the default theme, remap some of the hues
      .primaryPalette('green-cow', {
        'default': '400',  // background color of top toolbars
        'hue-1': '400',
        'hue-2': '600',    // background color of sidebar toolbar
        'hue-3': 'A700'
      .accentPalette('green', {
        'default': '600',  // background color of fab buttons and login screen
        'hue-1': '300',    // background color of center list toolbar
        'hue-2': '300',    // highlight color for selected mail and current day calendar
        'hue-3': 'A700'
and replace it with:

3\. remove from `docker-compose.override.yml` volume mount in `sogo-mailcow`:
- ./data/conf/sogo/custom-theme.css:/usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/css/theme-default.css:z

4\. Run: 
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose up -d

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose up -d

5\. Run: 
=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow

## Change favicon
mailcow builds after 31 January 2021 can change SOGo's favicon by replacing `data/conf/sogo/custom-favicon.ico` for SOGo and `data/web/favicon.png` for mailcow UI.
**Note**: You can use `.png` favicons for SOGo by renaming them to `custom-favicon.ico`.
For both SOGo and mailcow UI favicons you need use one of the standard dimensions: 16x16, 32x32, 64x64, 128x128 and 256x256.
After you replaced said file you need to restart SOGo and Memcached containers by executing:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

## Change logo
mailcow builds after 21 December 2018 can change SOGo's logo by replacing or creating (if missing) `data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg`.
After you replaced said file you need to restart SOGo and Memcached containers by executing:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

## Connect domains
Domains are usually isolated from eachother.

You can change that by modifying `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf`:

   // SOGoDomainsVisibility = (
    //  (domain1.tld, domain5.tld),
    //  (domain3.tld, domain2.tld)
    // );
...and replace it by - for example:

    SOGoDomainsVisibility = (

Restart SOGo:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart sogo-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart sogo-mailcow

## Enable password changing

The password change option in SOGo is disabled by default because it:

+ doesn't take into account the password policy set in the mailcow UI
+ doesn't work when the user is logged in into SOGo using the `Login to Webmail` function in the mailcow UI (Auth Proxy)

If you still want enable this option edit `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf` and **change** `SOGoPasswordChangeEnabled` to `YES`. Please do not add a new parameter.

Run this command to activate the changes:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow

## Reset TOTP / Disable TOTP

Run the following command from within the mailcow directory:

=== "docker compose (Plugin)"

    ``` bash
    docker compose exec -u sogo sogo-mailcow sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults SOGoTOTPEnabled '{"SOGoTOTPEnabled":0}'

=== "docker-compose (Standalone)"

    ``` bash
    docker-compose exec -u sogo sogo-mailcow sogo-tool user-preferences set defaults SOGoTOTPEnabled '{"SOGoTOTPEnabled":0}'