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Automatic update

An update script in your mailcow-dockerized directory will take care of updates.

But use it with caution! If you think you made a lot of changes to the mailcow code, you should use the manual update guide below.

Run the update script:


If it needs to, it will ask you how you wish to proceed. Merge errors will be reported. Some minor conflicts will be auto-corrected (in favour for the mailcow: dockerized repository code).


# Options can be combined

# - Check for updates and show changes
./ --check

# Do not try to update docker-compose, **make sure to use the latest docker-compose available**
./ --no-update-compose

# - Do not start mailcow after applying an update
./ --skip-start

# - Skip ICMP Check to public DNS resolvers (Use it only if you´ve blocked any ICMP Connections to your mailcow machine)
./ --skip-ping-check

# - Force update (unattended, but unsupported, use at own risk)
./ --force

# - Run garbage collector to cleanup old image tags and exit
./ --gc

# - Update with merge strategy option "ours" instead of "theirs"
#   This will **solve conflicts** when merging in favor for your local changes and should be avoided. Local changes will always be kept, unless we changed file XY, too.
./ --ours

# - Don't update, but prefetch images and exit
./ --prefetch

I forgot what I changed before running

See git log --pretty=oneline | grep -i "before update", you will have an output similar to this:

22cd00b5e28893ef9ddef3c2b5436453cc5223ab Before update on 2020-09-28_19_25_45
dacd4fb9b51e9e1c8a37d84485b92ffaf6c59353 Before update on 2020-08-07_13_31_31

Run git diff 22cd00b5e28893ef9ddef3c2b5436453cc5223ab to see what changed.

Can I roll back?


See the topic above, instead of a diff, you run checkout:

docker-compose down
# Replace commit ID 22cd00b5e28893ef9ddef3c2b5436453cc5223ab by your ID
git checkout 22cd00b5e28893ef9ddef3c2b5436453cc5223ab
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d


You can hook into the update mechanism by adding scripts called and to your mailcows root directory. See this for more details.

Update Cycle

  • We schedule a monthly release cycle for a major update at the first tuesday of the month.
  • The releases are numbered like this: YYYY-MM (e.g. 2022-05)
  • Fixes for a main Update will be stated as "Revisions" like a,b,c (e.g. 2022-05a, 2022-05b etc.)

Last update: 2022-05-05 21:41:23
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