Restructured menu and reworked debugging chapter
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
3 geänderte Dateien mit 40 neuen und 21 gelöschten Zeilen
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
## Logs
You can use `docker-compose logs $service-name` for all containers.
Run `docker-compose logs` for all logs at once.
@ -5,3 +7,28 @@ Run `docker-compose logs` for all logs at once.
Follow the log output by running docker-compose with `logs -f`.
Limit the output by calling logs with `--tail=300` like `docker-compose logs --tail=300 mysql-mailcow`.
## Reset admin password
Reset mailcow admin to `admin:moohoo`:
cd mailcow_path
## What container does what
Here is a brief overview of what container does what:
| Container Name | Service Descriptions |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| bind9-mailcow | Local (DNSSEC) DNS Resolver |
| mysql-mailcow | Stores most of mailcow's settings |
| postfix-mailcow | Receives and sends mails |
| dovecot-mailcow | User logins and sieve filter |
| redis-mailcow | Storage backend for DKIM keys, Rmilter and Rspamd |
| rspamd-mailcow | Mail filtering system. Used for av handling, dkim signing, spam handling |
| rmilter-mailcow | Integrates Rspamd into postfix |
| clamd-mailcow | Scans attachments for viruses |
| sogo-mailcow | Webmail client that handles Microsoft ActiveSync and Cal- / CardDav |
| nginx-mailcow | Nginx remote proxy that handles all mailcow related HTTP / HTTPS requests |
@ -13,11 +13,3 @@ docker-compose exec redis-mailcow redis-cli
- Remove volume `rspamd-vol-1` to remove all Rspamd data.
Running `docker-compose down -v` will **destroy all mailcow: dockerized volumes** and delete any related containers.
## Reset admin password
Reset mailcow admin to `admin:moohoo`:
cd mailcow_path
@ -19,27 +19,27 @@ pages:
- 'Rspamd Web UI': ''
- 'Reverse Proxy': ''
- 'Setup a Relayhost (optional)': ''
- 'Log to Syslog': ''
- 'Log to Syslog & fail2ban': ''
- 'Local MTA on Docker Host': ''
- 'Sender and Receiver Model': ''
- 'Usage & Examples':
- 'Debugging & Troubleshooting': ''
- 'mailcow UI Configuration': ''
- 'Redirect HTTP to HTTPS': ''
- 'Anonymize Headers': ''
- 'Adjust Service Configurations': ''
- 'Docker Compose Bash Completion': ''
- 'Two-Factor Authentication': ''
- 'Blacklist / Whitelist': ''
- 'Backup Maildir': ''
- 'Customize Dockerfiles': ''
- 'Disable Sender Addresses Verification': ''
- 'Debug': ''
- 'Autodiscover / Autoconfig': ''
- 'Redis': ''
- 'MySQL': ''
- 'Rspamd': ''
- 'Tagging': ''
- 'Why bind9?': ''
- 'Adjust Service Configurations': ''
- 'Customize Dockerfiles': ''
- 'Docker Compose Bash Completion': ''
- 'Backup Maildir': ''
- 'Two-Factor Authentication': ''
- 'Redirect HTTP to HTTPS': ''
- 'Anonymize Headers': ''
- 'Tagging': ''
- 'Blacklist / Whitelist': ''
- 'Autodiscover / Autoconfig': ''
- 'Disable Sender Addresses Verification': ''
- 'Third party apps':
- 'Roundcube': ''
- 'Portainer': ''
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