Update u_e-sogo.md

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André Peters 2018-12-20 13:01:42 +01:00 • committet von GitHub
Ursprung 43ed5816fb
Commit 67e6ccc46c
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GPG-SchlĂĽssel-ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -2,22 +2,8 @@
SOGo is used for accessing your mails via a webbrowser, adding and sharing your contacts or calendars. For a more in-depth documentation on SOGo please visit its [own documentation](http://wiki.sogo.nu/).
## Change Theme
You can change SOGo's theme by editing `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf`. Per default it uses a blue theme, which you can change e.g. to a green (non-default SOGo-green) theme. More colored themes will be supported in the future.
After you edited said file you need to restart the SOGO container with `docker-compose restart sogo-mailcow` or via the mailcow UI.
##### Example (`data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf`, line 17):
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (js/theme-blue.js);
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (js/theme-green.js);
SOGo default:
As of December 21 2018 we removed our custom themes due to complains about missing colors in some address book and calendar sections. Some other problems were still existing and would not be fixed in the near future (switching colors on login screen, for example).
## Change Logo
You can change SOGo's logo by replacing `data/Dockerfiles/sogo/sogo-full.svg`.
After you replaced said file you need to rebuild the container by executing `docker-compose build sogo-mailcow` and start it with `docker-compose up -d sogo-mailcow`.
mailcow builds after 21 December 2018 can change SOGo's logo by replacing `data/conf/sogo/sogo-full.svg`.
After you replaced said file you need to restart SOGo and Memcached containers by executing `docker-compose restart memcached-mailcow sogo-mailcow`.