[Roundcube] Add documentation for direct admin login

Roundcube admin login
Contributed by @balping
Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Niklas Meyer 2022-01-21 20:52:26 +01:00 • committet von GitHub
Commit 66baa5ce63
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@ -72,7 +72,21 @@ dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient
Docker containers use the Docker hosts inotify limits. Setting them on your Docker host will pass them to the container.
## Dovecot keeps restarting (see [#2672](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/issues/2672))
Check that you have at least the following files in `data/assets/ssl`:
If `dhparams.pem` is missing, you can generate it with
openssl dhparam -out data/assets/ssl/dhparams.pem 4096
[^1]: [netcat](https://linux.die.net/man/1/nc), [nmap](https://linux.die.net/man/1/nmap), [openssl](https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Manual:S_client(1)), [telnet](https://linux.die.net/man/1/telnet), etc.

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Initialize the database and leave the installer.
**Delete the directory `data/web/rc/installer` after a successful installation!**
### Configure ManageSieve filtering
## Configure ManageSieve filtering
Open `data/web/rc/plugins/managesieve/config.inc.php` and change the following parameters (or add them at the bottom of that file):
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ $config['managesieve_conn_options'] = array(
$config['managesieve_vacation'] = 1;
### Enable change password function in Roundcube
## Enable change password function in Roundcube
Open `data/web/rc/config/config.inc.php` and enable the password plugin:
@ -115,12 +115,12 @@ $config['password_algorithm_prefix'] = '{SSHA256}';
$config['password_query'] = "UPDATE mailbox SET password = %P WHERE username = %u";
### Integrate CardDAV addressbooks in Roundcube
## Integrate CardDAV addressbooks in Roundcube
Download the latest release of [RCMCardDAV](https://github.com/mstilkerich/rcmcarddav) to the Roundcube plugin directory and extract it (here `rc/plugins`):
cd data/web/rc/plugins
wget -O - https://github.com/mstilkerich/rcmcarddav/releases/download/v4.1.2/carddav-v4.1.2.tar.gz | tar xfvz -
wget -O - https://github.com/mstilkerich/rcmcarddav/releases/download/v4.3.0/carddav-v4.3.0.tar.gz | tar xfvz -
chown -R root: carddav/
@ -193,3 +193,59 @@ rm -rf roundcube*
# Fix Allow remote resources (https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/issues/8170) should not be required in 1.6
sed -i "s/\$prefix = '\.\/';/\$prefix = preg_replace\('\/\[\?\&]\.\*\$\/', '', \$_SERVER\['REQUEST_URI'] \?\? ''\) \?: '\.\/';/g" /web/rc/program/include/rcmail.php
## Let admins log into Roundcube without password
First, install plugin [dovecot_impersonate](https://github.com/corbosman/dovecot_impersonate/) and add Roundcube as an app (see above).
Edit `mailcow.conf` and add the following:
# Allow admins to log into Roundcube as email user (without any password)
# Roundcube with plugin dovecot_impersonate must be installed first
Edit `docker-compose.override.yml` and crate/extend the section for `php-fpm-mailcow`:
version: '2.1'
Edit `data/web/js/site/mailbox.js` and the following code after [`if (ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN) { ... }`](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/blob/2f9da5ae93d93bf62a8c2b7a5a6ae50a41170c48/data/web/js/site/mailbox.js#L485-L487)
item.action += '<a href="/rc-auth.php?login=' + encodeURIComponent(item.username) + '" class="login_as btn btn-xs ' + btnSize + ' btn-primary" target="_blank"><i class="bi bi-envelope-fill"></i> Roundcube</a>';
Edit `data/web/mailbox.php` and add this line to array [`$template_data`](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/blob/2f9da5ae93d93bf62a8c2b7a5a6ae50a41170c48/data/web/mailbox.php#L33-L43):
'allow_admin_email_login_roundcube' => (preg_match("/^(yes|y)+$/i", $_ENV["ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN_ROUNDCUBE"])) ? 'true' : 'false',
Edit `data/web/templates/mailbox.twig` and add this code to the bottom of the [javascript section](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/blob/2f9da5ae93d93bf62a8c2b7a5a6ae50a41170c48/data/web/templates/mailbox.twig#L49-L57):
var ALLOW_ADMIN_EMAIL_LOGIN_ROUNDCUBE = {{ allow_admin_email_login_roundcube }};
Copy the contents of the following files from this [Snippet](https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2038244):
* `data/web/inc/lib/RoundcubeAutoLogin.php`
* `data/web/rc-auth.php`
Finally, restart mailcow
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d