Update u_e-rspamd.md

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
André Peters 2020-04-29 18:22:52 +02:00 • committet von GitHub
Ursprung 8ee2cb6985
Commit 549e220314
Es konnte kein GPG-SchlĂĽssel zu dieser Signatur gefunden werden
GPG-SchlĂĽssel-ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23

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@ -81,19 +81,42 @@ docker-compose exec rspamd-mailcow rspamadm --help
## Disable Greylisting
You can disable rspamd's greylisting server-wide by editing:
Only messages with a higher score will be considered to be greylisted (soft rejected). It is bad practice to disable greylisting.
You can disable greylisting server-wide by editing:
Simply add the line:
Add the line:
enabled = false;
Save the file and then restart the rspamd container.
Save the file and restart "rspamd-mailcow": `docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow`
See [Rspamd documentation](https://rspamd.com/doc/index.html)
## Spam filter thresholds (global)
Each user is able to change [their spam rating individually](https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/u_e-mailcow_ui-spamfilter/). To define a new **server-wide** limit, edit `data/conf/rspamd/local.d/actions.conf`:
reject = 15;
add_header = 8;
greylist = 7;
Save the file and restart "rspamd-mailcow": `docker-compose restart rspamd-mailcow`
Existing settings of users will not be overwritten!
To reset custom defined thresholds, run:
source mailcow.conf
docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel';"
# or:
# docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -umailcow -p$DBPASS mailcow -e "delete from filterconf where option = 'highspamlevel' or option = 'lowspamlevel' and object = 'only-this-mailbox@example.org';"
## Custom reject messages