Relayhosts can be setup using the mailcow UI
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Insert these lines into `data/conf/postfix/`. "relayhost" does already exist (empty), just change its value.
relayhost = [your-relayhost]:587
smtp_sasl_password_maps = hash:/opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd
smtp_sasl_auth_enable = yes
As of September 12th you can setup relayhosts as admin by using the mailcow UI.
Create the credentials file:
echo "your-relayhost username:password" > data/conf/postfix/smarthost_passwd
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postmap /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow chown root:postfix /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd.db
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow chmod 660 /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd /opt/postfix/conf/smarthost_passwd.db
docker-compose exec postfix-mailcow postfix reload
### Helper script
There is a helper script `` you can run to setup a relayhost.
``` bash
Setup a relayhost:
./ relayhost port (username) (password)
Username and password are optional parameters.
Reset to defaults:
./ reset
Edit a domain afterwards and assign a relayhost for it to use.
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