Clarify catch-all aliases with alias-domains

The docs don't yet mention alias domains and their effect when using catch-all aliases for a domain within mailcow. This added example should clarify that any mail send to an alias domain will in fact be delivered to the catch-all alias on the target domain, which is in contrast to specific aliases added for a single mailbox.
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Steffen 2019-02-27 20:33:20 +01:00 • committet von GitHub
Ursprung 192cde1c56
Commit 046ccfc385
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@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ It is important to know, that you are not able to receive mail for `my-alias@my- is NOT known as
Please note that this does not apply to catch-all aliases:
Alias domain is added and assigned to primary domain is assigned the catch-all alias is still just known as, which is the only available send-as option
Any email send to will match the catch-all alias for
Administrators and domain administrators can edit mailboxes to allow specific users to send as other mailbox users ("delegate" them).
You can choose between mailbox users or completely disable the sender check for domains.