
27 Zeilen
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SOGo is used for accessing your mails via a webbrowser, adding and sharing your contacts or calendars. For a more in-depth documentation on SOGo please visit its [own documentation](
## Change Theme
You can change SOGo's theme by editing `data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf`. Per default it uses a blue theme, which you can change e.g. to a green (non-default SOGo-green) theme. More colored themes will be supported in the future.
After you edited said file you need to restart the SOGO container with `docker-compose restart sogo-mailcow` or via the mailcow UI.
##### Example (`data/conf/sogo/sogo.conf`, line 17):
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (js/theme-blue.js);
SOGoUIAdditionalJSFiles = (js/theme-green.js);
SOGo default:
## Change Logo
You can change SOGo's logo by replacing `data/Dockerfiles/sogo/sogo-full.svg`.
2018-03-03 21:10:48 +01:00
After you replaced said file you need to rebuild the SOGo and NGinx container by executing following command:
docker-compose up -d --no-deps --force-recreate nginx-mailcow sogo-mailcow