# Installing mailcow and Mailman 3 based on dockerized versions
!!! info
This guide is a copy from [dockerized-mailcow-mailman](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman). Please post issues, questions and improvements in the [issue tracker](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman/issues) there.
!!! warning
mailcow is not responsible for any data loss, hardware damage or broken keyboards. This guide comes without any warranty. Make backups before starting, 'coze: **No backup no pity!**
## Introduction
This guide aims to install and configure [mailcow-dockerized](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized) with [docker-mailman](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman) and to provide some useful scripts. An essential condition is, to preserve *mailcow* and *Mailman* in their own installations for independent updates.
There are some guides and projects on the internet, but they are not up to date and/or incomplete in documentation or configuration. This guide is based on the work of:
- [mailcow-mailman3-dockerized](https://github.com/Shadowghost/mailcow-mailman3-dockerized) by [Shadowghost](https://github.com/Shadowghost)
After finishing this guide, [mailcow-dockerized](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized) and [docker-mailman](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman) will run and *Apache* as a reverse proxy will serve the web frontends.
The operating system used is an *Ubuntu 20.04 LTS*.
Most of the configuration is covered by *mailcow*s [DNS setup](../../prerequisite/prerequisite-dns.en.md). After finishing this setup add another subdomain for *Mailman*, e.g. `lists.example.org` that points to the same server:
Install *Apache*, e.g. with this guide from *Digital Ocean*: [How To Install the Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 20.04](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-the-apache-web-server-on-ubuntu-20-04).
Activate certain *Apache* modules (as *root* or *sudo*):
Maybe you have to install further packages to get these modules. This [PPA](https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/apache2) by *OndĆej SurĂœ* may help you.
#### vHost configuration
Copy the [mailcow.conf](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman/tree/master/apache/mailcow.conf) and the [mailman.conf](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman/tree/master/apache/mailman.conf) in the *Apache* conf folder `sites-available` (e.g. under `/etc/apache2/sites-available`).
Change in `mailcow.conf`:
Change in `mailman.conf`:
-`MAILMAN_DOMAIN` to your *Mailman* domain (e.g. `lists.example.org`)
**Don't activate the configuration, as the ssl certificates and directories are missing yet.**
### Obtain SSL certificates with *Let's Encrypt*
Check if your DNS config is available over the internet and points to the right IP addresses, e.g. with [MXToolBox](https://mxtoolbox.com):
The additional volume is used by *Mailman* to generate additional config files for *mailcow postfix*. The external network is build and used by *Mailman*. *mailcow* needs it to deliver incoming list mails to *Mailman*.
Create the file `/opt/mailcow-dockerized/data/conf/postfix/extra.cf` (e.g. with `nano`) and add the following lines:
As we overwrite *mailcow postfix* configuration here, this step may break your normal mail transports. Check the [original configuration files](https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized/tree/master/data/conf/postfix) if anything changed.
#### SSL certificates
As we proxying *mailcow*, we need to copy the SSL certificates into the *mailcow* file structure. This task will do the script [renew-ssl.sh](https://github.com/g4rf/dockerized-mailcow-mailman/tree/master/scripts/renew-ssl.sh) for us:
- Copy the file to `/opt/mailcow-dockerized`
- Change **mailcow_HOSTNAME** to your *mailcow* hostname
- Make it executable (`chmod a+x renew-ssl.sh`)
- **Do not run it yet, as we first need Mailman**
You have to create a *cronjob*, so that new certificates will be copied. Execute as *root* or *sudo*:
crontab -e
To run the script every day at 5am, add:
0 5 * * * /opt/mailcow-dockerized/renew-ssl.sh
### Install *Mailman*
Basicly follow the instructions at [docker-mailman](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman). As they are a lot, here is in a nuthshell what to do:
Create a long key for *Hyperkitty*, e.g. with the linux command `cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | head -c30; echo`. Save this key for a moment as HYPERKITTY_KEY.
Create a long password for the database, e.g. with the linux command `cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | head -c30; echo`. Save this password for a moment as DBPASS.
Create a long key for *Django*, e.g. with the linux command `cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-zA-Z0-9 | head -c30; echo`. Save this key for a moment as DJANGO_KEY.
At `mailman-web` fill in correct values for `SERVE_FROM_DOMAIN` (e.g. `lists.example.org`), `MAILMAN_ADMIN_USER` and `MAILMAN_ADMIN_EMAIL`. You need the admin credentials to log into the web interface (*Postorius*). For setting **the password for the first time** use the *Forgot password* function in the web interface.
About other configuration options read [Mailman-web](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman#mailman-web-1) and [Mailman-core](https://github.com/maxking/docker-mailman#mailman-core-1) documentation.
#### Configure Mailman core and Mailman web
Create the file `/opt/mailman/core/mailman-extra.cfg` with the following content. `mailman@example.org` should be pointing to a valid mail box or redirection.
default_language: de
site_owner: mailman@example.org
Create the file `/opt/mailman/web/settings_local.py` with the following content. `mailman@example.org` should be pointing to a valid mail box or redirection.
**Wait a few minutes!** The containers have to create there databases and config files. This can last up to 1 minute and more.
## Remarks
### New lists aren't recognized by postfix instantly
When you create a new list and try to immediately send an e-mail, *postfix* responses with `User doesn't exist`, because *postfix* won't deliver it to *Mailman* yet. The configuration at `/opt/mailman/core/var/data/postfix_lmtp` is not instantly updated. If you need the list instantly, restart *postifx* manually:
**Mailman** won't state backup instructions in the README.md. In the [gitbucket of pgollor](https://gitbucket.pgollor.de/docker/mailman-mailcow-integration/blob/master/mailman-backup.sh) is a script that may be helpful.
## ToDo
### install script
Write a script like in [mailman-mailcow-integration/mailman-install.sh](https://gitbucket.pgollor.de/docker/mailman-mailcow-integration/blob/master/mailman-install.sh) as many of the steps are automatable.
1. Ask for all the configuration variables and create passwords and keys.