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{"config":{"lang":["en","de"],"separator":"[\\s\\-]+","pipeline":["stopWordFilter"]},"docs":[{"location":"","title":"\ud83d\udc2e + \ud83d\udc0b = \ud83d\udc95","text":""},{"location":"#help-mailcow","title":"Help mailcow","text":"<p>Please consider a support contract for a small monthly fee at Servercow EN to support further development. We support you while you support us. :)</p> <p>If you are super awesome and would like to support without a contract, you can get a SAL license that confirms your awesomeness (a flexible one-time payment) at Servercow EN.</p>"},{"location":"#get-support","title":"Get support","text":"<p>There are two ways to achieve support for your mailcow installation.</p>"},{"location":"#commercial-support","title":"Commercial support","text":"<p>For professional and prioritized commercial support you can sign a basic support subscription at Servercow EN. For custom inquiries or questions please contact us at instead.</p> <p>Furthermore we do also provide a fully featured and managed mailcow here. This way we take care about the technical magic underneath and you can enjoy your whole mail experience in a hassle-free way.</p>"},{"location":"#community-support-and-chat","title":"Community support and chat","text":"<p>The other alternative is our free community-support on our various channels below. Please notice, that this support is driven by our awesome community around mailcow. This kind of support is best-effort, voluntary and there is no guarantee for anything.</p> <ul> <li> <p>Our mailcow community @</p> </li> <li> <p>Telegram (Support) @</p> </li> <li> <p>Telegram (Off-Topic) @</p> </li> <li> <p>Twitter @mailcow_email</p> </li> </ul> <p>Telegram desktop clients are available for multiple platforms. You can search the groups history for keywords.</p> <p>For bug tracking, feature requests and code contributions only:</p> <ul> <li>GitHub @ mailcow/mailcow-dockerized</li> </ul>"},{"location":"#demos","title":"Demos","text":"<p>Since September 2022 we\u00b4re providing two seperate Demo instances: </p> <ul> <li> is the classic Demo based on the stable releases.</li> <li> is the new nightly demo based on unreleased testing features. (So especially interesting for those who have no possibility to create a test instance themselves.)</li> </ul> <p>Use the following credentials to login on both demos:</p> <ul> <li>Administrator: admin / moohoo</li> <li>Domain-Administrator: department / moohoo</li> <li>Mailbox: / moohoo</li> </ul> <p>Success</p> <p>The demo instances get the latest updates directly after releases from GitHub. Fully automatic, without any downtime!</p>"},{"location":"#overview","title":"Overview","text":"<p>The integrated mailcow UI allows administrative work on your mail server instance as well as separated domain administrator and mailbox user access:</p> <ul> <li>DKIM and ARC support</li> <li>Black- and whitelists per domain and per user</li> <li>Spam score management per-user (reject spam, mark spam, greylist)</li> <li>Allow mailbox users to create temporary spam aliases</li> <li>Prepend mail tags to subject or move mail to sub folder (per-user)</li> <li>Allow mailbox users to toggle incoming and outgoing TLS enforcement</li> <li>Allow users to reset SOGo ActiveSync device caches</li> <li>imapsync to migrate or pull remote mailboxes regularly</li> <li>TFA: Yubikey OTP and U2F USB (Google Chrome and derivatives only), TOTP</li> <li>Add domains, mailboxes, aliases, domain aliases and SOGo resources</li> <li>Add whitelisted hosts to forward mail to mailcow</li> <li>Fail2ban-like integration</li> <li>Quarantine system</li> <li>Antivirus scanning incl. macro scanning in office documents</li> <li>Integrated basic monitoring</li> <li>A lot more...</li> </ul> <p>mailcow: dockerized comes with multiple containers linked in one bridged network. Each container represents a single application.</p> <ul> <li>ACME</li> <li>ClamAV (optional)</li> <li>Dovecot</li> <