docker-compose exec mysql-mailcow mysql -uroot -p$DBROOT
mysql> CREATE USER gogs IDENTIFIED BY 'CorrectHorseBatteryStaple';
mysql> CREATE DATABASE gogs;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gogs.* to gogs;
5\. Run `docker-compose up -d` to bring up Gogs container. Verify with `curl` that it is running.
6\. Proceed to installer from browser, for the time being using direct url `http://${MAILCOW_HOSTNAME}:${GOGS_WWW_PORT}/`, for example ``. For database details set `` as database host, user `gogs`, database name `gogs` and password as set above
7\. Once install is complete, login as admin and in settings - authorization enable SMTP. SMTP Host should be `` with port `587`. You'll probably want to set `Skip TLS Verify`.
8\. Edit `data/gogs/gogs/conf/app.ini` and set following values. You can consult [Gogs cheat sheet]( for their meaning and other possible values.
SSH_DOMAIN = [domain where ssh is available - used for ssh clone url]
SSH_PORT = [port where ssh is open on host - used for ssh clone url]
ROOT_URL = https://[url]/gogs/
9\. Restart Gogs with `docker-compose restart gogs-mailcow`. Your users should be able to login with mailcow managed accounts.