class CustomWizard::Api::Endpoint include ActiveModel::SerializerSupport attr_accessor :id, :name, :api_name, :method, :url def initialize(api_name, data={}) @api_name = api_name data.each do |k, v| self.send "#{k}=", v if self.respond_to?(k) end end def self.set(api_name, new_data) if new_data['id'] data = self.get(api_name, new_data['id'], data_only: true) endpoint_id = new_data['id'] else data = {} endpoint_id = SecureRandom.hex(3) end new_data.each do |k, v| data[k.to_sym] = v end PluginStore.set("custom_wizard_api_#{api_name}", "endpoint_#{endpoint_id}", data) self.get(api_name, endpoint_id) end def self.get(api_name, endpoint_id, opts={}) return nil if !endpoint_id if data = PluginStore.get("custom_wizard_api_#{api_name}", "endpoint_#{endpoint_id}") if opts[:data_only] data else data[:id] = endpoint_id, data) end else nil end end def self.remove(api_name) PluginStoreRow.where("plugin_name = 'custom_wizard_api_#{api_name}' AND key LIKE 'endpoint_%'").destroy_all end def self.list(api_name) PluginStoreRow.where("plugin_name LIKE 'custom_wizard_api_#{api_name}' AND key LIKE 'endpoint_%'") .map do |record| api_name = record['plugin_name'].sub("custom_wizard_api_", "") data = ::JSON.parse(record['value']) data[:id] = record['key'].split('_').last, data) end end def self.request(user, api_name, endpoint_id, body) endpoint = self.get(api_name, endpoint_id) auth = CustomWizard::Api::Authorization.get_header_authorization_string(api_name) connection = URI.parse(URI.encode(endpoint.url)).to_s, :headers => { "Authorization" => auth, "Accept" => "application/json, */*", "Content-Type" => "application/json" } ) params = { method: endpoint.method } if body body = JSON.generate(body) body.delete! '\\' params[:body] = body end begin response = connection.request(params) log_params = {time:, user_id:, status: 'SUCCESS', url: endpoint.url, error: ""} CustomWizard::Api::LogEntry.set(api_name, log_params) return JSON.parse(response.body) rescue # TODO: improve error detail log_params = {time:, user_id:, status: 'FAILURE', url: endpoint.url, error: "API request failed"} CustomWizard::Api::LogEntry.set(api_name, log_params) return JSON.parse "[{\"error\":\"API request failed\"}]" end end end