import { dasherize } from "@ember/string"; import discourseComputed from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; export default { name: "custom-wizard-field", initialize() { if (window.location.pathname.indexOf("/w/") < 0) { return; } const FieldComponent = requirejs("wizard/components/wizard-field").default; const FieldModel = requirejs("wizard/models/wizard-field").default; const { cook } = requirejs( "discourse/plugins/discourse-custom-wizard/wizard/lib/text-lite" ); const DEditor = requirejs("discourse/components/d-editor").default; const { clipboardHelpers } = requirejs("discourse/lib/utilities"); const { toMarkdown } = requirejs("discourse/lib/to-markdown"); /* * unit: custom_wizard:templates_and_builder * type: step * number: 9 * title: Handle the attribute in the wizard client * description: We can now handle our new attribute in the wizard client. * For our "highlighted" attribute, we would add a * classNameBinding in the wizard-field component which * we've imported from the discourse/discourse wizard and are * extending here. */ FieldComponent.reopen({ classNameBindings: [""], @discourseComputed("field.type") textType(fieldType) { return ["text", "textarea"].includes(fieldType); }, cookedDescription: function () { return cook(this.get("field.description")); }.property("field.description"), inputComponentName: function () { const type = this.get("field.type"); const id = this.get(""); if (["text_only"].includes(type)) { return false; } return dasherize(type === "component" ? id : `wizard-field-${type}`); }.property("field.type", ""), }); const StandardFieldValidation = [ "text", "number", "textarea", "dropdown", "tag", "image", "user_selector", "text_only", "composer", "category", "group", "date", "time", "date_time", ]; FieldModel.reopen({ check() { if (this.customCheck) { return this.customCheck(); } let valid = this.valid; if (!this.required) { this.setValid(true); return true; } const val = this.get("value"); const type = this.get("type"); if (type === "checkbox") { valid = val; } else if (type === "upload") { valid = val && > 0; } else if (StandardFieldValidation.indexOf(type) > -1) { valid = val && val.toString().length > 0; } else if (type === "url") { valid = true; } this.setValid(valid); return valid; }, }); const isInside = (text, regex) => { const matches = text.match(regex); return matches && matches.length % 2; }; DEditor.reopen({ isComposer: true, didInsertElement() { this._super(); if (this.wizardComposerEvents) { this.appEvents.on( "wizard-editor:insert-text", this, "_wizardInsertText" ); this.appEvents.on( "wizard-editor:replace-text", this, "_wizardReplaceText" ); } }, _wizardInsertText(args = {}) { if (args.fieldId === this.fieldId) { this._insertText(args.text, args.options); } }, _wizardReplaceText(args = {}) { if (args.fieldId === this.fieldId) { this._replaceText(args.oldVal, args.newVal, (args.opts = {})); } }, paste(e) { if (!$(".d-editor-input").is(":focus")) { return; } const isComposer = this.isComposer; let { clipboard, canPasteHtml, canUpload } = clipboardHelpers(e, { siteSettings: this.siteSettings, canUpload: isComposer, }); let plainText = clipboard.getData("text/plain"); let html = clipboard.getData("text/html"); let handled = false; const { pre, lineVal } = this._getSelected(null, { lineVal: true }); const isInlinePasting = pre.match(/[^\n]$/); const isCodeBlock = isInside(pre, /(^|\n)```/g); if ( plainText && this.siteSettings.enable_rich_text_paste && !isInlinePasting && !isCodeBlock ) { plainText = plainText.trim().replace(/\r/g, ""); const table = this._extractTable(plainText); if (table) { this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:insert-text", { fieldId: this.fieldId, text: table, }); handled = true; } } if (canPasteHtml && plainText) { if (isInlinePasting) { canPasteHtml = !( lineVal.match(/^```/) || isInside(pre, /`/g) || lineVal.match(/^ /) ); } else { canPasteHtml = !isCodeBlock; } } if (canPasteHtml && !handled) { let markdown = toMarkdown(html); if (!plainText || plainText.length < markdown.length) { if (isInlinePasting) { markdown = markdown.replace(/^#+/, "").trim(); markdown = pre.match(/\S$/) ? ` ${markdown}` : markdown; } this.appEvents.trigger("composer:insert-text", { fieldId: this.fieldId, text: markdown, }); handled = true; } } if (handled || (canUpload && !plainText)) { e.preventDefault(); } }, }); }, };