import { camelCase, listProperties } from "../lib/wizard"; import wizardSchema from "../lib/wizard-schema"; import EmberObject from "@ember/object"; import { A } from "@ember/array"; function present(val) { if (val === null || val === undefined) { return false; } else if (typeof val === "object") { return Object.keys(val).length !== 0; } else if (typeof val === "string" || val.constructor === Array) { return val && val.length; } else { return false; } } function mapped(property, type) { return wizardSchema[type].mapped.indexOf(property) > -1; } function castCase(property, value) { return property.indexOf("_type") > -1 ? camelCase(value) : value; } function buildMappedProperty(value) { let inputs = []; value.forEach((inputJson) => { let input = {}; Object.keys(inputJson).forEach((inputKey) => { if (inputKey === "pairs") { let pairs = []; let pairCount = inputJson.pairs.length; inputJson.pairs.forEach((pairJson) => { let pair = {}; Object.keys(pairJson).forEach((pairKey) => { pair[pairKey] = castCase(pairKey, pairJson[pairKey]); }); pair.pairCount = pairCount; pairs.push(EmberObject.create(pair)); }); input.pairs = pairs; } else { input[inputKey] = castCase(inputKey, inputJson[inputKey]); } }); inputs.push(EmberObject.create(input)); }); return A(inputs); } function buildProperty(json, property, type, objectIndex) { let value = json[property]; if ( property === "index" && (value === null || value === undefined) && (objectIndex !== null || objectIndex !== undefined) ) { return objectIndex; } if ( !mapped(property, type) || !present(value) || !value.constructor === Array ) { return value; } return buildMappedProperty(value); } function buildObject(json, type, objectIndex) { let props = { isNew: false, }; Object.keys(json).forEach((prop) => { props[prop] = buildProperty(json, prop, type, objectIndex); }); return EmberObject.create(props); } function buildObjectArray(json, type) { let array = A(); if (present(json)) { json.forEach((objJson, objectIndex) => { let object = buildObject(objJson, type, objectIndex); array.pushObject(object); }); } return array; } function buildBasicProperties(json, type, props, objectIndex = null) { listProperties(type).forEach((p) => { props[p] = buildProperty(json, p, type, objectIndex); }); return props; } /// to be removed: necessary due to action array being moved from step to wizard function actionPatch(json) { let actions = json.actions || []; json.steps.forEach((step) => { if (step.actions && step.actions.length) { step.actions.forEach((action) => { action.run_after = "wizard_completion"; actions.push(action); }); } }); json.actions = actions; return json; } /// function buildProperties(json) { let props = { steps: A(), actions: A(), }; if (present(json)) { props.existingId = true; props = buildBasicProperties(json, "wizard", props); if (present(json.steps)) { json.steps.forEach((stepJson, objectIndex) => { let stepProps = { isNew: false, }; stepProps = buildBasicProperties( stepJson, "step", stepProps, objectIndex ); stepProps.fields = buildObjectArray(stepJson.fields, "field"); props.steps.pushObject(EmberObject.create(stepProps)); }); } json = actionPatch(json); // to be removed - see above props.actions = buildObjectArray(json.actions, "action"); } else { listProperties("wizard").forEach((prop) => { props[prop] = wizardSchema.wizard.basic[prop]; }); } return props; } export { buildProperties, present, mapped };