import { ajax } from 'discourse/lib/ajax'; export default Ember.Controller.extend({ init() { this._super(); this.set('selected', Ember.A()); this.set('filePath', Ember.A()); }, actions: { checkChanged(event) { this.set('noneSelected','') let selected = this.get('selected'); if ( { selected.addObject( } else if (! { selected.removeObject( } this.set('selected', selected) }, export() { let wizards = this.get('selected'); let url = Discourse.BaseUrl; let route = '/admin/wizards/transfer/export'; url += route + '?'; if (!wizards.length) { this.set('noneSelected', I18n.t("admin.wizard.transfer.export.noneSelected")) } else { this.set('noneSelected', '') wizards.forEach((wizard) => { let step = 'wizards[]=' + wizard; step += '&'; url += step }); location.href = url; } }, setFilePath(event) { this.set('noFile', '') // 512 kb is the max file size let maxFileSize = 512 * 1024; if ([0] === undefined) { this.get('filePath').length = 0 return } if (maxFileSize <[0].size) { this.set('fileSizeError', I18n.t('admin.wizard.transfer.import.fileSizeError')) } else { this.set('fileSizeError', '') // emptying the array as we allow only one file upload at a time this.get('filePath').length = 0 // interestingly, this.get gives us the actual reference to the object so modifying it // actually modifies the actual value this.get('filePath').addObject([0]) } }, import() { let $formData = new FormData(); if (this.get('filePath').length) { this.set('noFile', '') $formData.append('file', this.get('filePath')[0]); ajax('/admin/wizards/transfer/import', { type: 'POST', data: $formData, processData: false, contentType: false, }).then(result => { if (result.error) { this.set('error', result.error) } else { this.set('success_ids', result.success) this.set('failure_ids', result.failed) } }) } else { this.set('noFile',I18n.t("admin.wizard.transfer.import.noFile")) } } } });