import { CANCELLED_STATUS } from "discourse/lib/autocomplete"; import { debounce } from "@ember/runloop"; import getUrl from "discourse-common/lib/get-url"; import { Promise } from "rsvp"; let cache = {}, cacheTopicId, cacheTime, currentTerm, oldSearch; function performSearch( term, topicId, includeGroups, includeMentionableGroups, includeMessageableGroups, allowedUsers, group, resultsFn ) { let cached = cache[term]; if (cached) { resultsFn(cached); return; } // need to be able to cancel this oldSearch = $.ajax(getUrl("/u/search/users"), { data: { term, topic_id: topicId, include_groups: includeGroups, include_mentionable_groups: includeMentionableGroups, include_messageable_groups: includeMessageableGroups, group, topic_allowed_users: allowedUsers, }, }); let returnVal = CANCELLED_STATUS; oldSearch .then(function (r) { cache[term] = r; cacheTime = new Date(); // If there is a newer search term, return null if (term === currentTerm) { returnVal = r; } }) .always(function () { oldSearch = null; resultsFn(returnVal); }); } function organizeResults(r, options) { if (r === CANCELLED_STATUS) { return r; } let exclude = options.exclude || [], limit = options.limit || 5, users = [], emails = [], groups = [], results = []; if (r.users) { r.users.every(function (u) { if (exclude.indexOf(u.username) === -1) { users.push(u); results.push(u); } return results.length <= limit; }); } if (options.term.match(/@/)) { let e = { username: options.term }; emails = [e]; results.push(e); } if (r.groups) { r.groups.every(function (g) { if ( results.length > limit && options.term.toLowerCase() !== ) { return false; } if (exclude.indexOf( === -1) { groups.push(g); results.push(g); } return true; }); } results.users = users; results.emails = emails; results.groups = groups; return results; } export default function userSearch(options) { let term = options.term || "", includeGroups = options.includeGroups, includeMentionableGroups = options.includeMentionableGroups, includeMessageableGroups = options.includeMessageableGroups, allowedUsers = options.allowedUsers, topicId = options.topicId, group =; if (oldSearch) { oldSearch.abort(); oldSearch = null; } currentTerm = term; return new Promise(function (resolve) { // TODO site setting for allowed regex in username if (term.match(/[^\w_\-\.@\+]/)) { resolve([]); return; } if (new Date() - cacheTime > 30000 || cacheTopicId !== topicId) { cache = {}; } cacheTopicId = topicId; let clearPromise = setTimeout(function () { resolve(CANCELLED_STATUS); }, 5000); // TODO: Use discouseDebounce after it is available on stable. debounce( this, function () { performSearch( term, topicId, includeGroups, includeMentionableGroups, includeMessageableGroups, allowedUsers, group, function (r) { clearTimeout(clearPromise); resolve(organizeResults(r, options)); } ); }, 300 ); }); }