import { default as computed, observes } from 'discourse-common/utils/decorators'; import { renderAvatar } from 'discourse/helpers/user-avatar'; import userSearch from '../lib/user-search'; import WizardI18n from "../lib/wizard-i18n"; const template = function(params) { const options = params.options; let html = "<div class='autocomplete'>"; if (options.users) { html += "<ul>"; options.users.forEach((u) => { html += `<li><a href title="${}">`; html += renderAvatar(u, { imageSize: 'tiny' }); html += `<span class='username'>${u.username}</span>`; if ( { html += `<span class='name'>${}</span>`; } html += `</a></li>`; }); html += "</ul>"; }; html += "</div>"; return new Handlebars.SafeString(html).string; }; export default Ember.TextField.extend({ attributeBindings: ['autofocus', 'maxLength'], autocorrect: false, autocapitalize: false, name: 'user-selector', id: "custom-member-selector", @computed("placeholderKey") placeholder(placeholderKey) { return placeholderKey ? WizardI18n(placeholderKey) : ""; }, @observes('usernames') _update() { if (this.get('canReceiveUpdates') === 'true') this.didInsertElement({updateData: true}); }, didInsertElement(opts) { this._super(); var self = this, selected = [], groups = [], currentUser = this.currentUser, includeMentionableGroups = this.get('includeMentionableGroups') === 'true', includeMessageableGroups = this.get('includeMessageableGroups') === 'true', includeGroups = this.get('includeGroups') === 'true', allowedUsers = this.get('allowedUsers') === 'true'; function excludedUsernames() { // hack works around some issues with allowAny eventing const usernames = self.get('single') ? [] : selected; if (currentUser && self.get('excludeCurrentUser')) { return usernames.concat([currentUser.get('username')]); } return usernames; } $(this.element).val(this.get('usernames')).autocomplete({ template, disabled: this.get('disabled'), single: this.get('single'), allowAny: this.get('allowAny'), updateData: (opts && opts.updateData) ? opts.updateData : false, dataSource(term) { const termRegex = /[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.@\+]/; var results = userSearch({ term: term.replace(termRegex, ''), topicId: self.get('topicId'), exclude: excludedUsernames(), includeGroups, allowedUsers, includeMentionableGroups, includeMessageableGroups }); return results; }, transformComplete(v) { if (v.username || { if (!v.username) { groups.push(; } return v.username ||; } else { var excludes = excludedUsernames(); return v.usernames.filter(function(item){ return excludes.indexOf(item) === -1; }); } }, onChangeItems(items) { var hasGroups = false; items = { if (groups.indexOf(i) > -1) { hasGroups = true; } return i.username ? i.username : i; }); self.set('usernames', items.join(",")); self.set('hasGroups', hasGroups); selected = items; if (self.get('onChangeCallback')) self.sendAction('onChangeCallback'); }, reverseTransform(i) { return { username: i }; } }); }, willDestroyElement() { this._super(); $(this.element).autocomplete('destroy'); }, // THIS IS A HUGE HACK TO SUPPORT CLEARING THE INPUT @observes('usernames') _clearInput: function() { if (arguments.length > 1) { if (Em.isEmpty(this.get("usernames"))) { $(this.element).parent().find("a").click(); } } } });