# frozen_string_literal: true class CustomWizard::Builder attr_accessor :wizard, :updater, :template def initialize(wizard_id, user = nil) @template = CustomWizard::Template.create(wizard_id) return nil if @template.nil? @wizard = CustomWizard::Wizard.new(template.data, user) end def self.sorted_handlers @sorted_handlers ||= [] end def self.step_handlers sorted_handlers.map { |h| { wizard_id: h[:wizard_id], block: h[:block] } } end def self.add_step_handler(priority = 0, wizard_id, &block) sorted_handlers << { priority: priority, wizard_id: wizard_id, block: block } @sorted_handlers.sort_by! { |h| -h[:priority] } end def mapper CustomWizard::Mapper.new( user: @wizard.user, data: @wizard.current_submission ) end def build(build_opts = {}, params = {}) return nil if !SiteSetting.custom_wizard_enabled || !@wizard return @wizard if !@wizard.can_access? build_opts[:reset] = build_opts[:reset] || @wizard.restart_on_revisit @template.steps.each do |step_template| next if !check_condition(step_template) @wizard.append_step(step_template['id']) do |step| step = check_if_permitted(step, step_template) next if !step.permitted save_permitted_params(step_template, params) step = add_step_attributes(step, step_template) step = append_step_fields(step, step_template, build_opts) step.on_update do |updater| @updater = updater @submission = (@wizard.current_submission || {}) .merge(@updater.submission) .with_indifferent_access @updater.validate next if @updater.errors.any? apply_step_handlers next if @updater.errors.any? run_step_actions if @updater.errors.empty? if route_to = @submission['route_to'] @submission.delete('route_to') end @wizard.save_submission(@submission) @updater.result[:redirect_on_next] = route_to if route_to true else false end end end end @wizard.update_step_order! @wizard end ## # type: step # number: 7 # title: Add it to the builder # description: When our template is built into a wizard, we need our new # attribute to be built here in the builder so it's ready to # be sent to the wizard client. ## def append_field(step, step_template, field_template, build_opts) params = { id: field_template['id'], type: field_template['type'], required: field_template['required'] } %w(label description image key validations min_length max_length char_counter).each do |key| params[key.to_sym] = field_template[key] if field_template[key] end params[:value] = prefill_field(field_template, step_template) if !build_opts[:reset] && (submission = @wizard.current_submission) params[:value] = submission[field_template['id']] if submission[field_template['id']] end if field_template['type'] === 'group' && params[:value].present? params[:value] = params[:value].first end if field_template['type'] === 'checkbox' params[:value] = standardise_boolean(params[:value]) end if field_template['type'] === 'upload' params[:file_types] = field_template['file_types'] end if ['date', 'time', 'date_time'].include?(field_template['type']) params[:format] = field_template['format'] end if field_template['type'] === 'category' || field_template['type'] === 'tag' params[:limit] = field_template['limit'] end if field_template['type'] === 'category' params[:property] = field_template['property'] end if field_template['type'] === 'category' || ( field_template['validations'] && field_template['validations']['similar_topics'] && field_template['validations']['similar_topics']['categories'].present? ) @wizard.needs_categories = true end if field_template['type'] === 'group' @wizard.needs_groups = true end if (content_inputs = field_template['content']).present? content = CustomWizard::Mapper.new( inputs: content_inputs, user: @wizard.user, data: @wizard.current_submission, opts: { with_type: true } ).perform if content.present? && content[:result].present? if content[:type] == 'association' content[:result] = content[:result].map do |item| { id: item[:key], name: item[:value] } end end if content[:type] == 'assignment' && field_template['type'] === 'dropdown' content[:result] = content[:result].map do |item| { id: item, name: item } end end params[:content] = content[:result] end end if field_template['index'].present? index = CustomWizard::Mapper.new( inputs: field_template['index'], user: @wizard.user, data: @wizard.current_submission ).perform params[:index] = index.to_i unless index.nil? end if field_template['description'].present? params[:description] = mapper.interpolate( field_template['description'], user: true, value: true, wizard: true, template: true ) end field = step.add_field(params) end def prefill_field(field_template, step_template) if (prefill = field_template['prefill']).present? CustomWizard::Mapper.new( inputs: prefill, user: @wizard.user, data: @wizard.current_submission ).perform end end def check_condition(template) if template['condition'].present? result = CustomWizard::Mapper.new( inputs: template['condition'], user: @wizard.user, data: @wizard.current_submission, opts: { multiple: true } ).perform result.any? else true end end def check_if_permitted(step, step_template) step.permitted = true if step_template['required_data'] step = ensure_required_data(step, step_template) end if !step.permitted if step_template['required_data_message'] step.permitted_message = step_template['required_data_message'] end end step end def add_step_attributes(step, step_template) %w(index title banner key force_final).each do |attr| step.send("#{attr}=", step_template[attr]) if step_template[attr] end if step_template['description'] step.description = mapper.interpolate( step_template['description'], user: true, value: true, wizard: true, template: true ) step.description = PrettyText.cook(step.description) end step end def append_step_fields(step, step_template, build_opts) if step_template['fields'] && step_template['fields'].length step_template['fields'].each do |field_template| next if !check_condition(field_template) append_field(step, step_template, field_template, build_opts) end end step.update_field_order! step end def standardise_boolean(value) ActiveRecord::Type::Boolean.new.cast(value) end def save_permitted_params(step_template, params) return unless step_template['permitted_params'].present? permitted_params = step_template['permitted_params'] permitted_data = {} submission_key = nil params_key = nil submission = @wizard.current_submission || {} permitted_params.each do |pp| pair = pp['pairs'].first params_key = pair['key'].to_sym submission_key = pair['value'].to_sym if submission_key && params_key submission[submission_key] = params[params_key] end end @wizard.save_submission(submission) end def ensure_required_data(step, step_template) step_template['required_data'].each do |required| pairs = required['pairs'].select do |pair| pair['key'].present? && pair['value'].present? end if pairs.any? && !@wizard.current_submission step.permitted = false break end pairs.each do |pair| pair['key'] = @wizard.current_submission[pair['key']] end if !mapper.validate_pairs(pairs) step.permitted = false break end end step end def apply_step_handlers CustomWizard::Builder.step_handlers.each do |handler| if handler[:wizard_id] == @wizard.id handler[:block].call(self) end end end def run_step_actions if @template.actions.present? @template.actions.each do |action_template| if action_template['run_after'] === updater.step.id CustomWizard::Action.new( action: action_template, wizard: @wizard, data: @submission ).perform end end end end end