import ComposerEditor from "discourse/components/composer-editor"; import { default as discourseComputed, on, } from "discourse-common/utils/decorators"; import { findRawTemplate } from "discourse-common/lib/raw-templates"; import { throttle } from "@ember/runloop"; import { scheduleOnce, next } from "@ember/runloop"; import { safariHacksDisabled, caretPosition, inCodeBlock, } from "discourse/lib/utilities"; import highlightSyntax from "discourse/lib/highlight-syntax"; import { getToken } from "wizard/lib/ajax"; import { validateUploadedFiles, getUploadMarkdown, } from "discourse/lib/uploads"; import { cacheShortUploadUrl } from "pretty-text/upload-short-url"; import { alias } from "@ember/object/computed"; import { uploadIcon } from "discourse/lib/uploads"; import WizardI18n from '../lib/wizard-i18n'; const uploadMarkdownResolvers = []; const uploadHandlers = []; export default ComposerEditor.extend({ classNameBindings: ["fieldClass"], allowUpload: true, showLink: false, showHyperlinkBox: false, topic: null, showToolbar: true, focusTarget: "reply", canWhisper: false, lastValidatedAt: "lastValidatedAt", popupMenuOptions: [], draftStatus: "null", replyPlaceholder: alias("field.placeholder"), @on("didInsertElement") _composerEditorInit() { const $input = $(this.element.querySelector(".d-editor-input")); const $preview = $(this.element.querySelector(".d-editor-preview-wrapper")); if (this.siteSettings.enable_mentions) { $input.autocomplete({ template: findRawTemplate("user-selector-autocomplete"), dataSource: (term) =>, term), key: "@", transformComplete: (v) => v.username ||, afterComplete: (value) => { this.composer.set("reply", value); scheduleOnce("afterRender", () => $input.blur().focus()); }, triggerRule: (textarea) => !inCodeBlock(textarea.value, caretPosition(textarea)), }); } if (this._enableAdvancedEditorPreviewSync()) { this._initInputPreviewSync($input, $preview); } else { $input.on("scroll", () => throttle(this, this._syncEditorAndPreviewScroll, $input, $preview, 20) ); } this._bindUploadTarget(); }, @discourseComputed allowedFileTypes() { return this.siteSettings.authorized_extensions .split("|") .map((ext) => "." + ext) .join(","); }, @discourseComputed("currentUser") uploadIcon(currentUser) { return uploadIcon(false, this.siteSettings); }, _setUploadPlaceholderSend() { if (!this.composer.get("reply")) { this.composer.set("reply", ""); } this._super(...arguments); }, _bindUploadTarget() { this._super(...arguments); const $element = $(this.element); // adding dropZone property post initialization $element.fileupload("option", "dropZone", $element); $"fileuploadsubmit"); $element.on("fileuploadsubmit", (e, data) => { const max = this.siteSettings.simultaneous_uploads; // Limit the number of simultaneous uploads if (max > 0 && data.files.length > max) { bootbox.alert( WizardI18n("post.errors.too_many_dragged_and_dropped_files", { max }) ); return false; } // Look for a matching file upload handler contributed from a plugin const matcher = (handler) => { const ext = handler.extensions.join("|"); const regex = new RegExp(`\\.(${ext})$`, "i"); return regex.test(data.files[0].name); }; const matchingHandler = uploadHandlers.find(matcher); if (data.files.length === 1 && matchingHandler) { if (!matchingHandler.method(data.files[0], this)) { return false; } } // If no plugin, continue as normal const isPrivateMessage = this.get("composer.privateMessage"); data.formData = { type: "composer" }; data.formData.authenticity_token = getToken(); if (isPrivateMessage) { data.formData.for_private_message = true; } if (this._pasted) { data.formData.pasted = true; } const opts = { user: this.currentUser, siteSettings: this.siteSettings, isPrivateMessage, allowStaffToUploadAnyFileInPm: this.siteSettings .allow_staff_to_upload_any_file_in_pm, }; const isUploading = validateUploadedFiles(data.files, opts); this.setProperties({ uploadProgress: 0, isUploading }); return isUploading; }); $element.on("fileuploadprogressall", (e, data) => { this.set( "uploadProgress", parseInt((data.loaded / * 100, 10) ); }); $element.on("fileuploadfail", (e, data) => { this._setUploadPlaceholderDone(data); this._resetUpload(true); const userCancelled = this._xhr && this._xhr._userCancelled; this._xhr = null; if (!userCancelled) { displayErrorForUpload(data, this.siteSettings); } }); $element.on("fileuploadsend", (e, data) => { this._pasted = false; this._validUploads++; this._setUploadPlaceholderSend(data); this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:insert-text", { fieldId:, text: this.uploadPlaceholder, }); if (data.xhr && data.originalFiles.length === 1) { this.set("isCancellable", true); this._xhr = data.xhr(); } }); $element.on("fileuploaddone", (e, data) => { let upload = data.result; this._setUploadPlaceholderDone(data); if (!this._xhr || !this._xhr._userCancelled) { const markdown = uploadMarkdownResolvers.reduce( (md, resolver) => resolver(upload) || md, getUploadMarkdown(upload) ); cacheShortUploadUrl(upload.short_url, upload); this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:replace-text", { fieldId:, oldVal: this.uploadPlaceholder.trim(), newVal: markdown, }); this._resetUpload(false); } else { this._resetUpload(true); } }); }, _resetUpload(removePlaceholder) { next(() => { if (this._validUploads > 0) { this._validUploads--; } if (this._validUploads === 0) { this.setProperties({ uploadProgress: 0, isUploading: false, isCancellable: false, }); } if (removePlaceholder) { this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:replace-text", { fieldId:, oldVal: this.uploadPlaceholder, newVal: "", }); } this._resetUploadFilenamePlaceholder(); }); }, _registerImageScaleButtonClick($preview) { const imageScaleRegex = /!\[(.*?)\|(\d{1,4}x\d{1,4})(,\s*\d{1,3}%)?(.*?)\]\((upload:\/\/.*?)\)(?!(.*`))/g; $"click", ".scale-btn").on("click", ".scale-btn", (e) => { const index = parseInt($("data-image-index"), 10); const scale =["data-scale"].value; const matchingPlaceholder = this.get("composer.reply").match( imageScaleRegex ); if (matchingPlaceholder) { const match = matchingPlaceholder[index]; if (match) { const replacement = match.replace( imageScaleRegex, `` ); this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:replace-text", { fieldId:, oldVal: matchingPlaceholder[index], newVal: replacement, options: { regex: imageScaleRegex, index, }, }); } } e.preventDefault(); return; }); }, click(e) { if ($("wizard-composer-hyperlink")) { this.set("showHyperlinkBox", false); } }, actions: { extraButtons(toolbar) { const component = this; if (this.allowUpload && this.uploadIcon && ! { toolbar.addButton({ id: "upload", group: "insertions", icon: this.uploadIcon, title: "upload", sendAction: (event) => component.send("showUploadModal", event), }); } toolbar.addButton({ id: "link", group: "insertions", shortcut: "K", trimLeading: true, unshift: true, sendAction: (event) => component.set("showHyperlinkBox", true), }); }, previewUpdated($preview) { highlightSyntax($preview[0], this.siteSettings, this.session); this._super(...arguments); }, addLink(linkName, linkUrl) { let link = `[${linkName}](${linkUrl})`; this.appEvents.trigger("wizard-editor:insert-text", { fieldId:, text: link, }); this.set("showHyperlinkBox", false); }, hideBox() { this.set("showHyperlinkBox", false); }, showUploadModal() { $(this.element.querySelector(".wizard-composer-upload")).trigger("click"); }, }, });