import { acceptance, query, visible, } from "discourse/tests/helpers/qunit-helpers"; import { test } from "qunit"; import { click, fillIn, findAll, visit, waitUntil } from "@ember/test-helpers"; import selectKit from "discourse/tests/helpers/select-kit-helper"; import { getCustomFields, getUnsubscribedAdminWizards, getWizard, } from "../helpers/admin-wizard"; import { Promise } from "rsvp"; acceptance("Admin | Custom Fields Unsuscribed", function (needs) { needs.user(); needs.settings({ custom_wizard_enabled: true, available_locales: JSON.stringify([{ name: "English", value: "en" }]), }); needs.pretender((server, helper) => { server.get("/admin/wizards/wizard", () => { return helper.response(getWizard); }); server.get("/admin/wizards", () => { return helper.response(getUnsubscribedAdminWizards); }); server.get("/admin/wizards/custom-fields", () => { return helper.response(getCustomFields); }); server.put("/admin/wizards/custom-fields", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK" }); }); server.delete("/admin/wizards/custom-fields/topic_custom_field", () => { return helper.response({ success: "OK" }); }); }); async function selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( type, serializer, name, summaryName ) { const typeDropdown = selectKit( `.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="${summaryName}"])` ); await typeDropdown.expand(); await click( `.select-kit-collection li[data-value="${type.toLowerCase()}"]` ); const serializerDropdown = selectKit( ".admin-wizard-container details.multi-select" ); await serializerDropdown.expand(); await click( `.select-kit-collection li[data-value="${serializer .toLowerCase() .replace(/ /g, "_")}"]` ); await fillIn( ".admin-wizard-container input", name.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, "_") ); } async function waitForSaveMessage() { // Wait for the "Saved custom field" message to appear await waitUntil( () => document.querySelector(".message-content")?.innerText === "Saved custom field", { timeout: 5000 } ); // Wait for the message to change back to the original text await waitUntil( () => document.querySelector(".message-content")?.innerText === "View, create, edit and destroy custom fields", { timeout: 15000 } ); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); } test("Navigate to custom fields tab", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); assert.ok(find("table")); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 4, "Display loaded custom fields" ); assert.ok( query(".message-content").innerText.includes( "View, create, edit and destroy custom fields" ), "it displays wizard message" ); }); test("view available custom fields for unsubscribed plan", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); assert.ok( visible(".wizard-subscription-selector"), "custom field class is present" ); assert.ok( visible(".wizard-subscription-selector-header"), "custom field type is present" ); assert.ok(visible(".input"), "custom field name is present"); assert.ok(visible(".multi-select"), "custom field serializer is present"); assert.ok(visible(".actions"), "custom field action buttons are present"); const dropdown1 = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdown1.expand(); let enabledOptions1 = findAll( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"]) ul li:not(.disabled)' ); let disabledOptions1 = findAll( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"]) ul li.disabled' ); assert.equal( enabledOptions1.length, 2, "There are two enabled options for class fields" ); assert.equal( disabledOptions1.length, 2, "There are two disabled options for class fields" ); const dropdown2 = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a type"])' ); await dropdown2.expand(); let enabledOptions2 = findAll( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a type"]) ul li:not(.disabled)' ); let disabledOptions2 = findAll( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a type"]) ul li.disabled' ); assert.equal( enabledOptions2.length, 3, "There are three enabled options for type" ); assert.equal( disabledOptions2.length, 1, "There is one disabled option for type" ); }); test("change custom fields for unsubscribed plan", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); const dropdown1 = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdown1.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="topic"]'); const serializerDropdown = selectKit( ".admin-wizard-container details.multi-select" ); await serializerDropdown.expand(); let enabledOptions1 = findAll( ".admin-wizard-container details.multi-select ul li" ); assert.equal( enabledOptions1.length, 2, "There are two enabled options in the serializer dropdown for Topic" ); await serializerDropdown.collapse(); const dropdown2 = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Topic"])' ); await dropdown2.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="post"]'); await serializerDropdown.expand(); let enabledOptions2 = findAll( ".admin-wizard-container details.multi-select ul li" ); assert.equal( enabledOptions2.length, 1, "There is one enabled option in the serializer dropdown for Post" ); }); test("Create Topic and Post custom fields", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 4, "Display loaded custom fields" ); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); const dropdownTopic = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdownTopic.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="topic"]'); await selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( "String", "Topic View", "Topic Custom Field", "Filter by: Select a type" ); await click(".actions .save"); // Wait for the "Saved custom field" message to appear await waitForSaveMessage(); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(1) label" ).innerText.includes("topic"), "Topic custom field is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(3) label" ).innerText.includes("topic_custom_field"), "Topic custom field name is displayed" ); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); const dropdownPost = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdownPost.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="post"]'); await selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( "Boolean", "Post", "Post Custom Field", "Filter by: Select a type" ); await click(".actions .save"); // Wait for the "Saved custom field" message to appear await waitForSaveMessage(); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(1) label" ).innerText.includes("post"), "Post custom field is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(3) label" ).innerText.includes("post_custom_field"), "Post custom field name is displayed" ); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 6, "Display added custom fields" ); }); test("Update Topic custom field", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); const dropdownTopic = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdownTopic.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="topic"]'); await selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( "String", "Topic View", "Topic Custom Field", "Filter by: Select a type" ); await click(".actions .save"); await waitForSaveMessage(); await click(".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child button"); await selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( "Boolean", "Topic List Item", "Updated Topic Custom Field", "Filter by: String" ); await click(".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child .save"); await waitForSaveMessage(); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(1) label" ).innerText.includes("topic"), "Topic custom field is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(2) label" ).innerText.includes("boolean"), "Updated Type is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(3) label" ).innerText.includes("updated_topic_custom_field"), "Updated Topic custom field name is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(4)" ).innerText.includes("topic_view"), "Original Serializer is displayed" ); assert.ok( query( ".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child td:nth-child(4)" ).innerText.includes("topic_list_item"), "Updated Serializer is displayed" ); }); test("Delete Topic custom field", async (assert) => { await visit("/admin/wizards/custom-fields"); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 4, "Display loaded custom fields" ); await click(".admin-wizard-controls .btn-icon-text"); const dropdownTopic = selectKit( '.admin-wizard-container details:has(summary[name="Filter by: Select a class"])' ); await dropdownTopic.expand(); await click('.select-kit-collection li[data-value="topic"]'); await selectTypeAndSerializerAndFillInName( "String", "Topic View", "Topic Custom Field", "Filter by: Select a type" ); await click(".actions .save"); await waitForSaveMessage(); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 5, "Display added custom fields" ); await click(".admin-wizard-container tbody tr:first-child button"); await click(".actions .destroy"); assert.ok( findAll("table tbody tr").length === 4, "Display custom fields without deleted fields" ); }); });