# Welcome to the source of www.nick-slowinski.de This website is build with [Docusaurus](docusaurus.io) When a branch _main_ is pushed to the repository, an [Action workflow](https://forge.nick-slowinski.de/nick-slowinski.de/www/actions) builds and deploys the new site under [www.nick-slowinski.de](https://www.nick-slowinski.de). ## Contributing content Contributions in any form are gratefully accepted. ### Adding, extending and changing content Fork; Commit changes; Push; Pull request. ### Translating Multilingual functionality is currently planned, but not available. You can still support us by translating existing content. Steps: 1. Fork this repository 2. Duplicate the file in question and rename it like _"forge.{ISO 639-1 language code}.md"_ - e.g. for an English translation of that file: _forge.en.md_ 3. Push changes to your repository (fork). 4. Create a pull request when you are satisfied with your results. ## Server-side redirects Server-side redirects are used to redirect old links to the correct new path. All redirects will be tracked below, if there is already a redirect and it changes again, all old links should point to the new path. *Note: All redirects are permanent redirects (HTTP status code 301).* | Affected source file (current location) | Source | Target | |-----------------------------------------|-------------------------------|-----------------------| | `/services/eol/ci-cd.md` | `/services/development/drone` | `/services/eol/drone` | # Licence Any content, unless otherwise specified, is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.