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# Welcome to the source of www.nick-slowinski.de
This website is build with [Docusaurus](docusaurus.io)
When a branch _main_ is pushed to the repository, an [Action workflow](https://forge.nick-slowinski.de/nick-slowinski.de/www/actions) builds and deploys the new site under [www.nick-slowinski.de](https://www.nick-slowinski.de).
## Contributing content
Contributions in any form are gratefully accepted.
### Adding, extending and changing content
Fork; Commit changes; Push; Pull request.
### Translating
Multilingual functionality is currently planned, but not available.
You can still support us by translating existing content.
1. Fork this repository
2. Duplicate the file in question and rename it like _"forge.{ISO 639-1 language code}.md"_
- e.g. for an English translation of that file: _forge.en.md_
3. Push changes to your repository (fork).
4. Create a pull request when you are satisfied with your results.
# Licence
Any content, unless otherwise specified, is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.