Spiegel von
synchronisiert 2025-03-07 15:57:01 +01:00

While working on the fix I realised the location where the `external_id` is stored was wrong. It was stored in the `users` table, but it actually should have been stored in the `users_organizations` table. This will move the column to the right table. It will not move the values of the `external_id` column, because if there are more organizations, there is no way to really know which organization it is linked to. Setups using the Directory Connector can clear the sync cache, and sync again, that will store all the `external_id` values at the right location. Also changed the function to revoke,restore an org-user and set_external_id to return a boolean. It will state if the value has been changed or not, and if not, we can prevent a `save` call to the database. The `users` table is not changed to remove the `external_id` column, thi to prevent issue when users want to revert back to an earlier version for some reason. We can do this after a few minor release i think. Fixes #3777
252 Zeilen
9,7 KiB
252 Zeilen
9,7 KiB
use chrono::Utc;
use rocket::{
request::{self, FromRequest, Outcome},
Request, Route,
use std::collections::HashSet;
use crate::{
api::{EmptyResult, JsonUpcase},
db::{models::*, DbConn},
mail, CONFIG,
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
struct OrgImportGroupData {
Name: String,
ExternalId: String,
MemberExternalIds: Vec<String>,
struct OrgImportUserData {
Email: String,
ExternalId: String,
Deleted: bool,
struct OrgImportData {
Groups: Vec<OrgImportGroupData>,
Members: Vec<OrgImportUserData>,
OverwriteExisting: bool,
// LargeImport: bool, // For now this will not be used, upstream uses this to prevent syncs of more then 2000 users or groups without the flag set.
#[post("/public/organization/import", data = "<data>")]
async fn ldap_import(data: JsonUpcase<OrgImportData>, token: PublicToken, mut conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
// Most of the logic for this function can be found here
let org_id = token.0;
let data = data.into_inner().data;
for user_data in &data.Members {
if user_data.Deleted {
// If user is marked for deletion and it exists, revoke it
if let Some(mut user_org) =
UserOrganization::find_by_email_and_org(&user_data.Email, &org_id, &mut conn).await
// Only revoke a user if it is not the last confirmed owner
let revoked = if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner
&& user_org.status == UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32
if UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(&org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, &mut conn).await
<= 1
warn!("Can't revoke the last owner");
} else {
} else {
let ext_modified = user_org.set_external_id(Some(user_data.ExternalId.clone()));
if revoked || ext_modified {
| conn).await?;
// If user is part of the organization, restore it
} else if let Some(mut user_org) =
UserOrganization::find_by_email_and_org(&user_data.Email, &org_id, &mut conn).await
let restored = user_org.restore();
let ext_modified = user_org.set_external_id(Some(user_data.ExternalId.clone()));
if restored || ext_modified {
| conn).await?;
} else {
// If user is not part of the organization
let user = match User::find_by_mail(&user_data.Email, &mut conn).await {
Some(user) => user, // exists in vaultwarden
None => {
// User does not exist yet
let mut new_user = User::new(user_data.Email.clone());
| conn).await?;
if !CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let invitation = Invitation::new(&;
| conn).await?;
let user_org_status = if CONFIG.mail_enabled() || user.password_hash.is_empty() {
UserOrgStatus::Invited as i32
} else {
UserOrgStatus::Accepted as i32 // Automatically mark user as accepted if no email invites
let mut new_org_user = UserOrganization::new(user.uuid.clone(), org_id.clone());
new_org_user.access_all = false;
new_org_user.atype = UserOrgType::User as i32;
new_org_user.status = user_org_status;
| conn).await?;
if CONFIG.mail_enabled() {
let (org_name, org_email) = match Organization::find_by_uuid(&org_id, &mut conn).await {
Some(org) => (, org.billing_email),
None => err!("Error looking up organization"),
if CONFIG.org_groups_enabled() {
for group_data in &data.Groups {
let group_uuid = match Group::find_by_external_id(&group_data.ExternalId, &mut conn).await {
Some(group) => group.uuid,
None => {
let mut group =
Group::new(org_id.clone(), group_data.Name.clone(), false, Some(group_data.ExternalId.clone()));
| conn).await?;
GroupUser::delete_all_by_group(&group_uuid, &mut conn).await?;
for ext_id in &group_data.MemberExternalIds {
if let Some(user_org) = UserOrganization::find_by_external_id_and_org(ext_id, &org_id, &mut conn).await
let mut group_user = GroupUser::new(group_uuid.clone(), user_org.uuid.clone());
| conn).await?;
} else {
warn!("Group support is disabled, groups will not be imported!");
// If this flag is enabled, any user that isn't provided in the Users list will be removed (by default they will be kept unless they have Deleted == true)
if data.OverwriteExisting {
// Generate a HashSet to quickly verify if a member is listed or not.
let sync_members: HashSet<String> = data.Members.into_iter().map(|m| m.ExternalId).collect();
for user_org in UserOrganization::find_by_org(&org_id, &mut conn).await {
if let Some(ref user_external_id) = user_org.external_id {
if !sync_members.contains(user_external_id) {
if user_org.atype == UserOrgType::Owner && user_org.status == UserOrgStatus::Confirmed as i32 {
// Removing owner, check that there is at least one other confirmed owner
if UserOrganization::count_confirmed_by_org_and_type(&org_id, UserOrgType::Owner, &mut conn)
<= 1
warn!("Can't delete the last owner");
user_org.delete(&mut conn).await?;
pub struct PublicToken(String);
impl<'r> FromRequest<'r> for PublicToken {
type Error = &'static str;
async fn from_request(request: &'r Request<'_>) -> request::Outcome<Self, Self::Error> {
let headers = request.headers();
// Get access_token
let access_token: &str = match headers.get_one("Authorization") {
Some(a) => match a.rsplit("Bearer ").next() {
Some(split) => split,
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
None => err_handler!("No access token provided"),
// Check JWT token is valid and get device and user from it
let claims = match auth::decode_api_org(access_token) {
Ok(claims) => claims,
Err(_) => err_handler!("Invalid claim"),
// Check if time is between claims.nbf and claims.exp
let time_now = Utc::now().naive_utc().timestamp();
if time_now < claims.nbf {
err_handler!("Token issued in the future");
if time_now > claims.exp {
err_handler!("Token expired");
// Check if claims.iss is host|claims.scope[0]
let host = match auth::Host::from_request(request).await {
Outcome::Success(host) => host,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting Host"),
let complete_host = format!("{}|{}",, claims.scope[0]);
if complete_host != claims.iss {
err_handler!("Token not issued by this server");
// Check if claims.sub is org_api_key.uuid
// Check if claims.client_sub is org_api_key.org_uuid
let conn = match DbConn::from_request(request).await {
Outcome::Success(conn) => conn,
_ => err_handler!("Error getting DB"),
let org_uuid = match claims.client_id.strip_prefix("organization.") {
Some(uuid) => uuid,
None => err_handler!("Malformed client_id"),
let org_api_key = match OrganizationApiKey::find_by_org_uuid(org_uuid, &conn).await {
Some(org_api_key) => org_api_key,
None => err_handler!("Invalid client_id"),
if org_api_key.org_uuid != claims.client_sub {
err_handler!("Token not issued for this org");
if org_api_key.uuid != claims.sub {
err_handler!("Token not issued for this client");