Spiegel von
synchronisiert 2025-02-02 10:27:01 +01:00
* Add partial role support for manager only - Add the custom role which replaces the manager role - Added mini-details endpoint used by v2024.11.1 These changes try to add the custom role in such a way that it stays compatible with the older manager role. It will convert a manager role into a custom role, and if a manager has `access-all` rights, it will enable the correct custom roles. Upon saving it will convert these back to the old format. What this does is making sure you are able to revert back to an older version of Vaultwarden without issues. This way we can support newer web-vault's and still be compatible with a previous Vaultwarden version if needed. In the future this needs to be changed to full role support though. Fixed the 2FA hide CSS since the order of options has changed Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Fix hide passkey login Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Fix hide create account Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Small changes for v2024.12.0 Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Fix hide create account link Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Add pre-release web-vault Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> * Rename function to mention swapping uuid's Signed-off-by: BlackDex <> --------- Signed-off-by: BlackDex <>
241 Zeilen
9,9 KiB
241 Zeilen
9,9 KiB
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use rocket::{
response::{content::RawCss as Css, content::RawHtml as Html, Redirect},
Catcher, Route,
use serde_json::Value;
use crate::{
api::{core::now, ApiResult, EmptyResult},
util::{Cached, SafeString},
pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> {
// If adding more routes here, consider also adding them to
// crate::utils::LOGGED_ROUTES to make sure they appear in the log
let mut routes = routes![attachments, alive, alive_head, static_files];
if CONFIG.web_vault_enabled() {
routes.append(&mut routes![web_index, web_index_direct, web_index_head, app_id, web_files, vaultwarden_css]);
if CONFIG.reload_templates() {
routes.append(&mut routes![_static_files_dev]);
pub fn catchers() -> Vec<Catcher> {
if CONFIG.web_vault_enabled() {
} else {
fn not_found() -> ApiResult<Html<String>> {
// Return the page
let json = json!({
"urlpath": CONFIG.domain_path()
let text = CONFIG.render_template("404", &json)?;
fn vaultwarden_css() -> Cached<Css<String>> {
let css_options = json!({
"signup_disabled": !CONFIG.signups_allowed() && CONFIG.signups_domains_whitelist().is_empty(),
"mail_enabled": CONFIG.mail_enabled(),
"yubico_enabled": CONFIG._enable_yubico() && (CONFIG.yubico_client_id().is_some() == CONFIG.yubico_secret_key().is_some()),
"emergency_access_allowed": CONFIG.emergency_access_allowed(),
"sends_allowed": CONFIG.sends_allowed(),
"load_user_scss": true,
let scss = match CONFIG.render_template("scss/vaultwarden.scss", &css_options) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
// Something went wrong loading the template. Use the fallback
warn!("Loading scss/vaultwarden.scss.hbs or scss/user.vaultwarden.scss.hbs failed. {e}");
.render_fallback_template("scss/vaultwarden.scss", &css_options)
.expect("Fallback scss/vaultwarden.scss.hbs to render")
let css = match grass_compiler::from_string(
) {
Ok(css) => css,
Err(e) => {
// Something went wrong compiling the scss. Use the fallback
warn!("Compiling the Vaultwarden SCSS styles failed. {e}");
let mut css_options = css_options;
css_options["load_user_scss"] = json!(false);
let scss = CONFIG
.render_fallback_template("scss/vaultwarden.scss", &css_options)
.expect("Fallback scss/vaultwarden.scss.hbs to render");
.expect("SCSS to compile")
// Cache for one day should be enough and not too much
Cached::ttl(Css(css), 86_400, false)
async fn web_index() -> Cached<Option<NamedFile>> {
Cached::short(NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder()).join("index.html")).await.ok(), false)
// Make sure that `/index.html` redirect to actual domain path.
// If not, this might cause issues with the web-vault
fn web_index_direct() -> Redirect {
Redirect::to(format!("{}/", CONFIG.domain_path()))
fn web_index_head() -> EmptyResult {
// Add an explicit HEAD route to prevent uptime monitoring services from
// generating "No matching routes for HEAD /" error messages.
// Rocket automatically implements a HEAD route when there's a matching GET
// route, but relying on this behavior also means a spurious error gets
// logged due to <>.
fn app_id() -> Cached<(ContentType, Json<Value>)> {
let content_type = ContentType::new("application", "fido.trusted-apps+json");
"trustedFacets": [
"version": { "major": 1, "minor": 0 },
"ids": [
// Per <>:
// "In the Web case, the FacetID MUST be the Web Origin [RFC6454]
// of the web page triggering the FIDO operation, written as
// a URI with an empty path. Default ports are omitted and any
// path component is ignored."
// This leaves it unclear as to whether the path must be empty,
// or whether it can be non-empty and will be ignored. To be on
// the safe side, use a proper web origin (with empty path).
"android:apk-key-hash:dUGFzUzf3lmHSLBDBIv+WaFyZMI" ]
#[get("/<p..>", rank = 10)] // Only match this if the other routes don't match
async fn web_files(p: PathBuf) -> Cached<Option<NamedFile>> {
Cached::long(NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.web_vault_folder()).join(p)).await.ok(), true)
async fn attachments(uuid: SafeString, file_id: SafeString, token: String) -> Option<NamedFile> {
let Ok(claims) = decode_file_download(&token) else {
return None;
if claims.sub != *uuid || claims.file_id != *file_id {
return None;
// We use DbConn here to let the alive healthcheck also verify the database connection.
use crate::db::DbConn;
fn alive(_conn: DbConn) -> Json<String> {
fn alive_head(_conn: DbConn) -> EmptyResult {
// Avoid logging spurious "No matching routes for HEAD /alive" errors
// due to <>.
// This endpoint/function is used during development and development only.
// It allows to easily develop the admin interface by always loading the files from disk instead from a slice of bytes
// This will only be active during a debug build and only when `RELOAD_TEMPLATES` is set to `true`
// NOTE: Do not forget to add any new files added to the `static_files` function below!
#[get("/vw_static/<filename>", rank = 1)]
pub async fn _static_files_dev(filename: PathBuf) -> Option<NamedFile> {
let file = filename.to_str().unwrap_or_default();
let ext = filename.extension().unwrap_or_default();
let path = if ext == "png" || ext == "svg" {
} else {
if let Ok(path) = path {
return NamedFile::open(path).await.ok();
#[get("/vw_static/<filename>", rank = 2)]
pub fn static_files(filename: &str) -> Result<(ContentType, &'static [u8]), Error> {
match filename {
"404.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/404.png"))),
"mail-github.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/mail-github.png"))),
"logo-gray.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/logo-gray.png"))),
"error-x.svg" => Ok((ContentType::SVG, include_bytes!("../static/images/error-x.svg"))),
"hibp.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/hibp.png"))),
"vaultwarden-icon.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/vaultwarden-icon.png"))),
"vaultwarden-favicon.png" => Ok((ContentType::PNG, include_bytes!("../static/images/vaultwarden-favicon.png"))),
"404.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/404.css"))),
"admin.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin.css"))),
"admin.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin.js"))),
"admin_settings.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_settings.js"))),
"admin_users.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_users.js"))),
"admin_organizations.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_organizations.js")))
"admin_diagnostics.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/admin_diagnostics.js")))
"bootstrap.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/bootstrap.css"))),
"bootstrap.bundle.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/bootstrap.bundle.js"))),
"jdenticon-3.3.0.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/jdenticon-3.3.0.js"))),
"datatables.js" => Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/datatables.js"))),
"datatables.css" => Ok((ContentType::CSS, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/datatables.css"))),
"jquery-3.7.1.slim.js" => {
Ok((ContentType::JavaScript, include_bytes!("../static/scripts/jquery-3.7.1.slim.js")))
_ => err!(format!("Static file not found: {filename}")),