use std::net::IpAddr; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use rocket::{form::FromForm, serde::json::Json, Route}; use serde_json::Value; use crate::{ api::{EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcaseVec}, auth::{AdminHeaders, ClientIp, Headers}, db::{ models::{Cipher, Event, UserOrganization}, DbConn, DbPool, }, util::parse_date, CONFIG, }; /// ############################################################################################################### /// /api routes pub fn routes() -> Vec<Route> { routes![get_org_events, get_cipher_events, get_user_events,] } #[derive(FromForm)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] struct EventRange { start: String, end: String, #[field(name = "continuationToken")] continuation_token: Option<String>, } // Upstream: #[get("/organizations/<org_id>/events?<data..>")] async fn get_org_events(org_id: String, data: EventRange, _headers: AdminHeaders, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { // Return an empty vec when we org events are disabled. // This prevents client errors let events_json: Vec<Value> = if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { Vec::with_capacity(0) } else { let start_date = parse_date(&data.start); let end_date = if let Some(before_date) = &data.continuation_token { parse_date(before_date) } else { parse_date(&data.end) }; Event::find_by_organization_uuid(&org_id, &start_date, &end_date, &mut conn) .await .iter() .map(|e| e.to_json()) .collect() }; Ok(Json(json!({ "Data": events_json, "Object": "list", "ContinuationToken": get_continuation_token(&events_json), }))) } #[get("/ciphers/<cipher_id>/events?<data..>")] async fn get_cipher_events(cipher_id: String, data: EventRange, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { // Return an empty vec when we org events are disabled. // This prevents client errors let events_json: Vec<Value> = if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { Vec::with_capacity(0) } else { let mut events_json = Vec::with_capacity(0); if UserOrganization::user_has_ge_admin_access_to_cipher(&headers.user.uuid, &cipher_id, &mut conn).await { let start_date = parse_date(&data.start); let end_date = if let Some(before_date) = &data.continuation_token { parse_date(before_date) } else { parse_date(&data.end) }; events_json = Event::find_by_cipher_uuid(&cipher_id, &start_date, &end_date, &mut conn) .await .iter() .map(|e| e.to_json()) .collect() } events_json }; Ok(Json(json!({ "Data": events_json, "Object": "list", "ContinuationToken": get_continuation_token(&events_json), }))) } #[get("/organizations/<org_id>/users/<user_org_id>/events?<data..>")] async fn get_user_events( org_id: String, user_org_id: String, data: EventRange, _headers: AdminHeaders, mut conn: DbConn, ) -> JsonResult { // Return an empty vec when we org events are disabled. // This prevents client errors let events_json: Vec<Value> = if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { Vec::with_capacity(0) } else { let start_date = parse_date(&data.start); let end_date = if let Some(before_date) = &data.continuation_token { parse_date(before_date) } else { parse_date(&data.end) }; Event::find_by_org_and_user_org(&org_id, &user_org_id, &start_date, &end_date, &mut conn) .await .iter() .map(|e| e.to_json()) .collect() }; Ok(Json(json!({ "Data": events_json, "Object": "list", "ContinuationToken": get_continuation_token(&events_json), }))) } fn get_continuation_token(events_json: &Vec<Value>) -> Option<&str> { // When the length of the vec equals the max page_size there probably is more data // When it is less, then all events are loaded. if events_json.len() as i64 == Event::PAGE_SIZE { if let Some(last_event) = events_json.last() { last_event["date"].as_str() } else { None } } else { None } } /// ############################################################################################################### /// /events routes pub fn main_routes() -> Vec<Route> { routes![post_events_collect,] } #[derive(Deserialize, Debug)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] struct EventCollection { // Mandatory Type: i32, Date: String, // Optional CipherId: Option<String>, OrganizationId: Option<String>, } // Upstream: // // #[post("/collect", format = "application/json", data = "<data>")] async fn post_events_collect( data: JsonUpcaseVec<EventCollection>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, ip: ClientIp, ) -> EmptyResult { if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { return Ok(()); } for event in data.iter().map(|d| & { let event_date = parse_date(&event.Date); match event.Type { 1000..=1099 => { _log_user_event( event.Type, &headers.user.uuid, headers.device.atype, Some(event_date), &ip.ip, &mut conn, ) .await; } 1600..=1699 => { if let Some(org_uuid) = &event.OrganizationId { _log_event( event.Type, org_uuid, String::from(org_uuid), &headers.user.uuid, headers.device.atype, Some(event_date), &ip.ip, &mut conn, ) .await; } } _ => { if let Some(cipher_uuid) = &event.CipherId { if let Some(cipher) = Cipher::find_by_uuid(cipher_uuid, &mut conn).await { if let Some(org_uuid) = cipher.organization_uuid { _log_event( event.Type, cipher_uuid, org_uuid, &headers.user.uuid, headers.device.atype, Some(event_date), &ip.ip, &mut conn, ) .await; } } } } } } Ok(()) } pub async fn log_user_event(event_type: i32, user_uuid: &str, device_type: i32, ip: &IpAddr, conn: &mut DbConn) { if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { return; } _log_user_event(event_type, user_uuid, device_type, None, ip, conn).await; } async fn _log_user_event( event_type: i32, user_uuid: &str, device_type: i32, event_date: Option<NaiveDateTime>, ip: &IpAddr, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { let orgs = UserOrganization::get_org_uuid_by_user(user_uuid, conn).await; let mut events: Vec<Event> = Vec::with_capacity(orgs.len() + 1); // We need an event per org and one without an org // Upstream saves the event also without any org_uuid. let mut event = Event::new(event_type, event_date); event.user_uuid = Some(String::from(user_uuid)); event.act_user_uuid = Some(String::from(user_uuid)); event.device_type = Some(device_type); event.ip_address = Some(ip.to_string()); events.push(event); // For each org a user is a member of store these events per org for org_uuid in orgs { let mut event = Event::new(event_type, event_date); event.user_uuid = Some(String::from(user_uuid)); event.org_uuid = Some(org_uuid); event.act_user_uuid = Some(String::from(user_uuid)); event.device_type = Some(device_type); event.ip_address = Some(ip.to_string()); events.push(event); } Event::save_user_event(events, conn).await.unwrap_or(()); } pub async fn log_event( event_type: i32, source_uuid: &str, org_uuid: String, act_user_uuid: String, device_type: i32, ip: &IpAddr, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { if !CONFIG.org_events_enabled() { return; } _log_event(event_type, source_uuid, org_uuid, &act_user_uuid, device_type, None, ip, conn).await; } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] async fn _log_event( event_type: i32, source_uuid: &str, org_uuid: String, act_user_uuid: &str, device_type: i32, event_date: Option<NaiveDateTime>, ip: &IpAddr, conn: &mut DbConn, ) { // Create a new empty event let mut event = Event::new(event_type, event_date); match event_type { // 1000..=1099 Are user events, they need to be logged via log_user_event() // Collection Events 1100..=1199 => { event.cipher_uuid = Some(String::from(source_uuid)); } // Collection Events 1300..=1399 => { event.collection_uuid = Some(String::from(source_uuid)); } // Group Events 1400..=1499 => { event.group_uuid = Some(String::from(source_uuid)); } // Org User Events 1500..=1599 => { event.org_user_uuid = Some(String::from(source_uuid)); } // 1600..=1699 Are organizational events, and they do not need the source_uuid // Policy Events 1700..=1799 => { event.policy_uuid = Some(String::from(source_uuid)); } // Ignore others _ => {} } event.org_uuid = Some(org_uuid); event.act_user_uuid = Some(String::from(act_user_uuid)); event.device_type = Some(device_type); event.ip_address = Some(ip.to_string());; } pub async fn event_cleanup_job(pool: DbPool) { debug!("Start events cleanup job"); if CONFIG.events_days_retain().is_none() { debug!("events_days_retain is not configured, abort"); return; } if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get().await { Event::clean_events(&mut conn).await.ok(); } else { error!("Failed to get DB connection while trying to cleanup the events table") } }