use crate::db::DbConn; use serde_json::Value; use crate::{api::EmptyResult, error::MapResult, CONFIG}; use chrono::{Duration, NaiveDateTime, Utc}; // db_object! { // Upstream: // Upstream: // Upstream SQL: #[derive(Identifiable, Queryable, Insertable, AsChangeset)] #[diesel(table_name = event)] #[diesel(primary_key(uuid))] pub struct Event { pub uuid: String, pub event_type: i32, // EventType pub user_uuid: Option, pub org_uuid: Option, pub cipher_uuid: Option, pub collection_uuid: Option, pub group_uuid: Option, pub org_user_uuid: Option, pub act_user_uuid: Option, // Upstream enum: pub device_type: Option, pub ip_address: Option, pub event_date: NaiveDateTime, pub policy_uuid: Option, pub provider_uuid: Option, pub provider_user_uuid: Option, pub provider_org_uuid: Option, } } // Upstream enum: #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum EventType { // User UserLoggedIn = 1000, UserChangedPassword = 1001, UserUpdated2fa = 1002, UserDisabled2fa = 1003, UserRecovered2fa = 1004, UserFailedLogIn = 1005, UserFailedLogIn2fa = 1006, UserClientExportedVault = 1007, // UserUpdatedTempPassword = 1008, // Not supported // UserMigratedKeyToKeyConnector = 1009, // Not supported // Cipher CipherCreated = 1100, CipherUpdated = 1101, CipherDeleted = 1102, CipherAttachmentCreated = 1103, CipherAttachmentDeleted = 1104, CipherShared = 1105, CipherUpdatedCollections = 1106, CipherClientViewed = 1107, CipherClientToggledPasswordVisible = 1108, CipherClientToggledHiddenFieldVisible = 1109, CipherClientToggledCardCodeVisible = 1110, CipherClientCopiedPassword = 1111, CipherClientCopiedHiddenField = 1112, CipherClientCopiedCardCode = 1113, CipherClientAutofilled = 1114, CipherSoftDeleted = 1115, CipherRestored = 1116, CipherClientToggledCardNumberVisible = 1117, // Collection CollectionCreated = 1300, CollectionUpdated = 1301, CollectionDeleted = 1302, // Group GroupCreated = 1400, GroupUpdated = 1401, GroupDeleted = 1402, // OrganizationUser OrganizationUserInvited = 1500, OrganizationUserConfirmed = 1501, OrganizationUserUpdated = 1502, OrganizationUserRemoved = 1503, OrganizationUserUpdatedGroups = 1504, // OrganizationUserUnlinkedSso = 1505, // Not supported OrganizationUserResetPasswordEnroll = 1506, OrganizationUserResetPasswordWithdraw = 1507, OrganizationUserAdminResetPassword = 1508, // OrganizationUserResetSsoLink = 1509, // Not supported // OrganizationUserFirstSsoLogin = 1510, // Not supported OrganizationUserRevoked = 1511, OrganizationUserRestored = 1512, // Organization OrganizationUpdated = 1600, OrganizationPurgedVault = 1601, OrganizationClientExportedVault = 1602, // OrganizationVaultAccessed = 1603, // OrganizationEnabledSso = 1604, // Not supported // OrganizationDisabledSso = 1605, // Not supported // OrganizationEnabledKeyConnector = 1606, // Not supported // OrganizationDisabledKeyConnector = 1607, // Not supported // OrganizationSponsorshipsSynced = 1608, // Not supported // Policy PolicyUpdated = 1700, // Provider (Not yet supported) // ProviderUserInvited = 1800, // Not supported // ProviderUserConfirmed = 1801, // Not supported // ProviderUserUpdated = 1802, // Not supported // ProviderUserRemoved = 1803, // Not supported // ProviderOrganizationCreated = 1900, // Not supported // ProviderOrganizationAdded = 1901, // Not supported // ProviderOrganizationRemoved = 1902, // Not supported // ProviderOrganizationVaultAccessed = 1903, // Not supported } /// Local methods impl Event { pub fn new(event_type: i32, event_date: Option) -> Self { let event_date = match event_date { Some(d) => d, None => Utc::now().naive_utc(), }; Self { uuid: crate::util::get_uuid(), event_type, user_uuid: None, org_uuid: None, cipher_uuid: None, collection_uuid: None, group_uuid: None, org_user_uuid: None, act_user_uuid: None, device_type: None, ip_address: None, event_date, policy_uuid: None, provider_uuid: None, provider_user_uuid: None, provider_org_uuid: None, } } pub fn to_json(&self) -> Value { use crate::util::format_date; json!({ "type": self.event_type, "userId": self.user_uuid, "organizationId": self.org_uuid, "cipherId": self.cipher_uuid, "collectionId": self.collection_uuid, "groupId": self.group_uuid, "organizationUserId": self.org_user_uuid, "actingUserId": self.act_user_uuid, "date": format_date(&self.event_date), "deviceType": self.device_type, "ipAddress": self.ip_address, "policyId": self.policy_uuid, "providerId": self.provider_uuid, "providerUserId": self.provider_user_uuid, "providerOrganizationId": self.provider_org_uuid, // "installationId": null, // Not supported }) } } /// Database methods /// impl Event { pub const PAGE_SIZE: i64 = 30; /// ############# /// Basic Queries pub async fn save(&self, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { db_run! { conn: sqlite, mysql { diesel::replace_into(event::table) .values(EventDb::to_db(self)) .execute(conn) .map_res("Error saving event") } postgresql { diesel::insert_into(event::table) .values(EventDb::to_db(self)) .on_conflict(event::uuid) .do_update() .set(EventDb::to_db(self)) .execute(conn) .map_res("Error saving event") } } } pub async fn save_user_event(events: Vec, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { // Special save function which is able to handle multiple events. // SQLite doesn't support the DEFAULT argument, and does not support inserting multiple values at the same time. // MySQL and PostgreSQL do. // We also ignore duplicate if they ever will exists, else it could break the whole flow. db_run! { conn: // Unfortunately SQLite does not support inserting multiple records at the same time // We loop through the events here and insert them one at a time. sqlite { for event in events { diesel::insert_or_ignore_into(event::table) .values(EventDb::to_db(&event)) .execute(conn) .unwrap_or_default(); } Ok(()) } mysql { let events: Vec = events.iter().map(EventDb::to_db).collect(); diesel::insert_or_ignore_into(event::table) .values(&events) .execute(conn) .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(()) } postgresql { let events: Vec = events.iter().map(EventDb::to_db).collect(); diesel::insert_into(event::table) .values(&events) .on_conflict_do_nothing() .execute(conn) .unwrap_or_default(); Ok(()) } } } pub async fn delete(self, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { db_run! { conn: { diesel::delete(event::table.filter(event::uuid.eq(self.uuid))) .execute(conn) .map_res("Error deleting event") }} } /// ############## /// Custom Queries pub async fn find_by_organization_uuid( org_uuid: &str, start: &NaiveDateTime, end: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &mut DbConn, ) -> Vec { db_run! { conn: { event::table .filter(event::org_uuid.eq(org_uuid)) .filter(event::event_date.between(start, end)) .order_by(event::event_date.desc()) .limit(Self::PAGE_SIZE) .load::(conn) .expect("Error filtering events") .from_db() }} } pub async fn count_by_org(org_uuid: &str, conn: &mut DbConn) -> i64 { db_run! { conn: { event::table .filter(event::org_uuid.eq(org_uuid)) .count() .first::(conn) .ok() .unwrap_or(0) }} } pub async fn find_by_org_and_user_org( org_uuid: &str, user_org_uuid: &str, start: &NaiveDateTime, end: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &mut DbConn, ) -> Vec { db_run! { conn: { event::table .inner_join(users_organizations::table.on(users_organizations::uuid.eq(user_org_uuid))) .filter(event::org_uuid.eq(org_uuid)) .filter(event::event_date.between(start, end)) .filter(event::user_uuid.eq(users_organizations::user_uuid.nullable()).or(event::act_user_uuid.eq(users_organizations::user_uuid.nullable()))) .select(event::all_columns) .order_by(event::event_date.desc()) .limit(Self::PAGE_SIZE) .load::(conn) .expect("Error filtering events") .from_db() }} } pub async fn find_by_cipher_uuid( cipher_uuid: &str, start: &NaiveDateTime, end: &NaiveDateTime, conn: &mut DbConn, ) -> Vec { db_run! { conn: { event::table .filter(event::cipher_uuid.eq(cipher_uuid)) .filter(event::event_date.between(start, end)) .order_by(event::event_date.desc()) .limit(Self::PAGE_SIZE) .load::(conn) .expect("Error filtering events") .from_db() }} } pub async fn clean_events(conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { if let Some(days_to_retain) = CONFIG.events_days_retain() { let dt = Utc::now().naive_utc() - Duration::days(days_to_retain); db_run! { conn: { diesel::delete(event::table.filter( .execute(conn) .map_res("Error cleaning old events") }} } else { Ok(()) } } }