# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1 # check=skip=FromPlatformFlagConstDisallowed,RedundantTargetPlatform # This file was generated using a Jinja2 template. # Please make your changes in `DockerSettings.yaml` or `Dockerfile.j2` and then `make` # This will generate two Dockerfile's `Dockerfile.debian` and `Dockerfile.alpine` # Using multistage build: # https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/ # https://whitfin.io/speeding-up-rust-docker-builds/ ####################### VAULT BUILD IMAGE ####################### # The web-vault digest specifies a particular web-vault build on Docker Hub. # Using the digest instead of the tag name provides better security, # as the digest of an image is immutable, whereas a tag name can later # be changed to point to a malicious image. # # To verify the current digest for a given tag name: # - From https://hub.docker.com/r/vaultwarden/web-vault/tags, # click the tag name to view the digest of the image it currently points to. # - From the command line: # $ docker pull docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault:v2024.6.2c # $ docker image inspect --format "{{.RepoDigests}}" docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault:v2024.6.2c # [docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault@sha256:409ab328ca931439cb916b388a4bb784bd44220717aaf74cf71620c23e34fc2b] # # - Conversely, to get the tag name from the digest: # $ docker image inspect --format "{{.RepoTags}}" docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault@sha256:409ab328ca931439cb916b388a4bb784bd44220717aaf74cf71620c23e34fc2b # [docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault:v2024.6.2c] # FROM --platform=linux/amd64 docker.io/vaultwarden/web-vault@sha256:409ab328ca931439cb916b388a4bb784bd44220717aaf74cf71620c23e34fc2b AS vault ########################## Cross Compile Docker Helper Scripts ########################## ## We use the linux/amd64 no matter which Build Platform, since these are all bash scripts ## And these bash scripts do not have any significant difference if at all FROM --platform=linux/amd64 docker.io/tonistiigi/xx@sha256:1978e7a58a1777cb0ef0dde76bad60b7914b21da57cfa88047875e4f364297aa AS xx ########################## BUILD IMAGE ########################## # hadolint ignore=DL3006 FROM --platform=$BUILDPLATFORM docker.io/library/rust:1.82.0-slim-bookworm AS build COPY --from=xx / / ARG TARGETARCH ARG TARGETVARIANT ARG TARGETPLATFORM SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-o", "pipefail", "-c"] # Build time options to avoid dpkg warnings and help with reproducible builds. ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive \ LANG=C.UTF-8 \ TZ=UTC \ TERM=xterm-256color \ CARGO_HOME="/root/.cargo" \ USER="root" # Install clang to get `xx-cargo` working # Install pkg-config to allow amd64 builds to find all libraries # Install git so build.rs can determine the correct version # Install the libc cross packages based upon the debian-arch RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ --no-install-recommends \ clang \ pkg-config \ git \ "libc6-$(xx-info debian-arch)-cross" \ "libc6-dev-$(xx-info debian-arch)-cross" \ "linux-libc-dev-$(xx-info debian-arch)-cross" && \ xx-apt-get install -y \ --no-install-recommends \ gcc \ libmariadb3 \ libpq-dev \ libpq5 \ libssl-dev \ zlib1g-dev && \ # Force install arch dependend mariadb dev packages # Installing them the normal way breaks several other packages (again) apt-get download "libmariadb-dev-compat:$(xx-info debian-arch)" "libmariadb-dev:$(xx-info debian-arch)" && \ dpkg --force-all -i ./libmariadb-dev*.deb && \ # Run xx-cargo early, since it sometimes seems to break when run at a later stage echo "export CARGO_TARGET=$(xx-cargo --print-target-triple)" >> /env-cargo # Create CARGO_HOME folder and don't download rust docs RUN mkdir -pv "${CARGO_HOME}" && \ rustup set profile minimal # Creates a dummy project used to grab dependencies RUN USER=root cargo new --bin /app WORKDIR /app # Environment variables for Cargo on Debian based builds ARG ARCH_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR \ ARCH_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR RUN source /env-cargo && \ if xx-info is-cross ; then \ # Some special variables if needed to override some build paths if [[ -n "${ARCH_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR}" && -n "${ARCH_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}" ]]; then \ echo "export $(echo "${CARGO_TARGET}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr - _)_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=${ARCH_OPENSSL_LIB_DIR}" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export $(echo "${CARGO_TARGET}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr - _)_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=${ARCH_OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}" >> /env-cargo ; \ fi && \ # We can't use xx-cargo since that uses clang, which doesn't work for our libraries. # Because of this we generate the needed environment variables here which we can load in the needed steps. echo "export CC_$(echo "${CARGO_TARGET}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr - _)=/usr/bin/$(xx-info)-gcc" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export CARGO_TARGET_$(echo "${CARGO_TARGET}" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | tr - _)_LINKER=/usr/bin/$(xx-info)-gcc" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export PKG_CONFIG=/usr/bin/$(xx-info)-pkg-config" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export CROSS_COMPILE=1" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/$(xx-info)" >> /env-cargo && \ echo "export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=/usr/lib/$(xx-info)" >> /env-cargo ; \ fi && \ # Output the current contents of the file cat /env-cargo RUN source /env-cargo && \ rustup target add "${CARGO_TARGET}" # Copies over *only* your manifests and build files COPY ./Cargo.* ./rust-toolchain.toml ./build.rs ./ ARG CARGO_PROFILE=release # Configure the DB ARG as late as possible to not invalidate the cached layers above ARG DB=sqlite,mysql,postgresql # Builds your dependencies and removes the # dummy project, except the target folder # This folder contains the compiled dependencies RUN source /env-cargo && \ cargo build --features ${DB} --profile "${CARGO_PROFILE}" --target="${CARGO_TARGET}" && \ find . -not -path "./target*" -delete # Copies the complete project # To avoid copying unneeded files, use .dockerignore COPY . . ARG VW_VERSION # Builds again, this time it will be the actual source files being build RUN source /env-cargo && \ # Make sure that we actually build the project by updating the src/main.rs timestamp # Also do this for build.rs to ensure the version is rechecked touch build.rs src/main.rs && \ # Create a symlink to the binary target folder to easy copy the binary in the final stage cargo build --features ${DB} --profile "${CARGO_PROFILE}" --target="${CARGO_TARGET}" && \ if [[ "${CARGO_PROFILE}" == "dev" ]] ; then \ ln -vfsr "/app/target/${CARGO_TARGET}/debug" /app/target/final ; \ else \ ln -vfsr "/app/target/${CARGO_TARGET}/${CARGO_PROFILE}" /app/target/final ; \ fi ######################## RUNTIME IMAGE ######################## # Create a new stage with a minimal image # because we already have a binary built # # To build these images you need to have qemu binfmt support. # See the following pages to help install these tools locally # Ubuntu/Debian: https://wiki.debian.org/QemuUserEmulation # Arch Linux: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/QEMU#Chrooting_into_arm/arm64_environment_from_x86_64 # # Or use a Docker image which modifies your host system to support this. # The GitHub Actions Workflow uses the same image as used below. # See: https://github.com/tonistiigi/binfmt # Usage: docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install arm64,arm # To uninstall: docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --uninstall 'qemu-*' # # We need to add `--platform` here, because of a podman bug: https://github.com/containers/buildah/issues/4742 FROM --platform=$TARGETPLATFORM docker.io/library/debian:bookworm-slim ENV ROCKET_PROFILE="release" \ ROCKET_ADDRESS= \ ROCKET_PORT=80 \ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Create data folder and Install needed libraries RUN mkdir /data && \ apt-get update && apt-get install -y \ --no-install-recommends \ ca-certificates \ curl \ libmariadb-dev-compat \ libpq5 \ openssl && \ apt-get clean && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* VOLUME /data EXPOSE 80 # Copies the files from the context (Rocket.toml file and web-vault) # and the binary from the "build" stage to the current stage WORKDIR / COPY docker/healthcheck.sh docker/start.sh / COPY --from=vault /web-vault ./web-vault COPY --from=build /app/target/final/vaultwarden . HEALTHCHECK --interval=60s --timeout=10s CMD ["/healthcheck.sh"] CMD ["/start.sh"]