import { firefox, type FullConfig } from '@playwright/test'; import { execSync } from 'node:child_process'; import fs from 'fs'; const utils = require('./global-utils'); utils.loadEnv(); async function globalSetup(config: FullConfig) { // Are we running in docker and the project is mounted ? const path = (fs.existsSync("/project/playwright/playwright.config.ts") ? "/project/playwright" : "."); execSync(`docker compose --project-directory ${path} --profile playwright --env-file test.env build VaultwardenPrebuild`, { env: { ...process.env }, stdio: "inherit" }); execSync(`docker compose --project-directory ${path} --profile playwright --env-file test.env build Vaultwarden`, { env: { ...process.env }, stdio: "inherit" }); } export default globalSetup;