name: Build on: push: paths: - ".github/workflows/build.yml" - "src/**" - "migrations/**" - "Cargo.*" - "" - "rust-toolchain" pull_request: paths: - ".github/workflows/build.yml" - "src/**" - "migrations/**" - "Cargo.*" - "" - "rust-toolchain" jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-20.04 # Make warnings errors, this is to prevent warnings slipping through. # This is done globally to prevent rebuilds when the RUSTFLAGS env variable changes. env: RUSTFLAGS: "-D warnings" strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: channel: - "rust-toolchain" # The version defined in rust-toolchain - "1.60.0" # The supported MSRV name: Build and Test ${{ }} steps: # Checkout the repo - name: "Checkout" uses: actions/checkout@2541b1294d2704b0964813337f33b291d3f8596b # v3.0.2 # End Checkout the repo # Install dependencies - name: "Install dependencies Ubuntu" run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends openssl sqlite build-essential libmariadb-dev-compat libpq-dev libssl-dev pkg-config # End Install dependencies # Uses the rust-toolchain file to determine version - name: "Install rust-toolchain version" uses: actions-rs/toolchain@b2417cde72dcf67f306c0ae8e0828a81bf0b189f # v1.0.6 if: ${{ == 'rust-toolchain' }} with: profile: minimal components: clippy, rustfmt # End Uses the rust-toolchain file to determine version # Install the MSRV channel to be used - name: "Install MSRV version" uses: actions-rs/toolchain@b2417cde72dcf67f306c0ae8e0828a81bf0b189f # v1.0.6 if: ${{ != 'rust-toolchain' }} with: profile: minimal override: true toolchain: ${{ }} # End Install the MSRV channel to be used # Enable Rust Caching - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@6720f05bc48b77f96918929a9019fb2203ff71f8 # v2.0.0 # End Enable Rust Caching # Show environment - name: "Show environment" run: | rustc -vV cargo -vV # End Show environment # Run cargo tests (In release mode to speed up future builds) # First test all features together, afterwards test them separately. - name: "test features: sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc" id: test_sqlite_mysql_postgresql_mimalloc uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: $${{ always() }} with: command: test args: --release --features sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc - name: "test features: sqlite,mysql,postgresql" id: test_sqlite_mysql_postgresql uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: $${{ always() }} with: command: test args: --release --features sqlite,mysql,postgresql - name: "test features: sqlite" id: test_sqlite uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: $${{ always() }} with: command: test args: --release --features sqlite - name: "test features: mysql" id: test_mysql uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: $${{ always() }} with: command: test args: --release --features mysql - name: "test features: postgresql" id: test_postgresql uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: $${{ always() }} with: command: test args: --release --features postgresql # End Run cargo tests # Run cargo clippy, and fail on warnings (In release mode to speed up future builds) - name: "clippy features: sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc" id: clippy uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: ${{ always() && == 'rust-toolchain' }} with: command: clippy args: --release --features sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc -- -D warnings # End Run cargo clippy # Run cargo fmt (Only run on rust-toolchain defined version) - name: "check formatting" id: formatting uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: ${{ always() && == 'rust-toolchain' }} with: command: fmt args: --all -- --check # End Run cargo fmt # Check for any previous failures, if there are stop, else continue. # This is useful so all test/clippy/fmt actions are done, and they can all be addressed - name: "Some checks failed" if: ${{ failure() }} run: | echo "### :x: Checks Failed!" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|Job|Status|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|---|------|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|test (sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc)|${{ steps.test_sqlite_mysql_postgresql_mimalloc.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|test (sqlite,mysql,postgresql)|${{ steps.test_sqlite_mysql_postgresql.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|test (sqlite)|${{ steps.test_sqlite.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|test (mysql)|${{ steps.test_mysql.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|test (postgresql)|${{ steps.test_postgresql.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|clippy (sqlite,mysql,postgresql,enable_mimalloc)|${{ steps.clippy.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "|fmt|${{ steps.formatting.outcome }}|" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "Please check the failed jobs and fix where needed." >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY exit 1 # Check for any previous failures, if there are stop, else continue. # This is useful so all test/clippy/fmt actions are done, and they can all be addressed - name: "All checks passed" if: ${{ success() }} run: | echo "### :tada: Checks Passed!" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY echo "" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY # Build the binary to upload to the artifacts - name: "build features: sqlite,mysql,postgresql" uses: actions-rs/cargo@844f36862e911db73fe0815f00a4a2602c279505 # v1.0.3 if: ${{ == 'rust-toolchain' }} with: command: build args: --release --features sqlite,mysql,postgresql # End Build the binary # Upload artifact to Github Actions - name: "Upload artifact" uses: actions/upload-artifact@3cea5372237819ed00197afe530f5a7ea3e805c8 # v3.1.0 if: ${{ == 'rust-toolchain' }} with: name: vaultwarden path: target/${{ }}/release/vaultwarden # End Upload artifact to Github Actions