use std::path::Path; use chrono::{DateTime, Duration, Utc}; use rocket::form::Form; use rocket::fs::NamedFile; use rocket::fs::TempFile; use rocket::serde::json::Json; use serde_json::Value; use crate::{ api::{ApiResult, EmptyResult, JsonResult, JsonUpcase, Notify, NumberOrString, UpdateType}, auth::{ClientIp, Headers, Host}, db::{models::*, DbConn, DbPool}, util::SafeString, CONFIG, }; const SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG: &str = "Send does not exist or is no longer available"; // The max file size allowed by Bitwarden clients and add an extra 5% to avoid issues const SIZE_525_MB: u64 = 550_502_400; pub fn routes() -> Vec<rocket::Route> { routes![ get_sends, get_send, post_send, post_send_file, post_access, post_access_file, put_send, delete_send, put_remove_password, download_send, post_send_file_v2, post_send_file_v2_data ] } pub async fn purge_sends(pool: DbPool) { debug!("Purging sends"); if let Ok(mut conn) = pool.get().await { Send::purge(&mut conn).await; } else { error!("Failed to get DB connection while purging sends") } } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] struct SendData { Type: i32, Key: String, Password: Option<String>, MaxAccessCount: Option<NumberOrString>, ExpirationDate: Option<DateTime<Utc>>, DeletionDate: DateTime<Utc>, Disabled: bool, HideEmail: Option<bool>, // Data field Name: String, Notes: Option<String>, Text: Option<Value>, File: Option<Value>, FileLength: Option<NumberOrString>, } /// Enforces the `Disable Send` policy. A non-owner/admin user belonging to /// an org with this policy enabled isn't allowed to create new Sends or /// modify existing ones, but is allowed to delete them. /// /// Ref: /// /// There is also a Vaultwarden-specific `sends_allowed` config setting that /// controls this policy globally. async fn enforce_disable_send_policy(headers: &Headers, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { let user_uuid = &headers.user.uuid; if !CONFIG.sends_allowed() || OrgPolicy::is_applicable_to_user(user_uuid, OrgPolicyType::DisableSend, None, conn).await { err!("Due to an Enterprise Policy, you are only able to delete an existing Send.") } Ok(()) } /// Enforces the `DisableHideEmail` option of the `Send Options` policy. /// A non-owner/admin user belonging to an org with this option enabled isn't /// allowed to hide their email address from the recipient of a Bitwarden Send, /// but is allowed to remove this option from an existing Send. /// /// Ref: async fn enforce_disable_hide_email_policy(data: &SendData, headers: &Headers, conn: &mut DbConn) -> EmptyResult { let user_uuid = &headers.user.uuid; let hide_email = data.HideEmail.unwrap_or(false); if hide_email && OrgPolicy::is_hide_email_disabled(user_uuid, conn).await { err!( "Due to an Enterprise Policy, you are not allowed to hide your email address \ from recipients when creating or editing a Send." ) } Ok(()) } fn create_send(data: SendData, user_uuid: String) -> ApiResult<Send> { let data_val = if data.Type == SendType::Text as i32 { data.Text } else if data.Type == SendType::File as i32 { data.File } else { err!("Invalid Send type") }; let data_str = if let Some(mut d) = data_val { d.as_object_mut().and_then(|o| o.remove("Response")); serde_json::to_string(&d)? } else { err!("Send data not provided"); }; if data.DeletionDate > Utc::now() + Duration::days(31) { err!( "You cannot have a Send with a deletion date that far into the future. Adjust the Deletion Date to a value less than 31 days from now and try again." ); } let mut send = Send::new(data.Type, data.Name, data_str, data.Key, data.DeletionDate.naive_utc()); send.user_uuid = Some(user_uuid); send.notes = data.Notes; send.max_access_count = match data.MaxAccessCount { Some(m) => Some(m.into_i32()?), _ => None, }; send.expiration_date =|d| d.naive_utc()); send.disabled = data.Disabled; send.hide_email = data.HideEmail; send.atype = data.Type; send.set_password(data.Password.as_deref()); Ok(send) } #[get("/sends")] async fn get_sends(headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> Json<Value> { let sends = Send::find_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn); let sends_json: Vec<Value> = sends.await.iter().map(|s| s.to_json()).collect(); Json(json!({ "Data": sends_json, "Object": "list", "ContinuationToken": null })) } #[get("/sends/<uuid>")] async fn get_send(uuid: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { let send = match Send::find_by_uuid(&uuid, &mut conn).await { Some(send) => send, None => err!("Send not found"), }; if send.user_uuid.as_ref() != Some(&headers.user.uuid) { err!("Send is not owned by user") } Ok(Json(send.to_json())) } #[post("/sends", data = "<data>")] async fn post_send(data: JsonUpcase<SendData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> JsonResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let data: SendData = data.into_inner().data; enforce_disable_hide_email_policy(&data, &headers, &mut conn).await?; if data.Type == SendType::File as i32 { err!("File sends should use /api/sends/file") } let mut send = create_send(data, headers.user.uuid)?; conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendCreate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(Json(send.to_json())) } #[derive(FromForm)] struct UploadData<'f> { model: Json<crate::util::UpCase<SendData>>, data: TempFile<'f>, } #[derive(FromForm)] struct UploadDataV2<'f> { data: TempFile<'f>, } // @deprecated Mar 25 2021: This method has been deprecated in favor of direct uploads (v2). // This method still exists to support older clients, probably need to remove it sometime. // Upstream: #[post("/sends/file", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")] async fn post_send_file(data: Form<UploadData<'_>>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> JsonResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let UploadData { model, mut data, } = data.into_inner(); let model = model.into_inner().data; enforce_disable_hide_email_policy(&model, &headers, &mut conn).await?; let size_limit = match CONFIG.user_attachment_limit() { Some(0) => err!("File uploads are disabled"), Some(limit_kb) => { let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await; if left <= 0 { err!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space") } std::cmp::Ord::max(left as u64, SIZE_525_MB) } None => SIZE_525_MB, }; let mut send = create_send(model, headers.user.uuid)?; if send.atype != SendType::File as i32 { err!("Send content is not a file"); } let size = data.len(); if size > size_limit { err!("Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file"); } let file_id = crate::crypto::generate_send_id(); let folder_path = tokio::fs::canonicalize(&CONFIG.sends_folder()).await?.join(&send.uuid); let file_path = folder_path.join(&file_id); tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&folder_path).await?; if let Err(_err) = data.persist_to(&file_path).await { data.move_copy_to(file_path).await? } let mut data_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&; if let Some(o) = data_value.as_object_mut() { o.insert(String::from("Id"), Value::String(file_id)); o.insert(String::from("Size"), Value::Number(size.into())); o.insert(String::from("SizeName"), Value::String(crate::util::get_display_size(size as i32))); } = serde_json::to_string(&data_value)?; // Save the changes in the database conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendCreate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(Json(send.to_json())) } // Upstream: #[post("/sends/file/v2", data = "<data>")] async fn post_send_file_v2(data: JsonUpcase<SendData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn) -> JsonResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let data = data.into_inner().data; if data.Type != SendType::File as i32 { err!("Send content is not a file"); } enforce_disable_hide_email_policy(&data, &headers, &mut conn).await?; let file_length = match &data.FileLength { Some(m) => Some(m.into_i32()?), _ => None, }; let size_limit = match CONFIG.user_attachment_limit() { Some(0) => err!("File uploads are disabled"), Some(limit_kb) => { let left = (limit_kb * 1024) - Attachment::size_by_user(&headers.user.uuid, &mut conn).await; if left <= 0 { err!("Attachment storage limit reached! Delete some attachments to free up space") } std::cmp::Ord::max(left as u64, SIZE_525_MB) } None => SIZE_525_MB, }; if file_length.is_some() && file_length.unwrap() as u64 > size_limit { err!("Attachment storage limit exceeded with this file"); } let mut send = create_send(data, headers.user.uuid)?; let file_id = crate::crypto::generate_send_id(); let mut data_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(&; if let Some(o) = data_value.as_object_mut() { o.insert(String::from("Id"), Value::String(file_id.clone())); o.insert(String::from("Size"), Value::Number(file_length.unwrap().into())); o.insert(String::from("SizeName"), Value::String(crate::util::get_display_size(file_length.unwrap()))); } = serde_json::to_string(&data_value)?; conn).await?; Ok(Json(json!({ "fileUploadType": 0, // 0 == Direct | 1 == Azure "object": "send-fileUpload", "url": format!("/sends/{}/file/{}", send.uuid, file_id), "sendResponse": send.to_json() }))) } // #[post("/sends/<send_uuid>/file/<file_id>", format = "multipart/form-data", data = "<data>")] async fn post_send_file_v2_data( send_uuid: String, file_id: String, data: Form<UploadDataV2<'_>>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>, ) -> EmptyResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let mut data = data.into_inner(); if let Some(send) = Send::find_by_uuid(&send_uuid, &mut conn).await { let folder_path = tokio::fs::canonicalize(&CONFIG.sends_folder()).await?.join(&send_uuid); let file_path = folder_path.join(&file_id); tokio::fs::create_dir_all(&folder_path).await?; if let Err(_err) = { } nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendCreate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; } else { err!("Send not found. Unable to save the file."); } Ok(()) } #[derive(Deserialize)] #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub struct SendAccessData { pub Password: Option<String>, } #[post("/sends/access/<access_id>", data = "<data>")] async fn post_access( access_id: String, data: JsonUpcase<SendAccessData>, mut conn: DbConn, ip: ClientIp, nt: Notify<'_>, ) -> JsonResult { let mut send = match Send::find_by_access_id(&access_id, &mut conn).await { Some(s) => s, None => err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404), }; if let Some(max_access_count) = send.max_access_count { if send.access_count >= max_access_count { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404); } } if let Some(expiration) = send.expiration_date { if Utc::now().naive_utc() >= expiration { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } } if Utc::now().naive_utc() >= send.deletion_date { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } if send.disabled { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } if send.password_hash.is_some() { match data.into_inner().data.Password { Some(ref p) if send.check_password(p) => { /* Nothing to do here */ } Some(_) => err!("Invalid password", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip)), None => err_code!("Password not provided", format!("IP: {}.", ip.ip), 401), } } // Files are incremented during the download if send.atype == SendType::Text as i32 { send.access_count += 1; } conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendUpdate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(Json(send.to_json_access(&mut conn).await)) } #[post("/sends/<send_id>/access/file/<file_id>", data = "<data>")] async fn post_access_file( send_id: String, file_id: String, data: JsonUpcase<SendAccessData>, host: Host, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>, ) -> JsonResult { let mut send = match Send::find_by_uuid(&send_id, &mut conn).await { Some(s) => s, None => err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404), }; if let Some(max_access_count) = send.max_access_count { if send.access_count >= max_access_count { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } } if let Some(expiration) = send.expiration_date { if Utc::now().naive_utc() >= expiration { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } } if Utc::now().naive_utc() >= send.deletion_date { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } if send.disabled { err_code!(SEND_INACCESSIBLE_MSG, 404) } if send.password_hash.is_some() { match data.into_inner().data.Password { Some(ref p) if send.check_password(p) => { /* Nothing to do here */ } Some(_) => err!("Invalid password."), None => err_code!("Password not provided", 401), } } send.access_count += 1; conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendUpdate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; let token_claims = crate::auth::generate_send_claims(&send_id, &file_id); let token = crate::auth::encode_jwt(&token_claims); Ok(Json(json!({ "Object": "send-fileDownload", "Id": file_id, "Url": format!("{}/api/sends/{}/{}?t={}", &, send_id, file_id, token) }))) } #[get("/sends/<send_id>/<file_id>?<t>")] async fn download_send(send_id: SafeString, file_id: SafeString, t: String) -> Option<NamedFile> { if let Ok(claims) = crate::auth::decode_send(&t) { if claims.sub == format!("{send_id}/{file_id}") { return NamedFile::open(Path::new(&CONFIG.sends_folder()).join(send_id).join(file_id)).await.ok(); } } None } #[put("/sends/<id>", data = "<data>")] async fn put_send( id: String, data: JsonUpcase<SendData>, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>, ) -> JsonResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let data: SendData = data.into_inner().data; enforce_disable_hide_email_policy(&data, &headers, &mut conn).await?; let mut send = match Send::find_by_uuid(&id, &mut conn).await { Some(s) => s, None => err!("Send not found"), }; if send.user_uuid.as_ref() != Some(&headers.user.uuid) { err!("Send is not owned by user") } if send.atype != data.Type { err!("Sends can't change type") } // When updating a file Send, we receive nulls in the File field, as it's immutable, // so we only need to update the data field in the Text case if data.Type == SendType::Text as i32 { let data_str = if let Some(mut d) = data.Text { d.as_object_mut().and_then(|d| d.remove("Response")); serde_json::to_string(&d)? } else { err!("Send data not provided"); }; = data_str; } if data.DeletionDate > Utc::now() + Duration::days(31) { err!( "You cannot have a Send with a deletion date that far into the future. Adjust the Deletion Date to a value less than 31 days from now and try again." ); } = data.Name; send.akey = data.Key; send.deletion_date = data.DeletionDate.naive_utc(); send.notes = data.Notes; send.max_access_count = match data.MaxAccessCount { Some(m) => Some(m.into_i32()?), _ => None, }; send.expiration_date =|d| d.naive_utc()); send.hide_email = data.HideEmail; send.disabled = data.Disabled; // Only change the value if it's present if let Some(password) = data.Password { send.set_password(Some(&password)); } conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendUpdate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(Json(send.to_json())) } #[delete("/sends/<id>")] async fn delete_send(id: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> EmptyResult { let send = match Send::find_by_uuid(&id, &mut conn).await { Some(s) => s, None => err!("Send not found"), }; if send.user_uuid.as_ref() != Some(&headers.user.uuid) { err!("Send is not owned by user") } send.delete(&mut conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendDelete, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(()) } #[put("/sends/<id>/remove-password")] async fn put_remove_password(id: String, headers: Headers, mut conn: DbConn, nt: Notify<'_>) -> JsonResult { enforce_disable_send_policy(&headers, &mut conn).await?; let mut send = match Send::find_by_uuid(&id, &mut conn).await { Some(s) => s, None => err!("Send not found"), }; if send.user_uuid.as_ref() != Some(&headers.user.uuid) { err!("Send is not owned by user") } send.set_password(None); conn).await?; nt.send_send_update(UpdateType::SyncSendUpdate, &send, &send.update_users_revision(&mut conn).await).await; Ok(Json(send.to_json())) }